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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

End of 2019, Kedung Keris Produces

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) will complete the Kedung Keris field project by the end of 2019. Later the project will increase EMCL's crude oil production capacity to around 10,000 barrels per day (BOPD). Its oil reserves are estimated at 20 million BOPD. EMCL Spokesperson and Public Relations Rexy Mawardijaya said, currently the project progress is more than 90 percent.

"Initial oil is expected to flow by the end of 2019," he said when to meet at the EMCL headquarters in Bojonegoro.

offloading vessel (Gagak Rimang)

He explained, the construction of the Kedung Keris field project had been operating since 2017. One of the stages was the construction of a 16-kilometer pipeline from the Kedung Keris field to the Banyu Urip field. Because crude oil processing takes place in the Banyu Urip field. After that, the processing results are channeled from the Banyu Urip field to the floating storage and offloading vessel (Gagak Rimang) off the Tuban coast.

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) Field

EMCL has so far relied on crude oil production from wells in the Banyu Urip field whose total capacity reaches 220 thousand BOPD. So far the Banyu Urip field contributes around 25 percent to the total national oil production.

"This achievement is the highest among all Indonesia's oil fields," said Rexy.

The government has assigned EMCL to collaborate with Pertamina EP Cepu and the Cepu Block Participating Cooperation (PI) to manage the two Bojonegoro oil field. Namely, the Banyu Urip field in the Gayam Bojonegoro District and the Kedung Keris field in the Kalitidu Bojonegoro District.


Akhir Tahun 2019, Kedung Keris Berproduksi

ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) akan merampungkan proyek lapangan Kedung Keris pada akhir tahun 2019. Nanti proyek itu meningkatkan kapasitas produksi minyak mentah EMCL menjadi sekitar 10 ribu barel per hari (barrel oil per day atau BOPD). 

     Cadangan minyaknya diperkirakan mencapai 20 juta BOPD. Juru Bicara dan Humas EMCL Rexy Mawardijaya menyebutkan, saat ini progres pengerjaan proyek lebih dari 90 persen. 

”Minyak perdana diharapkan mengalir pada akhir 2019," katanya saat dijumpai di kantor pusat EMCL di Bojonegoro.

Dia menjelaskan, pembangunan proyek lapangan Kedung Keris beroperasi sejak 2017. Salah satu tahapnya adalah pembangunan pipa sepanjang 16 kilometer dari lapangan Kedung Keris ke lapangan Banyu Urip. Sebab, pengolahan minyak mentah berlangsung di lapangan Banyu Urip. Setelah itu, hasil pengolahannya disalurkan dari lapangan Banyu Urip ke floating storage and offloading vessel (kapal air muat terapung) Gagak Rimang di lepas pantai Tuban. 

Selama ini EMCL mengandalkan produksi minyak mentah dari sumur-sumur di lapangan Banyu Urip yang kapasitas totalnya mencapai 220 ribu BOPD. Sejauh ini lapangan Banyu Urip berkontribusi sekitar 25 persen terhadap total produksi minyak nasional. 

"Capaian ini merupakan yang tertinggi di antara seluruh lapangan minyak Indonesia,” papar Rexy.

Pemerintah menugasi EMCL bekerja Sama dengan Pertamina EP Cepu dan Badan Kerja Sama Participating Interest (PI) Blok Cepu untuk mengelola dua
lapangan minyak Bojonegoro. Yakni, lapangan Banyu Urip di Kecamatan Gayam Bojonegoro dan lapangan Kedung Keris di Kecamatan Kalitidu Bojonegoro.

Jawa Pos, Page-5, Saturday, Nov 30,  2019

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