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Friday, September 20, 2019

KPK Revealed Oil and Gas Corruption

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) named the former Managing Director of PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited who is also the former Managing Director of PT Pertamina Energy Service, Bambang Irianto, as a suspect of receiving bribes of 2.9 million US dollars. The KPK has been investigating cases that occurred around 2012 since June 2014.

Determination of the suspect has just been made at this time because the KPK began an investigation in June 2014 after receiving complaints. Furthermore, the KPK collects information, documents and testimonies. There were 53 witnesses examined. The KPK also examined documents from various cross-border agencies.

"Efforts to request information from tax haven countries are complicated and require time. That's also what has just been established at this time, "said KPK Deputy Chairman Laode M Syarif at the KPK Building in Jakarta.

According to Syarif, the disclosure of this case was a form of KPK's support for the priorities of President Joko Widodo's government which declared war on the oil and gas mafia practices so that the government dissolved PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited (Petral) in May 2015.

Bambang Irianto

From the results of the investigation, Bambang allegedly received bribes from Kernel Oil, related to trading refined products and crude oil to PT Pertamina Energy Service (PES), a subsidiary of Petral which is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). 

     Bribes were allegedly received by Bambang through the SIAM Group Holding account that he established and is domiciled in the British Virgin Island.

the British Virgin Island

Regarding the investigation of this case, PT Pertamina Vice President Corporate Communication Fajriyah Usman said, "We respect the ongoing legal process and the presumption of innocence principle,"

Fajriyah Usman


This case began when Bambang served as Vice President of Marketing at PT PES in 2009-2012. At that time, Kernel Oil several times became a partner of PT PES in the import and export of crude oil for the benefit of PT PES / PT. Pertamina. In 2012, the President requested that PT Pertamina improve efficiency in the trade of crude oil and fuel by prioritizing direct purchases to the main sources. 


    Based on this directive, PT PES should refer to the guidelines that specify the seller or buyer who will be invited to participate in competitive bidding or direct negotiation according to the rules set by PT Pertamina in priority order: NOC (National Oil Company), refiner / producer, and potential seller / buyer.

Companies that can become partners with PT PES are included in the List of Selected Business Partners (DMUT) of PT PES. However, not all companies in the PT PES DMUT were invited to the auction. Bambang and a number of PT PES officials allegedly determined partners who were invited to take part in the Bid. One of the NOCs that is often invited to participate in tenders / tenders and be the party that sends cargo is Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

Laode Muhammad Syarif

"It is suspected that ENOC was invited as a camouflage to make it as if PT PES cooperated with NOC to meet procurement requirements, even though the oil came from Kernel Oil," Syarif said.

Related to his position, Bambang helped secure Kernel Oil's cargo allocation portion in the procurement tender or seller of crude oil or refined products. As a reward, Bambang receives money received through a bank account in a tax-free country.


KPK Ungkap Korupsi Minyak dan gas

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menetapkan bekas Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited yang juga mantan Managing Director PT Pertamina Energy Service, Bambang Irianto, sebagai tersangka dugaan penerima suap 2,9 juta dollar AS. KPK sudah menyelidiki kasus yang terjadi sekitar tahun 2012 ini sejak Juni 2014.

Penetapan tersangka baru saja dilakukan saat ini karena KPK memulai penyelidikan Juni 2014 setelah menerima pengaduan. Selanjutnya, KPK mengumpulkan informasi, dokumen, dan kesaksian. Ada 53 saksi yang diperiksa. KPK juga memeriksa dokumen dari berbagai instansi lintas negara.

”Upaya meminta informasi ke negara tax haven rumit dan memerlukan waktu. Itu juga yang membuat baru saja ditetapkan saat ini,” kata Wakil Ketua KPK Laode M Syarif di Gedung KPK Jakarta.

Menurut Syarif, pengungkapan kasus ini merupakan bentuk dukungan KPK terhadap prioritas pemerintahan Presiden Joko Widodo yang menyatakan perang terhadap praktik mafia minyak dan gas sehingga pemerintah membubarkan PT Pertamina Energy Trading Limited (Petral) Mei 2015. 

Dari hasil penyelidikan, Bambang diduga menerima suap dari Kernel Oil, terkait perdagangan produk kilang dan minyak mentah ke PT Pertamina Energy Service (PES), anak perusahaan Petral yang merupakan anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero). Suap diduga diterima Bambang melalui rekening SIAM Group Holding yang didirikannya dan berkedudukan hukum di British Virgin Island.

Terkait pengusutan kasus ini, Vice President Corporate Communication PT Pertamina Fajriyah Usman mengatakan, ”Kami menghormati proses hukum yang sedang berlangsung dan asas hukum praduga tak bersalah,” 


Kasus ini berawal saat Bambang menjabat Vice President Marketing PT PES pada 2009-2012. Saat itu, Kernel Oil beberapa kali menjadi rekanan PT PES dalam impor dan ekspor minyak mentah untuk kepentingan PT PES/PT. Pertamina. Pada 2012, Presiden minta agar PT Pertamina meningkatkan efisiensi dalam perdagangan minyak mentah dan BBM dengan mengutamakan pembelian langsung ke sumber utama. 

     Berdasarkan arahan itu, PT PES seharusnya mengacu pada pedoman yang menyebutkan penetapan penjual atau pembeli yang akan diundang mengikuti competitive bidding atau direct negotiation mengacu aturan yang telah ditetapkan PT Pertamina dengan urutan prioritas: NOC (National Oil Company), refiner/producer, dan potential seller/buyer.

Perusahaan yang dapat menjadi rekanan PT PES adalah yang masuk dalam Daftar Mitra Usaha Terseleksi (DMUT) PT PES. Namun, tidak semua perusahaan dalam DMUT PT PES diundang lelang. Bambang dan sejumlah pejabat PT PES diduga menentukan rekanan yang diundang ikut tender/lelang. Salah satu NOC yang sering diundang ikut tender/lelang dan menjadi pihak yang mengirimkan kargo adalah Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC). 

”Diduga ENOC diundang sebagai kamuflase agar seolah-olah PT PES bekerja sama dengan NOC agar memenuhi syarat pengadaan, padahal minyak berasal dari Kernel Oil,” ujar Syarif.

Terkait dengan jabatannya, Bambang membantu mengamankan bagian alokasi kargo Kernel Oil dalam tender pengadaan atau penjual minyak mentah atau produk kilang. Sebagai imbalan, Bambang menerima uang yang diterima melalui rekening bank di negara bebas pajak.

Kompas, Page-1, Wednesday, Sept 11, 2019

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