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Friday, January 17, 2020

EMCL Production Towards 10 Thousand Barrels

The Cepu Block oil production has increased. Because, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) officially started oil production in the Kedung Keris field.

the Kedung Keris field

     EMCL has also submitted a revised analysis on the environmental impact (EIA) of the increased production. 

Dwi Soetjipto

    Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said oil production at the Kedung Keris field currently reaches 5,000 barrels of oil per day. Later, gradually, its capacity will increase to 10 thousand barrels of oil per day.

"If calculated with the price of ICP oil (Indonesian crude oil price) of USD 60-USD 65 per barrel, there will be gross revenue of USD 237 million or equivalent to Rp 3.3 trillion a year," Dwi explained before the media.

The income according to Dwi Soetjipto is not exactly small. Dwi Soetjipto believes that the revenue will contribute significantly to the regional and central economy. Currently, the Cepu Block production from the Banyu Urip field reaches 220 thousand barrels of oil per day. 

Chevron Pacific Indonesia

     That is the most contribution. Previously, the highest oil production was produced by the Rokan Block which is managed by Chevron Pacific Indonesia. The figure is around 210 thousand barrels of oil per day.

"But, overtaken EMCL which is more than 200 thousand barrels of oil per day. In fact, Rokan's production has dropped to 190 thousand barrels," Dwi said. Because the production capacity of the Cepu Block has changed, EMCL needs to revise the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL). Based on the results of the maximum capacity trial test, the production of 235 thousand barrels of oil per day (BPD) is still safe.

"The test has been done. Still waiting to get permission to operate at that level," Dwi said.

Louise McKenzie

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited President Louise McKenzie revealed oil production in the Cepu Block contributed 25 percent to the nation.

"Number one in Indonesia. Therefore, we will continue to produce" he said.

While waiting for the drop in environmental impact analysis to increase production to 235 thousand barrels of oil per day, he has prepared facilities that are in line with the production capacity at the Kedung Keris field, which has reached 10 thousand barrels. 

     The oil production activities of the Kedung Keris project are a collaboration between ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) and Cepu Block partners. Namely, PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) and the Cepu Block Participating Interest (PI) Cooperation Agency.

"We will continue to evaluate the capability and performance of the Kedung Keris well," McKenzie said.

The engineering, procurement, and construction contract of the Kedung Keris project with an investment of up to USD 76 million were undertaken by PT Meindo Elang Indah. The project consists of a tread for one well operation and an 8-inch diameter underground pipe. 

Banyu Urip central processing facility

     The pipe extends along 15 kilometers and is connected with a Banyu Urip central processing facility. Head of East Java ESDM Office Setiadjit emphasized that the East Java Provincial Government is ready to support increased oil production in the region.

"If there is a submission for making EIA due to increased production, we will facilitate and accelerate" he explained.


Produksi EMCL Menuju 10 Ribu Barel

Produksi minyak Blok Cepu meningkat. Sebab, ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) resmi memulai produksi minyak di lapangan Kedung Keris. EMCL juga sudah mengajukan revisi analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan (amdal) atas peningkatan produksi tersebut. 

     Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto menyebutkan, produksi minyak di lapangan Kedung Keris saat ini mencapai 5.000 barel minyak per hari. Nanti, secara bertahap, kapasitasnya meningkat menjadi 10 ribu barel minyak per hari.

"Kalau dihitung dengan harga minyak ICP (harga minyak mentah Indonesia) USD 60-USD 65 per barel, akan ada pendapatan kotor atau gross revenue USD 237 juta atau setara Rp 3,3 triliun setahun,” terang Dwi di hadapan media.

Pendapatan tersebut menurut Dwi Soetjipto tidak bisa dibilang sedikit. Dwi Soetjipto yakin pendapatan itu bakal berkontri busi signifikan terhadap perekonomian daerah dan pusat. Saat ini produksi Blok Cepu dari lapangan Banyu Urip mencapai 220 ribu barel minyak per hari. Itulah kontribusi yang paling banyak. Sebelumnya, produksi minyak tertinggi dihasilkan Blok Rokan yang dikelola Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Angkanya berkisar 210 ribu barel minyak per hari.

"Tapi, disalip EMCL yang lebih dari 200 ribu barel minyak per hari. Bahkan, produksi Rokan turun menjadi 190 ribu barel" tegas Dwi Lantaran kapasitas produksi Blok Cepu berubah, EMCL perlu merevisi Analisis Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL). Berdasar hasil tes uji coba kapasitas maksimal, produksi 235 ribu barel minyak per hari masih aman. 

"Tes sudah dilakukan. Masih menunggu mendapatkan izin beroperasi di level itu" ujar Dwi.

Presiden ExxonMobil Cepu Limited Louise McKenzie mengungkapkan, produksi minyak di Blok Cepu berkontribusi 25 persen terhadap nasional. 

"Nomor satu di Indonesia. Karena itu, kami bakal terus melanjutkan produksi" tuturnya.

Sambil menunggu turunnya izin amdal pada peningkatan produksi menjadi 235 ribu barel minyak per hari, dia sudah menyiapkan fasilitas yang sesuai dengan kemampuan produksi di lapangan Kedung Keris yang mencapai 10 ribu barel. Kegiatan produksi minyak dari proyek Kedung Keris merupakan kerja sama antara ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) dan para mitra Blok Cepu. Yakni, PT Pertamina EP Cepu dan Badan Kerja Sama Participating Interest (PI) Blok Cepu.

"Kami akan terus mengevaluasi kemampuan dan kinerja dari sumur Kedung Keris" kata McKenzie.

Kontrak rekayasa, pengadaan, dan konstruksi proyek Kedung Keris dengan nilai investasi mencapai USD 76 juta dikerjakan PT Meindo Elang Indah. Proyek itu terdiri atas tapak sumur untuk operasi satu sumur dan pipa bawah tanah berdiameter 8-inci. Pipa tersebut menjulur sepanjang 15 kilometer dan tersambung dengan fasilitas pengolahan pusat Banyu Urip. Kepala Dinas ESDM Jatim Setiadjit menegaskan, Pemprov Jatim siap mendukung peningkatan produksi minyak di wilayahnya. 

"Jika ada pengajuan pembuatan amdal karena peningkatan produksi, kami bakal fasilitasi dan percepat" jelasnya.

Jawa Pos, Page- 5, Wednesday, Dec 18, 2019

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