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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The South Jambi B Block contract was signed

The oil and gas working area (WK) of South Jambi B adds to the number of contracts using the Gross Split profit sharing scheme. This is in line with the signing of the PSC / cooperation contract at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

Jindi South Jambi B Co Ltd is a contractor working on the block effective on January 26, 2020 with a contract period of 20 years. The South Jambi B Block is currently still operated by ConocoPhilips (South Jambi) B, which will expire on January 25, 2020.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said, with the signing of the South Jambi B Block contract, the number of contracts that have been and will be signed using a gross profit sharing scheme (groos split) was recorded as many as 32 contracts since 2017. The details consist of 11 oil and gas block contracts auctioned , 20 termination block contracts, and one contract amendment.

"The total investment commitment of the 32 oil and gas WK reaches around US $ 2.1 billion, equivalent to Rp. 31 trillion," Arcandra said after signing in Jakarta.

Arcandra Tahar

Arcandra explained, the signature bonus from this block was US $ 5 million and the investment value of the Definite Work Commitment (KKP) reached US $ 60 million. The details of the activities to be worked on in the first five years of this contract are G & G Study, 2D seismic 300 km, 3D seismic 400 km, and three exploration wells. He mentioned that Jindi could cooperate with ConocoPhilips as an existing contractor to carry out exploration.

"Efforts can be made before the contract ends with cooperation," he said.

He said, the estimated reserves in the South Jambi Block were 600 thousand barrels for oil and 270 trillion cubic feet for proven gas reserves. This block has no longer been in production since 2012, but has reached the peak of gas production of 23 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd in 2006 and oil up to 512 barrels per day (bpd) in 2005.

Meanwhile Jindi South Jambi Managing Director B Song-Zhizong explained that the first Plan of Development / POD will be submitted at least at the beginning of the second semester next year. He believes the potential of South Jambi B is quite large. Besides that, several structures have also been developed by previous contractors, so that only continuing exploration activities.


Kontrak Blok South Jambi B di Tandatangani

Wilayah kerja (WK) minyak dan gas bumi South Jambi B menambah jumlah kontrak yang menggunakan skema bagi hasil Gross Split. Hal ini seiring dengan ditandatanganinya kontrak kerja sama /PSC tersebut di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).

Jindi South Jambi B Co Ltd merupakan kontraktor yang menggarap blok tersebut berlaku efektif pada 26 Januari 2020 dengan jangka waktu kontrak selama 20 tahun. Blok South Jambi B saat ini masih dioperasikan oleh ConocoPhilips (South Jambi) B yang akan berakhir kontraknya pada 25 Januari 2020.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan, dengan ditandatangani-nya kontrak Blok South Jambi B, jumlah kontrak yang telah dan akan ditandatangani menggunakan skema bagi hasil kotor (groos split) tercatat sebanyak 32 kontrak sejak 2017. Adapun rinciannya terdiri dari 11 kontrak blok migas hasil lelang, 20 kontrak blok terminasi, dan satu amendemen kontrak.

“Total komitmen investasi dari ke 32 WK migas tersebut mencapai sekitar US$ 2,1 miliar atau setara Rp 31 triliun,” kata Arcandra usai penandatangan di Jakarta.
Arcandra menerangkan, bonus tanda tangan (signature bonus) dari blok ini sebesar US$ 5 juta dan nilai investasi Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP) mencapai US$ 60 juta. Adapun rincian kegiatan yang akan digarap dalam lima tahun pertama dari kontrak ini yakni Studi G&G, seismik 2D 300 km, seismik 3D 400 km persegi, dan tiga sumur eksplorasi. Dia menyebut Jindi bisa melakukan kerjasama dengan ConocoPhilips selaku kontraktor eksisting untuk melakukan eksplorasi. 

“Bisa dilakukan usaha-usaha sebelum kontrak itu berakhir dengan kerja sama,” ujarnya.

Dikatakannya, perkiraan cadangan di Blok South Jambi itu sebesar 600 ribu barel untuk minyak dan 270 triliun kaki kubik untuk cadangan terbukti gasnya. Blok ini sudah tidak lagi berproduksi sejak 2012 lalu, namun pernah mencapai puncak produksi gas sebesar 23 juta kaki kubik per hari/ mmscfd di 2006 dan minyak hingga 512 barel per hari (bph) di 2005.

Sementara itu Direktur Utama Jindi South Jambi B Song- Zhizong menerangkan, rencana Plan of Development/POD pertama akan diajukan paling tidak di awal semester kedua tahun depan. Dia meyakini potensi South Jambi B cukup besar. Disamping itu, beberapa struktur juga sudah dikembangkan oleh kontraktor terdahulu, sehingga hanya melanjutkan kegiatan eksplorasi. 

“Discovery sudah ada, lalu dua struktur sudah dikembangkan,” ujarnya.

 Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec 21, 2018

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