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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Targeting Oil and Gas Cooperation in the Middle East

The government seeks to increase investment in the oil and gas subsector (oil and gas). One of them is aiming for cooperation with a number of countries in the Middle East region, namely Iraq and Azerbaijan. 

    Director of ESDM Ministry of Oil and Gas Development Program Soerjaningsih stated that the government had offered oil and gas exploration in Azerbaijan and imported crude oil.

"Iraq is also the main target of cooperation in developing the petrochemical industry, refinery construction, and oil and gas exploration in the country "through PT Pertamina (Persero)," said Soerjaningsih.

According to Soerjaningsih, Pertamina is interested in the Tuba Oil Field project in Iraq. Now it's still under discussion.

"The partnership between the two countries is still exploration or negotiation. We will discuss this later in a bilateral meeting between the two countries, "said Soerjaningsih.

Investment in the oil and gas sector abroad is not new to the Republic of Indonesia (RI). Throughout 2018 there were four main collaborations in the oil and gas sector which were successfully agreed upon. 

    First, RI-Russia and Rosneft built the GRR Tuban refinery with an investment of USD 15 billion - USD 16 billion. Then, RI-Saudi Arabia with Saudi Aramco worked on the Cilacap refinery RDMP project with an investment of USD 5.4 billion-USD 6 billion.

Next is RI-Azerbaijan. Namely, Pertamina with SOCAR in terms of crude oil imports and oil and gas field exploration. The investment value will be known after the signing of the memorandum of understanding. The fourth, RI-Bangladesh and RI-Pakistan work together to supply LNG with a receipt value of USD 14.3 billion.

"Cooperation with various countries is expected to be able to maintain the investment trend in the ESDM sector," said Soerjaningsih.

Realization of investment in the ESDM sector in 2018 reached USD 32.2 billion, equivalent to Rp 462.183 trillion. Of this amount, USD 12.5 billion represents the realization of the oil and gas subsector. 

     This gain has increased compared to 2017 with the achievement of the upstream and downstream oil and gas sector which has an investment of USD 11 billion. The 2018 oil and gas lifting only reaches 778 thousand barrels of oil per day and 1.139 million barrels of oil equivalent per day.


Incar Kerja Sama Migas di Timteng

Pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan investasi subsektor minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Salah satunya membidik kerja sama dengan sejumlah negara di kawasan Timur Tengah, yakni Iraq dan Azerbaijan. 

   Direktur Pembinaan Program Migas Kementerian ESDM Soerjaningsih menyatakan, pemerintah mendapat tawaran eksplorasi lapangan migas di Azerbaijan dan impor minyak mentah. 

"Iraq juga menjadi sasaran utama kerja sama dalam pengembangan industri petrokimia, pembangunan kilang, dan eksplorasi lapangan migas di negara tersebut melalui PT Pertamina (Persero)," kata Soerjaningsih.

    Menurut Soerjaningsih, Pertamina berminat pada proyek Tuba Oil Field di Iraq. Sekarang masih dalam tahap pembahasan. 

”Kemitraan kedua negara sifatnya masih penjajakan atau negosiasi. Nanti dibahas lebih lanjut dalam pertemuan bilateral antar kedua negara,” tutur Soerjaningsih.

Investasi sektor migas di luar negeri bukan hal baru bagi Republik Indonesia (RI). Sepanjang 2018 ada empat kerja sama pokok di sektor migas yang berhasil disepakati. Pertama, RI-Rusia dengan Rosneft membangun kilang GRR Tuban dengan nilai investasi USD 15 miliar - USD 16 miliar. Lalu, RI-Arab Saudi dengan Saudi Aramco mengerjakan proyek RDMP kilang Cilacap dengan investasi USD 5,4 miliar-USD 6 miliar.

Berikutnya RI-Azerbaijan. Yakni, Pertamina dengan SOCAR dalam hal impor minyak mentah dan eksplorasi lapangan migas. Nilai investasinya akan diketahui setelah penandatanganan nota kesepahaman. Yang keempat, RI-Bangladesh serta RI-Pakistan bekerja sama untuk pasokan LNG dengan nilai penerimaan USD 14,3 miliar. 

”Kerja sama dengan berbagai negara ini diharapkan mampu menjaga tren investasi sektor ESDM" kata Soerjaningsih.

Realisasi investasi di sektor ESDM pada 2018 mencapaiangka USD 32,2 miliar atau setara Rp 462,183 triliun. Dari jumlah tersebut, USD 12,5 miliar merupakan realisasi dari subsektor migas. Perolehan tersebut mengalami peningkatan jika dibandingkan 2017 dengan capaian sektor migas di hulu dan hilir yang mengantongi investasi USD 11 miliar. Adapun lifting minyak dan gas bumi 2018 hanya mencapai 778 ribu barel minyak per hari dan 1,139 juta barel setara minyak per hari.

Jaw Pos, Page-6, Monday, Jan 14, 2019

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