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Thursday, January 30, 2020

2019, Pertamina EP Lifting Exceeds Target

The performance of PT Pertamina EP, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) as well as a Cooperation Contract Contractor under the supervision of SKK Migas, recorded positive results for the figure of oil lifting during 2019.

"In 2019, PEP achieved oil production figures of 82,213 BOPD and gas of 959 MMSCFD. As for gas lifting, the figure is 749 MMSCFD and oil lifting is at 82,190 BOPD, or 102% compared to the Company's Work Plan and Budget (RKAP) target of 80,733 BOPD, "Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf said in Jakarta.

Nanang Abdul Manaf

According to Nanang, for exploration drilling, he has carried out 11 wells and exploitation drilling has drilled 99 wells, while for 3D seismic performance an area of ​​469 km2 has been carried out and 2D seismic has been carried out by 496 km, or 140% of the target of 355 km.
In financial terms, the net profit obtained by PEP was US $ 634 million and Ebitda was the US $ 1,821 million. PEP's commitment in the field of Health Safety Security and Environment is also evidenced by Zero Fatality and ZeroLost Time Incident with 99,741,534 safe working hours.

Nanang also emphasized that in the future there must be additional reserves of oil and gas in each field and asset. He said that now some field wells have entered old age.

For this reason, it needs to be rejuvenated again by finding new well points as reserves. As for the 2020 target, it wants to produce 85,000 BOPD of oil and gas of 932 MMSCFD. 

     To achieve this target, there are several challenges that must be faced including meeting the expectations of national oil production stakeholders of one million BOPD in 2030, optimizing gas prices, maintaining a positive trend for the last three years of oil and gas PEP (2017-2019), Ageing Production Facilities, EOR Implementation, and big discovery.

Furthermore, Nanang explained that several strategic points that will be implemented to achieve the 2020 Work Plan include maintaining and increasing HSSE performance, Execution of the On Time On Budget On Schedule and On Return work program by implementing the Business Acceleration Program (BAP) consistently. It also implements Cost Effectiveness & Efficiency and applies Good Change Management.

"Our strategy must also be aggressive at the beginning of this year and apply a culture of sharing and synergy between assets and fields," he added.

Meanwhile, Pertamina EP President Commissioner Basuki Trikora Putra expressed his appreciation for the performance of Pertamina EP during 2019. Especially in the field of oil lifting which was very proud and a good record in the HSSE field. He is also grateful for the 2019 PROPER Cup award with four gold trophies, as well as the acquisition of 12 green properties, and 4 blue properties.


2019, Lifting Pertamina EP Melampaui Target

Kinerja PT Pertamina EP, salah satu anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) sekaligus Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama di bawah pengawasan SKK Migas, mencatat hasil positif untuk angka lifting minyak selama tahun 2019.

“Pada tahun 2019, PEP meraih angka produksi minyak sebesar 82.213 BOPD dan gas sebesar 959 MMSCFD. Sedangkan untuk lifting gas berada di angka 749 MMSCFD dan lifting minyak berada di angka 82.190 BOPD atau 102 % dibandingkan dengan target Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) sebesar 80.733 BOPD,”kata President Director Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf di Jakarta.

Menurut Nanang, untuk pemboran eksplorasi pihaknya elah melaksanakan sebanyak 11 sumur dan untuk pemboran eksploitasi telah dibor sebanyak 99 sumur, sedangkan untuk kinerja seismik 3D telah terlaksana seluas 469 km2 dan untuk seismik 2D telah terlaksana sebesar 496 km, atau 140% dari target sebesar 355 km.

Dalam hal keuangan, laba bersih yang diperoleh oleh PEP adalah sebesar US$ 634 juta dan Ebitda sebesar US$ 1.821 juta. Komitmen PEP dalam bidang Health Safety Security and Environment juga dibuktikan dengan Zero Fatality dan ZeroLost Time Incident dengan jumlah jam kerja selamat sebanyak 99.741.534.

Nanang juga menegaskan bahwa untuk kedepannya harus ada penambahan cadangan baik minyak dan gas di tiap field dan asset. Beliau mengatakan bahwa saat ini beberapa sumur field sudah memasuki usia senja. 

Untuk itu perlu diremajakan lagi dengan cara menemukan titik titik sumur baru sebagai cadangan. Adapun target 2020, pihaknya ingin menghasilkan minyak sebesar 85.000 BOPD dan gas sebesar 932 MMSCFD. 

     Untuk mencapai target tersebut, ada beberapa tantangan yang harus dihadapi antara lain memenuhi harapan Stakeholder produksi minyak nasional sebesar satu juta BOPD tahun 2030, optimalisasi harga gas, mempertahankan trend positif tiga tahun terakhir migas PEP (2017-2019), Ageing Production Facilities, EOR Implementation, dan big discovery.

Lebih lanjut Nanang menjelaskan beberapa point strategi yang akan dilaksanakan untuk pencapaian Rencana Kerja tahun 2020 diantaranya adalah menjaga dan meningkatkan lagi kinerja HSSE, Eksekusi program kerja On Time On Budget On Schedule and On Return dengan mengimplementasikan Bussiness Acceleration Program (BAP) secara konsisten. Selain itu juga menerapkan Cost Effectiveness & Efficiency serta menerapkan Good Change Management.

“Strategi kami juga harus agresif di awal tahun ini serta menerapkan budaya sharing dan sinergi antar asset serta field,” tambahnya.

Sementara itu Komisaris Utama Pertamina EP Basuki Trikora Putra mengucapkan apresiasi terhadap kinerja Pertamina EP selama 2019. Khususnya di bidang lifting minyak yang sangat membanggakan serta catatan yang bagus di bidang HSSE. Beliau juga bersyukur dengan peraihan Piala PROPER 2019 dengan predikat emas sebanyak empat piala, begitu juga dengan perolehan 12 proper hijau, dan 4 proper biru.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Jan 18, 2020

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