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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Oil and Gas 6 Block Contracts Revised To Gross Split

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that there were five oil and gas companies that proposed amendments to their production contracts (PSCs) to become gross split schemes. This PSC revision is for six conventional and non-conventional oil and gas blocks.

Deputy Minister of ESDM Arcandra Tahar said, the six oil and gas blocks will be amended to become a gross split scheme until next month. In the next two weeks, the two oil and gas block contracts are targeted to be changed to gross split. Furthermore, the four oil and gas blocks will be followed again.

"Hopefully in the next two weeks there will be 38 oil and gas blocks (gross split). What has changed is six oil and gas blocks until mid-February. This year will continue to increase (gross split contract), "he said. Thus, a total of 42 oil and gas blocks will use gross split contracts in February.

The four oil and gas blocks that will be revised are the conventional oil and gas blocks. In particular, the Duyung Block is managed by Conrad Petroleum, North Arafura by Mandiri Arafura Utara Ltd, Bunga Mas by Bunga Mas International Company, and Blok Sebatik by Star Energy. 

Arcandra Tahar

     While two of them are coal bed methane (CBM) gas, namely Muralim and Tanjung Enim Blocks that are worked on by Dart Energy Arcandra, explaining that the reason oil and gas companies amend their contracts to gross split is to consider the benefits of using gross split schemes.

Some of these advantages are efficient, processes that are not complicated, simple and have more certainty, where the parameters of the distribution of incentives are clear and measurable.

"For these reasons, they transferred their contracts to gross splits," he said.

The Tanjung Enim and Muralim CBM blocks are the first two non-conventional oil and gas blocks to switch to gross splits. Arcandra said, there was no special incentive for CBM Blocks that switched to gross split schemes. The profit sharing (split) for non-conventional oil and gas blocks remains in accordance with applicable regulations.

He promised, the contract revision process to gross split would only take one month, including for the approval of its development plan (plan of development / POD).

ENI Italy

"We will approve POD and PSC such as Eni, POD and PSC, we approve (in) one month," said Arcandra.

Duyung Block is located in the West Natuna Basin. Referring to the official page, Conrad Petroleum has drilled four wells in this Mako Field, where the fourth well drilling was carried out in June 2017. 

    The Mako field is estimated to have 705 billion cubic feet of gas with upside scenarios up to 1,317 billion cubic feet. Currently Conrad is compiling this field POD. Holders of the Duyung Block participation rights are Conrad 90% and Empyrean Energy Plc 10%.


Kontrak 6 Blok Migas Direvisi Jadi Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan terdapat lima perusahaan migas yang mengusulkan amendemen kontrak kerja samanya (production sharing contract/ PSC) menjadi skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Revisi PSC ini untuk enam blok migas konvensional dan non-konvensional.

Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar menuturkan, enam blok migas ini akan diamendemen kontraknya menjadi skema gross split sampai bulan depan. Dalam dua pekan ke depan, kontrak dua blok migas diantaranya ditargetkan sudah berganti menjadi gross split. Selanjutnya, akan disusul kontrak empat blok migas lagi.

“Semoga dua pekan lagi menjadi 38 blok migas (gross split). Yang berubah ada enam blok migas sampai pertengahan Februari. Tahun ini akan tambah terus (kontrak gross split),” kata dia. Sehingga, total akan ada 42 blok migas yang menggunakan kontrak gross split pada Februari.

Empat blok migas yang akan direvisi kontraknya ini adalah blok migas konvensional. Rincinya, Blok Duyung yang dikelola oleh Conrad Petroleum, North Arafura oleh Mandiri Arafura Utara Ltd, Bunga Mas oleh Bunga Mas International Company, dan Blok Sebatik oleh Star Energy. 

    Sementara dua diantaranya adalah blok gas methana batu bara (coal bed methane/ CBM), yaitu Blok Muralim dan Tanjung Enim yang digarap oleh Dart Energy Arcandra menjelaskan, alasan perusahaan migas mengamendemen kontraknya menjadi gross split adalah mempertimbangkan keuntungan menggunakan skema gross split. 

Beberapa keuntungan ini adalah efisien, proses yang tidak berbelit-belit, sederhana dan lebih memiliki kepastian, dimana parameter pembagian insentif jelas dan terukur. 

“Karena alasan-alasan itu mereka mengalihkan kontraknya menjadi gross split," ujar dia.

Blok CBM Tanjung Enim dan Muralim merupakan dua blok migas non-konvensional pertama yang beralih ke gross split. Dikatakan Arcandra, tidak ada insentif khusus bagi Blok CBM yang beralih ke skema gross split. Bagi hasil (split) untuk blok migas non-konvensional tetap sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku.

Dia menjanjikan, proses revisi kontrak ke gross split ini hanya akan memakan waktu satu bulan, termasuk untuk persetujuan rencana pengembangannya (plan of development/ POD).

“POD dan PSC akan kami setujui seperti Eni, POD dan PSC kami setujui (dalam) satu bulan,” tutur Arcandra.

Blok Duyung berlokasi di West Natuna Basin. Mengacu laman resminya, Conrad Petroleum telah mengebor empat sumur di Lapangan Mako ini, dimana pengeboran sumur keempat dilakukan pada Juni 2017. 

    Lapangan Mako diperkirakan memiliki gas 705 miliar kaki kubik dengan upside scenario hingga 1.317 miliar kaki kubik.  Saat ini Conrad sedang menyusun POD lapangan ini. Pemegang hak partisipasi Blok Duyung adalah Conrad 90% dan Empyrean Energy Plc 10%.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Monday, Jan 14, 2019

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