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Thursday, January 30, 2020

DPR ‘knows’ Oil and gas mafia: Pertamina boss certainly knows

PT Pertamina (Persero) officials are believed to recognize oil and gas, mafia perpetrators. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) was also advised to eradicate the oil and gas mafia through Pertamina's bosses. House of Representatives Commission VII member Dr. Ir Kardaya Warnika DEA assessed the practice of oil and gas mafia can actually be felt. But to find its existence is fairly difficult.

"When it comes to the oil and gas mafia, I always say it smells like a fart, smells, but if you look at it, someone who farts is difficult, but it feels there," he said.

oil and gas mafia

According to Kardaya, the practice of oil and gas mafia is difficult to investigate because most of them act in accordance with existing regulations. But they take advantage of the gaps in the applicable provisions.

"The oil and gas mafia sees an opportunity if the purchase of oil feels more expensive than it should be, well that is a sign. Actually, the oil and gas mafia is hard to see because they work according to the regulations, so it's legal. But they are exploiting loopholes in existing regulations, "he added.

He gave an example, for example, there are oil and gas projects that are participated by several companies. If traced it turns out that the parent of the holding companies participating in the tender is one party. With such a practice, Kardaya believes Pertamina officials as the BUMN and the largest oil and gas company in Indonesia know and are familiar with oil and gas mafia players.

"Actually, the Pertamina boss certainly knows that. They, oil and gas mafia usually have good relations with Pertamina officials, "he said.

Therefore, he suggested Jokowi summon Pertamina officials. Forced to stop the practice of oil and gas mafia then threaten to be removed from his position if it is not done.

"The president has said first he wants to eradicate the mafia. Secondly, he says he knows who is playing, in my opinion just call it Managing Director with Pertamina's Chief Commissioner. No need to talk out, I know this is someone who plays, I do not want to know this practice must be lost, if it does not disappear then sanctions will be removed, "he explained.

"Because the official was afraid of only one, namely losing his position, by God alone the official was not afraid, after being sworn in the official did something strange," Kardaya concluded.

Evidence of the Mafia Oil and gas refineries were not immediately built

Previously, according to a count of the official governance reform team led by Faisal Basri when dismantling the official mafia practices in 2014-2015 in Petral's body, it was known that oil importers could get USD 1 to USD 3 from each barrel of oil imports into Indonesia. This is Evidence There is an oil and gas mafia.

The President Jokowi

Regarding the oil and gas mafia, the Jokowi government is now again making efforts to eradicate it. So what is the proof that the oil and gas mafia is still hanging around? Energy Economics Observer from Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Fahmy Radhi said, one proof of the oil and gas mafia was the absence of oil and gas refinery development.

Saudi Aramco

"There is a systemic effort blocking the construction of refineries. It was also complained by Jokowi, Pertamina had not built a refinery in 35 years, even though there were also many investors such as Saudi Aramco, there was Russian Rosneft, there was OOG (Overseas Oil & Gas) Oman, it had been in the framework of signing a framework agreement, but until now there were none which can be realized, "he said.


Fahmi who was once the Anti-Mafia Oil and Gas Team which was once chaired by Faisal Basri, believes that the oil and gas mafia is closely related to imports. They can continue to live if Indonesia continues to import oil and gas, so they do various ways to prevent it.

"So if based on our findings first, then looking at current symptoms, one of the indicators is indeed an increase in oil and gas imports, and the oil and gas mafia playing in the import route earlier, hunting rent in imports" he added.

The amount of oil and gas imports has indeed become Jokowi's concern. The President claimed to have known the name of the mastermind behind the import of oil and gas which reached 800 thousand barrels per day.


DPR ‘Tahu’ Mafia Migas: Bos Pertamina Pasti Tahu

Para petinggi PT Pertamina (Persero) diyakini mengenali para pelaku mafia minyak dan gas. Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pun disarankan memberantas mafia migas melalui para bos Pertamina. Anggota Komisi VII DPR Dr Ir Kardaya Warnika DEA menilai praktik mafia migas sebenarnya bisa dirasakan. Namun untuk mencari keberadaannya memang terbilang sulit.

“Kalau tentang mafia minyak dan gas itu saya selalu mengatakan ini seperti bau kentut, tercium tapi kalau dilihat siapa yang kentut susah, tapi dirasakan ada,” ujarnya.

Menurut Kardaya, praktik mafia minyak dan gas sulit diselidik lantaran kebanyakan dari mereka beraksi mengikuti peraturan yang ada. Namun mereka memanfaatkan celah-celah dari ketentuan yang berlaku.

“Mafia minyak dan gas ini melihat peluang kalau pembelian minyak terasa lebih mahal dari yang semestinya, nah itulah tanda-tandanya. Sebetulnya mafia minyak dan gas ini susah dilihat karena mereka bekerja mengikuti peraturan ketentuan, ya legal saja. Tapi mereka memanfaatkan celah-celah dari peraturan yang ada,” tambahnya.

Dia mencontohkan, misalnya ada proyek minyak dan gas yang diikuti oleh beberapa perusahaan. Jika ditelusuri ternyata induk dari induk perusahaan-perusahaan yang ikut tender merupakan satu pihak. Dengan praktik seperti itu, Kardaya yakin petinggi Pertamina selaku BUMN dan perusahaan migas terbesar di Indonesia tahu dan kenal dengan para pelaku mafia minyak dan gas.

“Sebetulnya bos Pertamina pasti tahu itu. Mereka mafia minyak dan gas biasanya mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan petinggi Pertamina,” tutur dia.

Oleh karena itu dia menyarankan Jokowi untuk memanggil para petinggi Pertamina. Paksa untuk menyetop praktik mafia minyak dan gas lalu ancam copot dari jabatannya jika itu tidak dilakukan.

“Presiden sudah mengatakan pertama dia ingin memberantas mafia. Kedua dia mengatakan dia tahu siapa yang bermain, menurut saya ya tinggal panggil saja
Direktur Utama bersama Komisaris Utama Pertamina. Tidak perlu bicara keluar, saya tahu ini orang yang bermain, saya tidak mau tahu praktik ini harus hilang, kalau tidak hilang maka sanksinya ya dicopot,” terangnya.

“Karena pejabat itu takutnya hanya satu, yaitu kehilangan jabatan, dengan tuhan saja pejabat tidak takut, setelah disumpah pejabat itu melakukan hal aneh-aneh,” tutup Kardaya.

Bukti Mafia Minyak dan gas, kilang tidak segera dibangun

Sebelumnya menurut hitungan tim reformasi tata kelola pejabat yang dipimpin Faisal Basri sewaktu membongkar praktik mafia pejabat pada 2014-2015 lalu di tubuh Petral, diketahui para importir minyak ini bisa mendapatkan USD 1 sampai USD 3 dari tiap barel impor minyak ke Indonesia. Ini Bukti Ada Mafia minyak dan gas. 

Terkait mafia minyak dan gas kini pemerintahan Jokowi kembali melakukan upaya untuk memberantasnya. Lantas apa buktinya mafia minyak dan gas masih berkeliaran? Pengamat Ekonomi Energi dari Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Fahmy Radhi mengatakan, salah satu bukti adanya mafia minyak dan gas adalah tidak adanya pembangunan kilang minyak dan gas.

“Ada upaya sistemik menghalangi pembangunan kilang. Itu kan dikeluhkan Jokowi juga, sudah 35 tahun Pertamina tidak membangun kilang, padahal banyak juga investor seperti Saudi Aramco, ada Rosneft Rusia, ada OOG (Overseas Oil & Gas) Oman itu sudah dalam tahap penandatanganan framework agreement, tapi sampai sekarang tidak ada satu pun yang bisa direalisasikan,” tuturnya.

Fahmi yang pernah menjadi Tim Anti Mafia minyak dan gas yang pernah diketuai oleh Faisal Basri, meyakini mafia minyak dan gas erat kaitannya dengan impor. Mereka bisa hidup terus jika Indonesia masih terus impor minyak dan gas, oleh karena itu mereka melakukan berbagai cara untuk menghalanginya.

“Jadi kalau berdasarkan pada hasil temuan kami dulu, kemudian melihat gejala sekarang ini, salah satu indikatornya memang peningkatan impor minyak dan gas, dan mafia minyak dan gas bermain di jalur impor tadi, berburu rente di impor" tambahnya.

Besarnya impor minyak dan gas memang sudah menjadi perhatian Jokowi. Presiden mengaku sudah mengetahui nama dalang di balik impor minyak dan gas yang mencapai 800 ribu barel per hari.

Duta Masyarakat, Page-1, Monday, Jan 20, 2020

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