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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Medco is Ready to Acquire Ophir Energy

Medco Energi Global Pte Ltd (MEG), a subsidiary of PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MEDC), is exploring the acquisition of Ophir Energy Ltd's shares engaged in upstream oil and gas exploration and production. The acquisition will make seven private companies with the largest oil and gas production in ASEAN defeat Hess and BP.

BP Oil adn Gas

Medco Energy International Director Anthony R. Mathias said his party was still discussing Ophir Energy's offer to buy in cash all shares that had been and will be issued.

Ophir Energy's

"There has been no value submitted, the amount of funds provided, the amount of securities to be purchased, and the relationship between the parties that will transact, and not yet known," he said.

The corporate action was carried out for the development of the MEG business. If the acquisition is successful, Medco's oil and gas production will increase to 110 thousand boepd (barrel of oil equivalent per day). Medco's oil and gas production in 2018 is around 85 thousand boepd, while the oil and gas production of listed companies listed on the London stock exchange reaches 25 thousand boepd.

Ophir has upstream oil and gas assets in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and in the equator of Guinea and Tanzania. In addition, Ophir has exploration areas in Mexico and Bangladesh.

"For Medco, successful acquisitions will substantially strengthen the company's footprint in the region and diversify its experienced portfolio in Indonesia," added Wood Mackenzie Angus Rodger, Research Director.

The move will also increase oil and gas development in Tanzania and Guinea. In Indonesia, Ophir has 67.5 per cent of management rights in PSC Madura, 45 per cent of management rights in the Sampang PSC, and three PSCs in Bangkanai, Central Kalimantan, which have been producing. In addition, Ophir has two deep-sea exploration licenses in the West Papua Block IV and the Aru Block.


Medco Siap Akuisisi Ophir Energy

Medco Energi Global Pte Ltd (MEG), anak usaha PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk (MEDC), sedang menjajaki akuisisi saham Ophir Energy Ltd yang bergerak di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi hulu migas. Akuisisi tersebut akan membuat tujuh perusahaan swasta dengan produksi migas terbesar di ASEAN mengalahkan Hess dan BP.

Direktur Medco Energi Internasional Anthony R. Mathias mengatakan, pihaknya masih membahas tawaran Ophir Energy untuk membeli secara tunai seluruh saham yang telah dan akan dikeluarkan.

"Belum ada nilai yang diajukan, jumlah dana yang disediakan, jumlah efek yang akan dibeli, dan belum diketahui hubungan pihak-pihak yang akan bertransaksi," ujarnya.

Aksi korporasi itu dilakukan untuk pengembangan usaha MEG. Jika akuisisi tersebut sukses, produksi migas Medco akan meningkat menjadi 110 ribu boepd (barel oil equivalen per day). Produksi migas Medco pada 2018 sekitar 85 ribu boepd, sedangkan produksi migas emiten yang terlisting di bursa saham London tersebut mencapai 25 ribu boepd.

Ophir memiliki aset hulu migas di Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, serta di ekuator Guinea dan Tanzania. Selain itu, Ophir memiliki wilayah eksplorasi di Meksiko dan Bangladesh. 

”Bagi Medco, akuisisi yang berhasil akan secara substansial memantapkan jejak perusahaan di kawasan dan mendiversifikasikan portofolio yang berpengalaman di Indonesia," imbuh Direktur Penelitian Wood Mackenzie Angus Rodger. 

Langkah tersebut juga akan menambah pengembangan migas di Tanzania dan Guinea. Di Indonesia, Ophir memiliki 67,5 persen hak kelola di PSC Madura, 45 persen hak kelola di PSC Sampang, dan tiga PSC di Bangkanai, Kalimantan Tengah, yang telah berproduksi. Selain itu, Ophir memiliki dua lisensi eksplorasi laut dalam di Blok Papua Barat IV dan Blok Aru.

Jawa pos, Page-5, Thursday, Jan 3, 2019

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