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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Chevron-Pertamina Continues Discussion on Rokan Block Transition

PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia continues to hold discussions with Pertamina and SKK Migas in the transition to management of the Rokan Block, Riau. Chevron admitted that he continued to accompany Pertamina so that the state-owned oil and gas company could operate properly. 

the Rokan Block, Riau

    PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Senior Vice President Policy, Government, and Public Affairs Wahyu Budiarto explained, the intense transition discussion was conducted by Chevron, Pertamina, and SKK Migas.

"We are helping Pertamina to operate smoothly and quickly," Budi said when met at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Budi also explained, the discussion between the three parties was about data that could be synergized by the three. These data can later become a provision for Pertamina in its subsequent operations.

"Now we are talking about data, so there is no need to start from zero. The data needed by anything from underground to facilities above the ground," said Budi.

Budi conveyed, the three parties also intensely discussed the implementation of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). This is an effort to optimize oil reserves in existing wells. For EOR activities, Chevron has first used and always reported to SKK Migas.

"That is one of the data that we discussed, there are a lot of data in SKK. Because we have also reported our EOR reports. So, we keep updating and developing what it looks like," Budi said.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in SKK Migas

Previously, the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) hoped that Pertamina and Chevron Pacific Indonesia would immediately agree on the Rokan Block transition. SKK Migas also targets that the agreement can be completed by the end of November 2019. 

Dwi Soetjipto

     SKK Migas Head Dwi Soetjipto said that his party needs to prepare a work program and budget for the Rokan Block. Therefore, SKK Migas hopes that the agreement process related to the Rokan transition can be completed soon.

"Later this time, we will ask for additional from Pertamina what they will do," Dwi said.

Pertamina is known to plan to drill many wells in the Rokan Block. However, Dwi has not been able to specify the number of wells to be drilled by the state-owned company.

"Great. Hopefully, at the beginning of November we will be able to input roughly the additional amount from Pertamina how much will be drilled next year," he said.

The transition period for the Rokan Block operation from Chevron to Pertamina is still ongoing. One of the works carried out during this transition period is pipe replacement. 

     Pertagas Managing Director Wiko Megantoro explained, currently, the pipe replacement process is at the design completion stage. After this design is complete, the company will complete an investment finalization plan for pipeline construction.

Republika, Page-13, Tuesday, November 5, 2019

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