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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Chevron Manages the West Seno Field Again

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia won the West Seno field which they once managed. The government again provided the field because there were already production facilities owned by Chevron. The field entered the Rapak Block which is currently managed by the oil and gas company from the United States.

Previously, the West Seno Field entered the Makassar Strait working area which will be auctioned this year. The Director General of Oil and Gas (Director General of Oil and Gas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto said, there would be five oil and gas Working Areas (WK) to be auctioned in stage l in 2019. Of the five oil and gas blocks, there were three exploration blocks and two production blocks.

the Makassar Strait

The exploration block includes WK Anambas, Makassar Strait WK which changed its name to West Ganal, and WK West Kaimana. The two production blocks consist of WK West Kampar and WK Selat Panjang. 

    At the Makassar Straits WK, according to Djoko, there will be no West Seno field. He said, the West Seno field was issued from the Makassar Strait WK and entered into the Rapak Block managed by Chevron.

"West Seno has a platform and production, later it will be replaced to Rapak Chevron, but only the production facilities," said Djoko.

Djoko also said that Chevron will continue the management of West Seno Field until 2020 which is the end of the Makassar Strait Block contract.


Chevron Mengelola Lagi Lapangan West Seno

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia meraih lapangan West Seno yang dulu sempat mereka kelola. Pemerintah kembali memberikan lapangan tersebut lantaran sudah ada fasilitas produksi milik Chevron. Lapangan itu masuk Blok Rapak yang saat ini dikelola perusahaan migas asal Amerika Serikat itu.

Sebelumnya, Lapangan West Seno rmasuk ke dalam wilayah kerja Makassar Strait yang akan dilelang pada tahun ini. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Dirjen Migas) Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, akan ada lima Wilayah Kerja (WK) migas yang akan dilelang pada tahap l di tahun 2019. Dari lima blok migas tersebut, terdapat tiga blok eksplorasi dan dua blok produksi.

Blok ekplorasi meliputi WK Anambas, WK Makassar Strait yang berubah nama menjadi West Ganal, dan WK West Kaimana. Adapun dua blok produksi terdiri dari WK West Kampar dan WK Selat Panjang. Di WK Makassar Straits, menurut Djoko, tidak akan ada lagi lapangan West Seno. Dia bilang, lapangan West Seno dikeluarkan dari WK Makassar Strait dan masuk ke dalam Blok Rapak yang dikelola Chevron.

"West Seno ada platform dan produksi, nanti diganti ke Rapak Chevron, namun fasilitas produksinya saja," ungkap Djoko.

Djoko pun menyebutkan Chevron akan meneruskan pengelolaan Lapangan West Seno hingga tahun 2020 yang merupakan akhir kontrak Blok Makassar Strait.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 14, 2019

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