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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Pertamina and Marubeni Continue to Share in Java-1

The Java-1 PLTGU consortium may not change until the project operates commercially

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is also monitoring the chaos in the consortium of PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI) and Marubeni Corporation. PLN asks the consortium to immediately resolve the issue. 

      The consortium is working on a Java-1 gas-fired power plant (PLTGU) project with a capacity of 1,760 megawatts (MW). In building the Java-1 PLTGU, PPI and Marubeni obtained 40% ownership shares. As for one more member, Sojitz Corporation has a 20% stake.

Sojitz Corporation

PT PLN's Strategic Procurement Director 2, Djoko Rahardjo Aburhanan, said the relevant parties in the consortium must be able to show a solution to the problem. Because, the consortium may not change ownership of shares, let alone disband. 

     After the consortium is appointed and the power purchase agreement (PPA) is signed, the contract with the consortium may not change until the electric power plant project is commercially operational or commercial operation date (COD).

"Change of directors is okay. But it can't change the consortium. Unless the COD has become an item and the debts with landed banks have been completed," said Djoko.

Cilamaya Port

That is, like a contract with another private electricity producer (IPP), the consortium is responsible for completing the Java-1 PLTGU project according to the agreed schedule. At present, the progress of the Java-1 PLTGU has reached 30% and is targeted to be completed in 2021. The power plant, which was built in Cilamaya, Karawang regency, West Java, requires an investment budget of around US $ 1.8 billion.

The PLTGU, which will be integrated with the Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU), has spent US $ 275 million. PLN and the PPI consortium, Marubeni and Sojitz Corporation have signed the PPA since January 31, 2017. 

    Not only at the Java-1 PLTGU, the fracture of Pertamina and Marubeni's relationship also affected other projects, namely power plants to be built in Bangladesh. In the 1,200 MW power plant project, Marubeni has been a partner of Pertamina since August 2017. PT Pertamina's President Director Nicke Widyawati refused to respond.

Nicke Widyawati

While Pertamina's Director of Investment Planning and Risk Management, Heru Setiawan, said the partnership with Marubeni was still ongoing. The chaos between Pertamina and Marubeni began when there was friction and differences of opinion between PPI and Marubeni in the Java-1 PLTGU project. 

     There was even news that the President Director of PPI, Ginanjar Sofyan, was dismissed from his position due to this chaos. Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President Fajriyah Usman denied the news.

Fajriyah Usman

"Until now he is still in office," he told KONTAN. He also said that Pertamina had also asked PPI to resolve the issue with Marubeni, in accordance with the contract, said Fajriyah.


Pertamina dan Marubeni Tetap Berkongsi di Jawa-1

Konsorsium PLTGU Jawa-1 tidak boleh berganti hingga proyek beroperasi secara komersial

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) ikut memantau kisruh di konsorsium PT Pertamina Power Indonesia (PPI) dan Marubeni Corporation. PLN minta konsorsium segera menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Konsorsium tersebut menggarap proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga gas uap (PLTGU) Jawa-1 berkapasitas 1.760 megawatt (MW). Dalam membangun PLTGU Jawa-1, PPI dan Marubeni memperoleh saham kepemilikan masing-masing sebesar 40%. Adapun satu anggota Iagi, Sojitz Corporation memiliki 20% saham.

Direktur Pengadaan Strategis 2 PT PLN, Djoko Rahardjo Aburhanan, mengatakan, para pihak terkait di konsorsium tersebut harus bisa menunjukkan jalan keluar terhadap masalah tersebut. Sebab, konsorsium tidak boleh berganti kepemilikan saham, apalagi bubar. Setelah konsorsium ditunjuk dan perjanjian jual beli listrik alias power purchase agreement (PPA) ditanda tangani, kontrak dengan konsorsium tidak boleh berganti hingga proyek pembangkit Iistrik beroperasi secara komersial atau commercil operation date (COD). 

"Ganti direksi tidak apa-apa. Tapi tidak boleh ganti konsorsium. Kecuali sudah COD, sudah menjadi barangnya dan utang piutang dengan bank landed selesai," kata Djoko.

Artinya, seperti kontrak dengan produsen Iistrik swasta (IPP) lainnya, konsorsium bertanggung jawab merampungkan proyek PLTGU Jawa-1 sesuai jadwal yang telah disepakati. Saat ini, progres PLTGU Jawa-1 mencapai 30% dan ditargetkan rampung pada 2021. Pembangkit yang dibangun di Cilamaya, Kabupaten Karawang-Jawa Barat ini membutuhkan anggaran investasi sekitar US$ 1,8 miliar.

PLTGU yang akan terintegrasi dengan Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) itu telah mengeluarkan dana US$ 275 juta. PLN dan konsorsium PPI, Marubeni dan Sojitz Corporation sudah menandatangani PPA sejak 31 Januari 2017. Tidak hanya di PLTGU Jawa-1, keretakan hubungan Pertamina dan Marubeni juga berdampak proyek lainnya, yakni pembangkit listrik yang akan dibangun di Bangladesh. Pada proyek pembangkit berkapasitas 1.200 MW, Marubeni menjadi salah satu mitra Pertamina sejak Agustus 2017. Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati menoIak memberikan tanggapan.

Sementara Direktur Perencanaan Investasi dan Manajemen Risiko Pertamina, Heru Setiawan, menyatakan, kongsi dengan Marubeni masih terus berlangsung. Kisruh Pertamina dan Marubeni bermula saat terjadi gesekan dan perbedaan pandangan antara PPI dan Marubeni di proyek PLTGU Jawa-1. Bahkan ada kabar Direktur Utama PPI, Ginanjar Sofyan, diberhentikan dari jabatannya akibat kisruh ini. Vice President Corporate communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman membantah kabar itu. 

“Sampai saat ini beliau masih menjabat," kata dia kepada KONTAN. Ia juga bilang, Pertamina juga telah meminta PPI untuk menyelesaikan masalah dengan Marubeni, sesuai dengan kontrak, kata Fajriyah.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, November 6, 2019

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