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Thursday, January 16, 2020

BPH Migas Agrees to Export Gas to Singapore Stopped

The gas supply contract to Singapore from the Suban Corridor Block managed by ConocoPhillips will expire in 2023. Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa supports the government's plan to stop the export of Conoco-Phillips gas to Singapore after the contract expires.

BPH Migas

Previously, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, revealed that gas supply from the Conocophillips Suban Field would be diverted to the domestic market to meet domestic gas needs.

Arifin Tasrif

"I support 100% of the gas for domestic interests rather than being exported. For added value and reducing deficits," he said.

To distribute gas from the Corridor Block to the local market, the Duri Dumai, Riau and Sumatra pipelines can be utilized. This gas distribution channel can also flow into Java so that it can be fully utilized to meet local needs. Responding to the plan, ConocoPhillips Vice President Commercial and Business Development Taufik Ahmad said that his party needed to discuss in advance to ensure the government's plan.


"Yes, he said so. We will try to clarify so we understand the context," he said.

Taufik added, in accordance with the current gas purchase and sale agreement, the gas supply contract to Singapore will indeed expire in 2023. However, Taufik said he did not know for certain about the volume of gas currently being distributed. Nevertheless, Taufik stated that ConocoPhillips had not yet sought out potential buyers in the country.


BPH Migas Setuju Ekspor Gas ke Singapura Disetop

Kontrak pasokan gas ke Singapura dari Lapangan Suban Blok Corridor yang dikelola Conocophillips akan berakhir tahun 2023. Kepala Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) Fanshurullah Asa mendukung rencana pemerintah menghentikan ekspor gas Conoco-phillips ke Singapura setelah kontrak berakhir. 

Sebelumnya Menteri Energi dan Suinber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, mengungkapkan pasokan gas dari Lapangan Suban milik Conocophillips akan dialihkan ke pasar domestik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan gas dalam negeri. 

"Saya mendukung 100% gas untuk kepentingan dalam negeri bukan diekspor. Untuk nilai tambah dan mengurangi defisit," katanya.

Untuk menyalurkan gas dari Blok Corridor ke pasar lokal bisa memanfaatkan jalur pipa distribusi gas Duri Dumai, Riau, dan pipa Sumatera. Jalur distribusi gas ini juga bisa bisa mengalir menuju Jawa sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan lokal. Menanggapi rencana tersebut, Vice President Commercial and Business Development ConocoPhillips Taufik Ahmad menyatakan pihaknya perlu berdiskusi terlebih dahulu demi memastikan rencana pemerintah tersebut.

"Iya, katanya begitu. Kami akan mencoba mengklarifikasi agar kami memahami konteksnya," katanya.

Taufik menambahkan, sesuai dengan perjanjian jual beli gas yang berlaku selama ini, kontrak pemasokan gas ke Singapura memang akan berakhir pada tahun 2023. Namun, Taufik dia mengaku tidak mengetahui secara pasti mengenai volume gas yang disalurkan saat ini. Meski demikian Taufik menyatakan bahwa Conocophillips belum mencari potential buyer di dalam negeri.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, 6 Dec 2019

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