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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Six Oil and Gas Working Areas Become Gross Split

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) noted that there will be six Oil and Gas Working Areas (WK) that will change their oil and gas profit sharing scheme. From the previous use of the cost recovery production sharing contract (PSC) scheme, the scheme will be changed to gross split PSC

Arcandra Tahar

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar said, the change in the contract scheme from the cost recovery to gross split will be carried out in February 2019.

"In two weeks two blocks will change to gross split, then there will be four more exploration and WK production, and six more until next month," he claimed in ESDM Ministry Office.

Arcandra reasoned, the KKKS chose contract amendments to be gross split because it was far more efficient.

"Efficient, not complicated, simple, there is also certainty," he added.

The WK Migas whose contract scheme will change is first, the Block Supports the contractor Conrad; second, the Muralim and Tanjung Enim Blocks with the Dart Energy contractor; third, North Arafura WK with Madura Oil contractor; fourth, the Bungamas Block with the Bunga Mas International contractor; fifth, Blok Sebatik with Energy Star contractors.

Of the several Work Areas mentioned, Arcandra stated that the Tanjung Enim Block would be the first conventional oil and gas block to be turned into a gross split this year. So far, Tanjung Enim Block is indeed a working area that has the production of cool bed methane (CBM) types. While Arcandra itself is targeting the signing of the Tanjung Enim Block contract to be carried out on the upcoming February 9, 2019.


Enam Wilayah Kerja Migas Menjadi Gross Split

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mencatat, akan ada enam Wilayah Kerja (WK) Migas yang bakal berubah skema bagi hasil migasnya. Dari sebelumnya memakai skema production sharing contract (PSC) cost recovery, skemanya akan diubah menjadi PSC gross split

Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Arcandra Tahar bilang, perubahan skema kontrak dari cost recovery menjadi gross split itu akan dilakukan pada Februari 2019. 

"Dua pekan lagi dua blok berubah ke gross split, lalu akan ada empat lagi WK eksplorasi dan ada produksi, dan enam lagi sampai bulan depan," klaimnya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

Arcandra beralasan, para KKKS memilih amandemen kontrak menjadi gross split lantaran jauh lebih efisien.

"Efisien, tidak berbelit-belit, simpel, juga ada kepastian," imbuhnya.

Adapun WK Migas yang skema kontraknya akan berganti adalah pertama, Blok Dukung dengan kontraktor Conrad; kedua, Blok Muralim dan Blok Tanjung Enim dengan kontraktor Dart Energy; ketiga, WK North Arafura dengan kontraktor Madura Oil; keempat, Blok Bungamas dengan kontraktor Bunga Mas International; kelima, Blok Sebatik dengan kontraktor Star Energy.

Dari beberapa Wilayah Kerja yang disebutkan itu, Arcandra menyatakan, Blok Tanjung Enim akan menjadi blok migas konvensional pertama yang berubah menjadi gross split di tahun ini. Selama ini, Blok Tanjung Enim memang merupakan wilayah kerja yang memiliki produksi jenis cool bed methane (CBM). Sementara Arcandra sendiri menargetkan penandatanganan kontrak Blok Tanjung Enim bisa dilakukan pada 9 Februari 2019 mendatang.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Jan 12, 2019

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