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Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Work on Four Strategic Oil and Gas Projects Continues to Continue

Work on the four upstream oil and gas projects included in the National Strategic Project (PSN) continues to roll. Two of them, namely the Project Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) by Chevron and Abadi Field, are targeted to immediately obtain development plan approval (plan of development / POD). 

    Referring to data from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas), there are four projects that are listed, including the IDD Project and Abadi Field. The other two projects are the Jambaran-Tiung Biru Project by PEPC and Train-3 Tangguh Refinery. These last two projects have entered the construction phase.

"There are four main PSNs and are included in the KKKS (key performance index) (cooperation contract contractor)," said Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto in Jakarta.

He said, for the IDD Project and Abadi Field, it is still in the preparation stage of the POD. For IDD Project POD, now entered the finalization stage. So, the project POD is predicted to be completed earlier than the Abadi Field Project, the Masela Block.

"There are still a number of things Wang has discussed), hopefully faster than Masela," Dwi said.

POD Abadi Field

Regarding POD Abadi Field, technical discussions will be held with experts in the next two weeks. After the final technical aspects, the discussion will continue with the calculation of capital expenditure and the rate of return on investment (IRR).

"Hopefully by the end of January, no later than the beginning of February, SKK Migas will be able to submit recommendations," he said.

Referring to the SKK Migas exposure, the IDD Gendalo-Gehem project that was developed by Chevron Indonesia Company is estimated to begin production (on stream) in the first quarter of 2024. The estimated production of this project is 1,120 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd for gas and 40 thousand barrels per day ( bph) for oil. 

     The project with an estimated development cost of US $ 5 billion is targeted to enter the front end engineering design / FEED and contract awarding this year.


Pengerjaan Empat Proyek Migas Strategis Terus Berlangsung

Pengerjaan empat proyek hulu migas yang masuk dalam Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) terus bergulir. Dua diantaranya, yakni Proyek Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) dan Lapangan Abadi, ditargetkan segera memperoleh persetujuan rencana pengembangan (plan of development/POD). 

     Mengacu data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), terdapat empat proyek yang masuk daftar, termasuk Proyek IDD dan Lapangan Abadi. Dua proyek lainnya yakni Proyek Jambaran-Tiung Biru dan Train-3 Kilang Tangguh. Dua proyek terakhir ini sudah masuk tahap konstruksi.

“Ada empat PSN yang utama dan masuk dalam KPI (key performance index) KKKS (kontraktor kontrak kerja sama),” kata Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto di Jakarta.

Dia menuturkan, untuk Proyek IDD dan Lapangan Abadi, kini masih dalam tahap penyusunan POD. Untuk POD Proyek IDD, saat ini sudah masuk tahap finalisasi. Sehingga, POD proyek ini diprediksi akan rampung lebih dulu dibandingkan Proyek Lapangan Abadi, Blok Masela. 

“Masih ada beberapa hal Wang dibahas), mudah-mudahan lebih cepat dari Masela,” tutur Dwi.

Terkait POD Lapangan Abadi, akan dilakukan pembahasan teknis dengan para ahli dalam dua pekan ke depan. Setelah aspek teknis final, maka pembahasan akan dilanjutkan soal perhitungan belanja modal dan tingkat pengembalian investasi (internal rate ofretnrn/IRR). 

“Mudah-mudahan akhir Januari, paling lambat awal Februari, SKK Migas sudah bisa sampaikan rekomendasi,” ujarnya.

Mengacu paparan SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo-Gehem yang digarap Chevron Indonesia Company ini diperkirakan mulai produksi (on stream) pada kuartal pertama 2024. Estimasi produksi proyek ini sebesar 1.120 juta kaki kubik per hari/mmscfd untuk gas dan 40 ribu barel per hari (bph) untuk minyak. 

      Proyek dengan perkiraan biaya pengembangan US$ 5 miliar ini ditargetkan bisa masuk tahap desain rinci (front end engineering design/ FEED) dan contract awarding pada tahun ini.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019

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