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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Cepu Block Project Will Be Speeded Up

The Central Processing Facility of Banyuurip Bojonegoro crude oil in East Java, is certain to get an additional 10 thousand barrels per day from Kedungkeris Sukoharjo Field, Kalitidu Bojonegoro District. Crude oil is flowed in December 2019, currently in the process of finishing facilities for crude oil flow. 

     Head of Public Relations of PT Meindo Elang Indah Ahnan said there was a construction company working on a 16-kilometer pipeline from Kedungkeris Field to Banyuurip Bojonegoro and an oil-cooled building in Kedungkeris, Sukoharjo Village. It is targeted that the project can be completed according to the target set by the company because of the initial work in 2018.

"The pipeline was completed in September 2019 and now all that's needed is to tidy up the cooling building. Especially on the twenty-first of this month the crude oil has begun to flow or the term is trial or start up, "he explained.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limeted (EMCL)

As is known, the Kedungkeris Field was explored by ExxonMobil Cepu Limeted (EMCL) in 2011 and it is known that there is an oil content of 20 million barrels. To add Banyuurip production, also known as the Cepu Block, a pipeline and other facilities will be carried out in the field. 

    So that the presence of the Kedungkeris Field is expected to increase Bojonegoro's Regional Original Revenue (PAD). That was recognized by ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Field Public and Government Affairs Manager Rexy Mawardijaya.

Rexy Mawardijaya

"The shareholders of the Cepu Block remain and produce for PAD Bojonegoro, because the management rights are carried out by ExxonMobil, Pertamina EP Cepu and the BUMD ampat cooperating with the Cepu Block, one of which is Bojonegoro," he said.

He continued, ExxonMobil continued to develop the Kedung Keris Field project and currently the work has reached more than ninety percent. Initial crude oil is expected to flow by the end of 2019. According to him, currently from the Banyuurip Field, 220 thousand barrels per day is obtained, so that the flow of oil from Kedungkeris can be additional to Banyuurip.


Proyek Blok Cepu Akan Dikebut

Pusat pengolahan (Central Processing Facility) minyak mentah Banyuurip Bojonegoro Jawa Timur, dipastikan akan mendapatkan tambahan 10 ribu barel perhari dari Lapangan Kedungkeris Sukoharjo Kecamatan Kalitidu Bojonegoro. Minyak mentah dialirkan di Desember 2019 itu, saat ini sedang melakukan finishing fasilitas untuk mengalirnya minyak mentah. 

    Kepala Humas PT Meindo Elang Indah Ahnan mengatakan ada perusahaan konstruksi yang mengerjakan pipa sepanjang 16 kilometer dari Lapangan Kedungkeris hingga Banyuurip Bojonegoro dan bangunan pendingin minyak di Kedungkeris Desa Sukoharjo. Ditargetkan proyek tersebut dapat selesai sesuai target yang ditetapkan perusahaan karena awal pengerjaannya pada 2018 lalu.

“Pengerjaan pipa sudah selesai di September 2019 lalu dan kini tinggal merapikan bangunan pendingin. Apalagi tanggal dua puluh satu bulan ini sudah mulai dialirkan minyak mentahnya atau istilahnya ujicoba atau start up,” jelasnya.

Seperti diketahui, Lapangan Kedungkeris dieksplorasi ExxonMobil Cepu Limeted (EMCL) di 2011 silam dan diketahui ada kandungan minyak 20 juta barel. Untuk menambahkan produksi Banyuurip atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan Blok Cepu, kemudian dilakukan pengerjaan pipa dan fasilitas lainnya di lapangan. Sehingga dengan keberadaan Lapangan Kedungkeris diharapkan dapat menambah Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Bojonegoro. Hal itu diakui Field Public and Government Affairs Manager ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Rexy Mawardijaya. 

“Shareholder Blok Cepu tetap dan menghasilkan untuk PAD Bojonegoro, karena hak kelolanya dilakukan ExxonMobil, Pertamina EP Cepu dan ampat BUMD kerja sama Blok Cepu, salah satunya Bojonegoro,” katanya.

Lanjutnya, ExxonMobil terus mengembangkan proyek Lapangan Kedung Keris dan saat ini pengerjaan telah mencapai lebih dari sembilan puluh persen. Minyak mentah perdana diharapkan mengalir pada akhir 2019. Menurutnya, saat ini dari Lapangan Banyuurip diperoleh 220 ribu barel perhari, sehingga dengan mengalirnya minyak dari Kedungkeris dapat menjadi tambahan untuk Banyuurip.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-15, Monday, Nov 18, 2019

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