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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Pertamina Will Buy Oil and Gas Contractor Oil

11 oil and gas contractors have reportedly agreed to sell crude oil to Pertamina

The state-owned oil company, PT Pertamina, has the opportunity to suppress crude oil imports. This is because the oil and gas company has obtained a contract to purchase crude oil from a private oil and gas contractor (KKKS).

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia

Purchased commodities are domestic oil production (DMO). One of the crude oil purchased is oil produced by PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, totaling 90,000 barrels per day (bpd). Even 11 other oil contractors have also agreed to buy crude oil by Pertamina.

The Director General of Oil and Gas (Director General of Oil and Gas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto confirmed this. He said, Chevron had approved the production of crude oil sold to Pertamina as much as 90,000 bpd.

However, Djoko is still reluctant to disclose the taxation issue which has been a problem. He only said that the tax issue was no longer a problem.

"The tax is normal. Try asking, I have not received a written report. Ask directly to Pertamina or Chevron," he said

In addition to Chevron, Pertamina has obtained a contract to purchase crude oil from other contractors. The number is about 11 KKKS with the target of adding 225,000 bpd of crude oil.

"It has been dozens of contractors who deal with Pertamina. If possible, the total volume is 225,000 bpd," he said.

The obligation of the KKKS to sell crude oil to the domestic market, especially Pertamina, is contained in the ESDM Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation Number 42/2018 concerning the Priority for Utilizing Petroleum for Fulfilling Domestic Needs.

The regulation was issued as an attempt by the government to suppress crude oil imports, Article 3 of the regulation states, contractors or affiliates are obliged to offer petroleum contractor parts to Pertamina and or business entities holding petroleum processing business licenses.

The offer obligation is carried out no later than three months before the commencement of the export recommendation period for all volumes of petroleum in the contractor's part by conducting purchasing negotiations in the normal manner of the business.

Regarding the results of the negotiations, Pertamina can directly appoint contractors to purchase petroleum contractors and Pertamina can hold long-term contracts for 12 months.

Previously Pertamina wanted the purchase of crude oil from contractors using rupiah. But Djoko said that the purchase should be made in business to business (B to B) and not the obligation of the KKKS to sell using rupiah.

Mutual benefit

Previously, PT Pertamina's Retail Marketing Director, Mas'ud Khamid, said that dozens of oil produced in Indonesia could be processed at Pertamina's refineries. That way, Pertamina is ready to buy all the oil produced by the KKKS.


The progress is still negotiating oil purchases using the rupiah. Mas'ud said, one of the contractors who agreed to transact using rupiah was Petronas. He reasoned, the purchase of crude oil from the KKKS could suppress Pertamina's imports. On the other hand, transactions with the rupiah are expected to increase the strengthening of the rupiah.

Fahmy Radhi

Energy and Economics Observer at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Fahmy Radhi assessed that the sale of crude oil from contractors to Pertamina provides mutual benefits for both. For example, the KKKS does not need to export crude oil, in the sense of reducing transportation, export and logistics costs. As for Pertamina, there is no need to import the oil needed, so that it can reduce the volume of imports of oil needed.

"This will be able to reduce the oil balance deficit, which has so far been higher than exports," he said.

Most importantly, said Fahmy, the price of selling KKKS oil to Pertamina cannot be determined by the government, because it will harm the KKKS.


Pertamina Akan Membeli Minyak Kontraktor Migas

Sebanyak 11 kontraktor migas kabarnya sudah setuju menjual minyak mentah ke Pertamina

Perusahaan minyak milik negara, PT Pertamina, berpeluang menekan impor minyak mentah. Sebab, perusahaan migas ini telah mendapatkan kontrak pembelian minyak mentah dari kontraktor migas swasta (KKKS).

Komoditas yang dibeli merupakan produksi minyak dalam negeri atau domestic market obligation (DMO). Salah satu minyak mentah yang dibeli adalah minyak produksi PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia, sebanyak 90.000 barel per hari (bph). Bahkan 11 kontraktor minyak lainnya kabarnya juga sudah menyepakati pembelian minyak mentah oleh Pertamina.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto membenarkan hal tersebut. Dia bilang, Chevron sudah merestui minyak mentah hasil produksinya dijual kepada Pertamina sebanyak 90,000 bph.

Namun Djoko masih enggan mengungkapkan perihal perpajakan yang selama ini menjadi kendala. Dia hanya bilang soal perpajakan sudah tidak ada masalah lagi. 

"Pajaknya normal saja. Coba saja tanya, saya belum dapat laporan tertulis. Tanya langsung ke Pertamina atau Chevron," ujar dia

Selain Chevron, Pertamina sudah memperoleh kontrak pembelian minyak mentah kepada kontraktor lainnya. Jumlahnya sekitar 11 KKKS dengan target penambahan minyak mentah sebanyak 225.000 bph. 

"Sudah belasan kontraktor yang deal dengan Pertamina. Kalau bisa semuanya, total volumenya 225.000 bph," ungkap dia.

Kewajiban KKKS menjual rninyak mentah ke pasar dalam negeri khususnya Pertamina ada didalam dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral ESDM Nomor 42/2018 tentang Prioritas Pemanfaatan Minyak Bumi untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri. 

Regulasi tersebut dikeluarkan sebagai upaya pemerintah menekan impor minyak mentah, Pasal 3 regulasi itu menyebutkan, kontraktor atau afiliasinya wajib menawarkan minyak bumi bagian kontraktor ke Pertamina dan atau badan usaha pemegang izin usaha pengolahan minyak bumi.

Kewajiban penawaran tersebut dilaksanakan paling lambat tiga bulan sebelum dimulainya periode rekomendasi ekspor untuk seluruh volume minyak bumi bagian kontraktor dengan melakukan negosiasi pembelian secara kelaziman bisnis.

Terhadap hasil negosiasi itu, Pertamina bisa melakukan penunjukan langsung kontraktor untuk pembelian minyak bumi bagian kontraktor dan Pertamina dapat mangadakan kontrak jangka panjang selama 12 bulan.

Sebelumnya Pertamina menginginkan pembelian minyak mentah dari kontraktor menggunakan rupiah. Tapi Djoko mengatakan seharusnya pembelian itu dilakukan secara business to business (B to B) dan bukan menjadi kewajiban KKKS menjual memakai rupiah.

Saling untung

Sebelumnya Direktur Pemasaran Retail PT Pertamina, Mas'ud Khamid mengatakan, seluluh minyak hasil produksi di Indonesia bisa diolah di kilang milik Pertamina. Dengan begitu, Pertamina siap membeli semua minyak yang dihasilkan KKKS.

Adapun progresnya masih negosiasi pembelian minyak menggunakan rupiah. Mas'ud bilang, salah satu kontraktor yang setuju bertransaksi memakai rupiah adalah Petronas. Dia beralasan, pembelian minyak mentah dari KKKS bisa menekan impor Pertamina. Di sisi lain, transaksi dengan rupiah diharapkan bisa meningkatkan penguatan rupiah.

Pengamat Energi dan Ekonomi Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Fahmy Radhi menilai, penjualan minyak mentah dari kontraktor ke Pertamina memberikan mutual benefit bagi keduanya. Misalnya, KKKS tidak perlu mengekspor minyak mentah, dalam arti mengurangi biaya transport, ekspor, logistik. Sedangkan bagi Pertamina, tidak perlu harus impor minyak yang dibutuhkan, sehingga bisa mengurangi volume impor dari minyak yang dibutuhkan. 

"Ini akan dapat mengurangi defisit neraca minyak yang selama ini impornya lebih tinggi daripada ekspor," ungkap dia.

Yang terpenting, kata Fahmy, harga penjualan minyak KKKS kepada Pertamina tidak bisa ditentukan pemerintah, karena akan merugikan KKKS.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan 3, 2019

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