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Friday, January 31, 2020

12 Projects Become Mainstay

The government is relying on 12 upstream oil and gas projects to increase production this year. The 12 projects are targeted to produce 7,200 barrels of oil per day and 520 million standard cubic feet of gas per day. Last year, the oil and gas production target was not reached. 

Arifin Tasrif

    According to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, there is the potential for additional oil and gas lifting production by 2020. Several oil and gas working areas this year have entered the production stage. In addition to the new work area, additional production is also obtained from the development of the old oil and gas working area.

"In recent years, oil and gas lifting has continued to fall. The reason is that the existing oil wells are old and their productivity is decreasing. We hope that there will be additional production through the development of existing wells and new wells, "Arifin said.

The 12 projects are located in Sumatra, Java, and Kalimantan. The total investment for all projects is 1.4 billion US dollars, or around Rp 19 trillion. The overall production capacity is estimated at 7,200 barrels of oil per day and 520 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD). 

the Merakes Field

    Of all the projects, the Merakes Field in the East Sepinggan Block, East Kalimantan, is one of the fields with the largest gas production, which is 360 MMSCFD.

The application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods will also be carried out this year. EOR uses water or chemical injection methods so that oil can be lifted out. This method is commonly applied in old wells whose productivity has decreased.

Dwi Soetjipto

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK oil and gas) Dwi Soetjipto said, this year there were two OER implementation projects in the form of trials and studies. The trial implementation of EOR will be conducted in the Sago, Gemah, Jatibarang, and Tanjung fields managed by PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). The EOR study will be applied in the Pedada field in Riau and Kaji -Semoga in South Sumatra.

"No doubt, a decline in oil and gas production. However, we are trying our hardest so that the rate of decline does not increase. As major projects begin to operate in the coming years, it is expected that oil and gas production will increase from 2022, "Dwi said.

In 2019, Indonesia's oil lifting is 746,000 barrels per day or less than the target of 775,000 barrels per day. The 2019 natural gas lifting as much as 1.06 million barrels of oil equivalent per day or below the target of 1.25 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. This year, the target of lifting oil is 755,000 barrels per day and natural gas is 1,191 million barrels of oil equivalent per day. The government is targeting oil production of 1 million barrels per day in 2030.


In a hearing with oil and gas SKK last week, member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Abdul Wahid, said he was pessimistic that the target of producing 1 million barrels of oil per day in 2030 could be achieved. He reflected on oil and gas production which has continued to decline in recent years. Likewise, the realization of a seismic survey to find new reserves that did not reach the target in 2019.

"It is unfortunate that oil and gas production continues to decline. Such conditions are still exacerbated by illegal oil theft which reaches 20,000 barrels per day. With the seismic survey target that was not achieved in 2019, I am pessimistic that 1 million barrels of oil per day can be achieved by 2030, "Wahid said.

Based on SKK oil and gas data, in 2019 new sources of oil and gas reserves were found from 16 projects throughout Indonesia. New oil reserves were found at 384 million barrels and natural gas at 4.54 trillion cubic feet. The biggest finding in the Sakakemang Block in South Sumatra is 327 million barrels of oil equivalent.


12 Proyek Menjadi Andalan

Pemerintah mengandalkan 12 proyek hulu minyak dan gas bumi untuk menambah produksi pada tahun ini. Ke-12 proyek itu ditargetkan dapat menghasilkan 7.200 barel minyak per hari dan gas 520 juta standar kaki kubik per hari. Tahun lalu, target produksi minyak dan gas bumi tidak tercapai. 

    Menurut Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, ada potensi penambahan produksi siap jual (lifting) minyak dan gas bumi pada 2020. Beberapa wilayah kerja minyak dan gas tahun ini sudah memasuki tahap produksi. Selain wilayah kerja baru, penambahan produksi juga diperoleh dari hasil pengembangan wilayah kerja minyak dan gas yang lama.

”Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, liftng minyak dan gas terus turun. Penyebabnya, sumur-sumur minyak yang ada berusia tua dan produktivitasnya menurun. Kami berharap ada penambahan produksi lewat pengembangan sumur yang ada dan dan sumur yang baru,” kata Arifin.

Ke-12 proyek tersebut berlokasi di Sumatera, Jawa, dan Kalimantan. Total investasi untuk seluruh proyek 1,4 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 19 triliun. Adapun kapasitas produksi secara keseluruhan diperkirakan 7.200 barel minyak per hari dan gas 520 juta standar kaki kubik per hari (MMSCFD). Dari seluruh proyek itu, Lapangan Merakes di Blok East Sepinggan, Kalimantan Timur, merupakan salah satu lapangan dengan produksi gas terbesar, yaitu 360 MMSCFD. 

Penerapan metode pengurasan minyak tingkat lanjut  atau (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) juga akan dilakukan tahun ini. EOR menggunakan metode penyuntikan air atau dengan bahan kimia agar minyak dapat terangkat keluar. Cara ini lazim diterapkan di sumur-sumur tua yang produktivitasnya menurun.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK minyak dan gas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan, tahun ini ada dua proyek penerapan OER berupa uji coba dan kajian. Uji coba penerapan EOR akan dilakukan di lapangan Sago, Gemah, Jatibarang, dan Tanjung yang dikelola PT Pertamina EP anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero). Adapun kajian EOR akan diterapkan di lapangan Pedada di Riau dan Kaji-Semoga di Sumatera Selatan.

”Tidak dimungkiri, terjadi penurunan produksi minyak dan gas. Akan tetapi, kami berusaha sekuat tenaga agar tingkat penurunannya tidak membesar. Seiring mulai beroperasinya proyek-proyek besar di beberapa tahun mendatang, diharapkan produksi minyak dan gas meningkat mulai 2022” kata Dwi.

Sepanjang 2019, Iifting minyak Indonesia 746.000 barel per hari atau kurang dari target 775.000 barel per hari. Adapun lifting gas bumi 2019 sebanyak 1,06 juta barel setara minyak per hari atau di bawah target 1,25 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Tahun ini, target lifting minyak sebanyak 755.000 barel per hari dan gas bumi 1,191 juta barel setara minyak per hari. Pemerintah menargetkan produksi minyak 1 juta barel per hari pada 2030.


Dalam rapat dengar pendapat dengan SKK minyak dan gas pada pekan lalu, anggota Komisi VII DPR, Abdul Wahid, mengatakan pesimistis target produksi minyak 1 juta barel per hari pada 2030 dapat tercapai. Ia berkaca pada produksi minyak dan gas yang terus merosot dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Begitu pula dengan realisasi survei seismik untuk mencari smnber cadangan baru yang tidak mencapai target pada 2019.

”Sangat disayangkan produksi minyak dan gas terus menurun. Kondisi seperti itu masih diperburuk dengan pencurian minyak secara ilegal yang mencapai 20.000 barel per hari. Dengan target survei seismik yang tidak tercapai pada 2019, saya pesimistis 1 juta barel minyak per hari bisa dicapai pada 2030,” kata Wahid.

Berdasarkan data SKK minyak dan gas, pada 2019 ditemukan sumber cadangan minyak dan gas baru dari 16 proyek di seluruh Indonesia. Cadangan baru minyak yang ditemukan sebanyak 384 juta barel dan gas bumi sebanyak 4,54 triliun kaki kubik. Temuan terbesar di Blok Sakakemang di Sumatera Selatan sebesar 327 juta barel setara minyak.

Kompas, Page-13, Monday, Jan 20, 2020

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