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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Rokan Block Contract Has Not Been Signed

As of the end of 2018, PT Pertamina (Persero) had not yet signed a Block Rokan management contract. In fact, Pertamina had already paid a signature bonus of US $ 783 million or around Rp. 11.3 trillion and a performance bond of 10% of Definite Work Commitment (CTF) worth US $ 500 million.

Rokan Block

The Director General of Oil and Gas (Director General of Oil and Gas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto said, Pertamina had already paid its obligations as a first step in managing the upcoming Rokan Block in 2021.

Rokan Block

"Yes, I have (paid) according to time," he told KONTAN.

But Djoko did not disclose in detail when the obligation was paid. Previously, Djoko said, the payment target was on December 21. The ESDM Ministry has not been able to ascertain when the Rokan Block contract will be signed by Pertamina, even though the obligation has been fulfilled by this government-owned oil and gas company.

"As soon as possible," said Djoko.

Pertamina targets the signature of the Block Rokan contract at the end of December 2018. Currently, they are preparing a subsidiary to sign a contract.

"Yes, it will be later for the signing through a new company. Because the Rokan Block is large, it must be managed by a unit that focuses on handling it," said Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina, Syahrial Mukhtar.

To get the Rokan Block, Pertamina gave a signature bonus of US $ 784 million or Rp. 11.3 trillion and a definite five-year commitment of US $ 500 million or Rp. 7.2 trillion in carrying out oil and gas exploitation activities. 

    The definite five-year commitment of US $ 500 million is not only used for the development of the Rokan Block, but also other fields that have not yet been explored. In general, in the management of oil and gas blocks for 20 years, Pertamina has prepared US $ 72 billion in funds.

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

In early August 2018, the government granted 100% management rights to the Rokan Block in Riau to Pertamina, starting August 8, 2021. The old owner of this block is PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia.


Kontrak Blok Rokan Belum juga Ditandatangani

Hingga akhir tahun 2018, PT Pertamina (Persero) belum juga menandatangani kontrak pengelolaan Blok Rokan, Padahal, Pertamina sudah membayar kewajiban bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) sebesar US$ 783 juta atau sekitar Rp 11,3 triliun dan performance bond sebesar 10% dari Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) senilai US$ 500 juta.

Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto menyatakan, Pertamina sudah membayar kewajibannya sebagai langkah awal pengelolaan Blok Rokan pada tahun 2021 mendatang. 

"Iya sudah (bayar) sesuai waktu," ujar dia kepada KONTAN. 

Namun Djoko tidak mengungkapkan secara mendetail kapan kewajiban tersebut dibayarkan. Sebelumnya Djoko menyebutkan, target pembayaran pada 21 Desember. Kementerian ESDM belum bisa memastikan kapan kontrak Blok Rokan akan ditandatangani oleh Pertamina, meski kewajiban sudah dipenuhi perusahaan migas milik pemerintah ini.

"Secepatnya," ucap Djoko.

Pertamina menargetkan tanda tangan kontrak Blok Rokan akhir Desember 2018. Saat ini, mereka menyiapkan anak usaha agar bisa tanda tangan kontrak. 

"Iya, jadi nanti untuk signing-nya melalui perusahaan baru. Karena Blok Rokan itu besar, jadi harus dikelola satu unit yang fokus menanganinya," kata Corporate Secretary PT Pertamina, Syahrial Mukhtar.

Untuk mendapatkan Blok Rokan, Pertamina memberikan bonus tandatangan sebesar US$ 784 juta atau Rp 11,3 triliun dan nilai komitmen pasti lima tahun US$ 500 juta atau Rp 7,2 triliun dalam menjalankan aktivitas eksploitasi migas. 

    Komitmen pasti lima tahun sebesar US$ 500 juta tidak hanya digunakan untuk pengembangan Blok Rokan, tetapi juga lapangan - lapangan lain yang belum dieksplorasi. Secara umum, dalam pengelolaan blok migas selama 20 tahun, Pertamina menyiapkan dana US$ 72 miliar.

Di awal Agustus 2018, pemerintah memberikan hak pengelolaan 100% Blok Rokan di Riau ke Pertamina, mulai 8 Agustus 2021. Pemilik lama blok ini adalah PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Dec 27, 2018

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