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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Easing of Profit-Sharing is Positively Welcomed

The Indonesian Petroleum Association welcomed the government's plan to loosen the establishment of oil and gas revenue-sharing schemes. Easing it is expected to increase investor interest in investing in Indonesia's upstream oil and gas sector. Until the third quarter of 2019, the realization of upstream oil and gas investment amounted to 8.1 billion US dollars.

This year, the upstream oil and gas investment target are 13.4 billion US dollars. Currently, there are two oil and gas revenue sharing schemes in Indonesia, namely gross split and cost recovery. 

     Gross split is a profit-sharing scheme based on gross production, while cost recovery is the replacement of exploration, field development, and production costs incurred by cooperation contract contractors (KKKS).

A gross split is imposed for new contracts in a work area. As for contract extension, KKKS are given two options for profit-sharing schemes, namely gross split or cost recovery.

Louise McKenzie

"The plan for the flexibility of the revenue sharing scheme will certainly be a positive signal for us. Need further discussion to discuss this. But, in essence, we will follow whatever the government decides, "said Indonesian Oil Association (IPA) President Louise McKenzie.

Arifin Tasrif

The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, in the easing of profit-sharing schemes was eased in a working meeting with Commission VII of the DPR last week in Jakarta. IPA Vice President Ronald Gunawan added, the stability of the contract was believed to increase the attractiveness of Indonesia's upstream oil and gas investment in the eyes of investors.


Pelonggaran Bagi Hasil Disambut Positif

Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia menyambut positif rencana pemerintah melonggarkan penetapan skema bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi. Pelonggaran itu diharapkan meningkatkan minat investor untuk berinvestasi di sektor hulu minyak dan gas Indonesia. Sampai dengan triwulan III-2019, realisasi investasi hulu minyak dan gas sebesar 8,1 miliar dollar AS. 

Tahun ini, target investasi hulu minyak dan gas 13,4 miliar dollar AS. Saat ini ada dua skema bagi hasil migas di Indonesia, yaitu gross split dan cost recovery. Gross split adalah skema bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi bruto, sedangkan cost recovery adalah penggantian biaya eksplorasi, pengembangan lapangan, dan produksi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS). 

Gross split dikenakan untuk kontrak baru pada sebuah wilayah kerja. Adapun untuk perpanjangan kontrak, KKKS diberi dua pilihan skema bagi hasil, yakni gross split atau cost recovery.

”Rencana fleksibilitas skema bagi hasil tentu menjadi sinyal positif bagi kami. Perlu diskusi lebih jauh untuk membahas hal tersebut. Namun, pada intinya, kami akan mengikuti apa pun yang menjadi keputusan pemerintah,” kata Presiden Asosiasi Perminyakan Indonesia (IPA) Louise McKenzie.

Wacana pelonggaran skema bagi hasil dilontarkan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arifin Tasrif dalam rapat kerja dengan Komisi VII DPR pekan lalu di Jakarta. Wakil Presiden IPA Ronald Gunawan menambahkan, kestabilan kontrak diyakini dapat meningkatkan daya tarik investasi hulu migas Indonesia di mata investor.

Kompas, Page-14, Thursday, Dec 5,  2019

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