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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Repsol Can Extend Exploration of Andaman Block III

The Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) said Repsol had obtained approval from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) for the extension of the Andaman III Block exploration period. BPMA Deputy of Operations and Planning Teuku Muhammad Faisal said the extension was given for two years.

"The obligation to make a joint account and performance bond has been carried out, now all that remains is to prepare the drilling plan," said Faisal.

The drilling plan by Repsol will include drilling one well. Faisal said, Repsol submitted an extension request for one year, but for maximum results, BPMA recommended two years to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Previously, Acting Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, revealed that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources was indeed waiting for a recommendation by BPMA.

"Just waiting for the BPMA recommendations for extensions," said Djoko.

According to Faisal, Repsol has the opportunity to open options to engage partners in a new exploration period.

"It's still a process, one of which is Petronas, but it still cannot be confirmed," said Faisal.

the Andaman III 

For information, currently Repsol has 100% participation rights in the Andaman III Block. KONTAN Note, BPMA discovered the potential of oil and gas reserves in the Andaman III Block after a seismic survey was carried out by Repsol as manager of the block. Acting Head of BPMA Azhari Idris said, it still needed drilling to prove the potential reserves in Andaman III Block.


Repsol Dapat Perpanjangan Eksplorasi Blok Andaman III

Badan Pengelola Minyak dan Gas Aceh (BPMA) menyatakan Repsol telah mengantongi persetujuan dari Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) untuk perpanjangan masa eksplorasi Blok Andaman III. Deputi Operasi dan Perencanaan BPMA Teuku Muhammad Faisal mengatakan, perpanjangan tersebut diberikan selama dua tahun. 

"Kewajiban membuat joint account dan performance bond sudah dilakukan, sekarang tinggal mempersiapkan rencana pengeboran," kata Faisal.

Adapun rencana pengeboran oleh Repsol akan meliputi pengeboran satu sumur. Faisal menuturkan, Repsol mengajukan permintaan perpanjangan selama satu tahun, namun demi hasil yang maksimal, BPMA merekomendasikan dua tahun kepada Kementerian ESDM. Sebelumnya, Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengungkapkan, Kementerian ESDM memang menantikan rekomendasi oleh BPMA. 

“Tinggal menunggu rekomendasi BPMA untuk extension," kata Djoko.

Menurut Faisal, Repsol berpeluang membuka opsi untuk menggandeng mitra dalam masa eksplorasi yang baru.

"Masih proses, salah satunya Petronas, namun masih belum bisa dikonfimasi," kata Faisal. 

Sebagai informasi, saat ini Repsol memiliki hak partisipasi sebesar 100% pada Blok Andaman III. Catatan KONTAN, BPMA menemukan potensi cadangan migas di Blok Andaman III setelah dilakukan survei seismik oleh Repsol selaku pengelola blok tersebut. Plt Kepala BPMA Azhari Idris bilang, masih perlu dilakukan pengeboran demi membuktikan potensi temuan cadangan di Blok Andaman III.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Nov 7, 2019

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