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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Petronas and Repsol Work on Saka Kemang Oil and Gas Blocks

At the beginning of this year, Petronas and Repsol will work on the Sakakemang Working Area (WK) in South Sumatra. The collaboration was marked by the signing of a joint operation agreement in December last year.


President Petronas Carigali Indonesia, Mohd Nazlee Rasol, said that the collaboration between the management of the Sakakemang Block will be carried out by subsidiaries of the two companies. Those involved are a subsidiary of Petronas, PC Sakakemang BV, and a subsidiary of Repsol, Talisman Sakakemang BV.

Petronas Carigali Indonesia

"Petronas will continue to play an active role in the long-term development of the petroleum industry in the Indonesian region," he said.

the Sakakemang Block by Petronaa & Repsol

Regarding the shares in the Sakakemang Block, Petronas will hold a 45% stake and Repsol also controls 45%. The remaining 10 percent will be held by Mitsui Oil Exploration Co Ltd (MOECO).

Mitsui Oil Exploration Co Ltd (MOECO)

Mohd Nazlee said, as the oil and gas block managed by the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS), the Sakakemang Block will be under the supervision and control of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas).

the Ketapang Block by Petronas

In addition to cooperation with Repsol, Petronas has managed oil and gas blocks in Indonesia. For example, the Ketapang Block, where the Malaysian company is an operator that holds 80% of the shares with a contract period until 2028. In addition, Petronas controls 100% of the North Madura II Block with a contract period until 2045.


Petronas dan Repsol Garap Blok Migas Saka Kemang

Pada awal tahun ini, Petronas bersama Repsol bakal menggarap Wilayah Kerja (WK) Sakakemang di Sumatra Selatan. Kerjasama tersebut ditandai dengan penandatanganan perjanjian operasi bersama pada Desember tahun lalu.

Presiden Petronas Carigali Indonesia, Mohd Nazlee Rasol, mengatakan kerjasama pengelolaan Blok Sakakemang akan dilakukan anak usaha dari kedua perusahaan, Mereka yang terlibat adalah anak usaha Petronas, PC Sakakemang BV, dan anak usaha Repsol, Talisman Sakakemang BV.

“Petronas akan terus memainkan peran aktif dalam pengembangan jangka panjang industri perminyakan di wilayah Indonesia," kata dia.

Perihal bagian saham dalam Blok Sakakemang, Petronas akan memegang saham 45% dan Repsol juga menguasai 45%. Adapun sisanya 10% saham akan dipegang Mitsui Oil Exploration Co Ltd (MOECO).

Mohd Nazlee mengemukakan, sebagai blok migas yang dikelola Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS), maka Blok Sakakemang akan berada di bawah pengawasan dan kendali Satuan Kerja Khusus Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas).

Selain kerjasama dengan Repsol, Petronas sudah mengelola blok migas di Indonesia. Misalnya Blok Ketapang, di mana perusahaan dari Malaysia ini adalah operator yang memegang 80% saham dengan masa kontrak hingga tahun 2028. Selain itu, Petronas menguasai 100% Blok North Madura II dengan masa kontrak sampai tahun 2045.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 9, 2019

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