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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Pertamina Began to Buy from the Contractor

PT Pertamina (Persero) realized the first crude oil purchase from a domestic contractor, PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Based on the agreement of the two parties, Pertamina bought crude oil produced by the Rokan Block in Riau which is managed by Chevron as much as 2.5 million barrels per month. This scheme is considered to save foreign exchange significantly.

the Rokan Block in Riau

The first shipment was made on Tuesday (1/15/2019) in Dumai, Riau. Crude oil is transported by the Griya Cirebon tanker which is then sent to Pertamina's Balikpapan refinery. Some of the oil from the Rokan Block is also sent to the Pertamina refinery in Dumai through a pipeline.

The initial stage of buying and selling will last until June 2019. The type of oil sent is Sumatra Light Crude and Crude Spines. Buying and selling is regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 42 of 2018 concerning Priorities for Utilizing Petroleum for Fulfilling Domestic Needs.

"Every month, we import 10.5 million barrels of crude oil. So, purchasing 2.5 million barrels per month significantly reduces imports, "said Pertamina Vice President of Support and Export Operation Agus Wicaksono on the sidelines of the initial delivery ceremony.

Agus said the price of buying and selling oil refers to the Indonesian oil price (ICP) determined by the government. However, there is still a business to business scheme between Pertamina and Chevron. He ensured, as a whole, that buying oil allotments of contract contractors (KKKS) in the country were still cheaper than imports.

"We are also exploring oil purchases from other KKKS parts. Basically, this scheme benefits Pertamina, "Agus said.

Senior Vice President of Operational of PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Wahyu Budiarto added, basically KKKS are free to sell crude oil which is their part to anyone. Generally to the international market.

"Based on last year's realization, 209,400 barrels per day of oil from the Rokan Block could be produced," Wahyu said.

The purchase of KKKS's oil rations by Pertamina is one of the ways the government suppresses the trade deficit due to the high imports of oil and fuel oil (BBM). The deficit is getting deeper as fuel consumption rises and the rupiah exchange rate against the US dollar weakens.


Pertamina Mulai Beli dari Kontraktor

PT Pertamina (Persero) merealisasikan pembelian minyak mentah pertama dari kontraktor kontrak kerja sama di dalam negeri, yaitu PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Berdasarkan perjanjian kedua pihak, Pertamina membeli minyak mentah produksi Blok Rokan di Riau yang dikelola Chevron sebanyak 2,5 juta barel per bulan. Skema ini dinilai menghemat devisa secara signifikan.
Pengiriman perdana dilakukan pada Selasa (15/1/2019) di Dumai, Riau. Minyak mentah diangkut dengan kapal tanker Griya Cirebon yang selanjutnya dikirim ke kilang Balikpapan milik Pertamina. Sebagian minyak dari Blok Rokan juga dikirim ke kilang Pertamina di Dumai melalui pipa.

Tahap awal jual-beli akan berlangsung sampai dengan Juni 2019. Jenis minyak yang dikirim adalah Sumatera Light Crude dan Duri Crude. Jual-beli diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 42 Tahun 2018 tentang Prioritas Pemanfaatan Minyak Bumi untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dalam Negeri.

”Setiap bulan, kami mengimpor 10,5 juta barel minyak mentah. Jadi, pembelian 2,5 juta barel per bulan signifikan mengurangi impor,” ujar Vice President Support and Export Operation Pertamina Agus Wicaksono di sela-sela seremoni pengiriman perdana itu.

Agus mengatakan, harga jual-beli minyak itu mengacu pada harga minyak Indonesia (ICP) yang ditentukan pemerintah. Namun, masih ada skema business to business antara Pertamina dan Chevron. Ia memastikan, secara keseluruhan, membeli minyak jatah kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) di dalam negeri masih lebih murah ketimbang impor.

”Kami juga sedang menjajaki pembelian minyak bagian KKKS lainnya. Pada dasarnya, skema ini menguntungkan Pertamina,” ucap Agus.

Senior Vice President Operational PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Wahyu Budiarto menambahkan, pada dasarnya KKKS bebas menjual minyak mentah yang menjadi bagian mereka kepada siapa saja. Umumnya ke pasar internasional. 

”Berdasarkan realisasi tahun lalu, minyak dari Blok Rokan bisa diproduksikan 209.400 barel per hari,” kata Wahyu.

Pembelian jatah minyak KKKS oleh Pertamina adalah salah satu cara pemerintah menekan defisit perdagangan akibat tingginya impor minyak dan bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Defisit semakin dalam saat konsumsi BBM naik dan nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar AS melemah.

Kompas, Page-14, wednesday, Jan 16, 2019

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