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Monday, January 27, 2020

ESDM: Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas Investment Still Promising For Global Investors

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) considers that upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia is still very promising for global investors.

the West Ganal Block

"Right now international companies are starting to enter Indonesia, one of which is Neptune Energy in the West Ganal oil and gas block (off the coast of the Makassar Strait)," said Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the ESDM Ministry Mustafid Gunawan in Jakarta.

Eni Indonesia Limited

As is known, the Consortium Eni Indonesia Limited - PT Pertamina (Persero) - Neptune Energy West Ganal B.V. became the winner of the auction on the West Ganal block. He added, British Petroleum (BP) would also conduct exploration activities in open areas.

"BP is discussing discussions to conduct a survey outside the CoW, transfer of commitments is still being processed. The funds are very large, "he said.

He believes that the high interest of global investors in investing in upstream oil and gas, according to him, is not without reason. Currently, the oil and gas data has been transparent as the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 7 of 2019 was issued concerning the Management and Utilization of Oil and Gas Data. 

     Mustafid said oil and gas investors can access and process data in accordance with Ministerial Regulations. To access the oil and gas data, oil and gas investors must register themselves as members and pay contributions.

"The fee is being determined. Throughout being a member, get data. If not, only get basic data. Many investors are hoping for data, "he said.

In 2020, Mustafid said, his party would auction 12 work areas (WK) or oil and gas blocks.

"2020, we prepare a WK auction from a technical standpoint, whether cost recovery or gross split, is applied openly depending on evaluation," he said.

He said the work area to be auctioned consisted of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks, and the rest were non-conventional. Previously, the Head of the Communication Bureau, Public Information Services and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Agung said the Government was optimistic that the Ministerial Regulation could invite the maximum investment in upstream oil and gas.

The government provides data access to all parties who need it with maximum access for those who are registered as members. He said being a member was entitled to get access to a data package in the Work Area offering for free as well as getting a free data package for auction winners.

"As for non-members, data access is limited to general data, basic data, processed data and interpretation data that have passed the confidentiality period.

Yesterday when this application was presented to oil and gas contractors, they recognized that the application of oil and gas data was very helpful in managing oil and gas data, "Agung said.


ESDM: Invostasi Hulu Migas Indonesia Masih Menjanjikan bagi Investor Global

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menilai bahwa investasi hulu migas di Indonesia masih sangat menjanjikan bagi investor global.

“Sekarang ini perusahaan internasional mulai masuk ke Indonesia, salah satunya Neptune Energy di blok migas West Ganal (lepas pantai Selat Makasar),” ujar Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Migas Kementerian ESDM Mustafid Gunawan di Jakarta.

Sebagaimana diketahui, Konsorsium Eni Indonesia Limited - PT Pertamina (Persero) - Neptune Energy West Ganal B.V. menjadi pemenang lelang di blok West Ganal itu. Ia menambahkan, British Petroleum (BP) juga bakal melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi di wilayah terbuka.

“BP sedang berdiskusi pembahasan untuk lakukan survey di luar WK, pengalihan komitmen masih diproses. Dana sangat besar sekali,” ucapnya.

Keyakinan tingginya minat investor global berinvestasi hulu migas, menurut dia, bukan tanpa alasan. Saat ini data migas telah transparan seiring telah diterbitkannya Peraturan Menteri  ESDM Nomor 7 Tahun 2019 Tentang Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Data Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Mustafid mengemukakan investor migas dapat mengakses dan mengolah data sesuai ketentuan Peraturan Menteri. Untuk mengakses data migas itu, investor migas wajib mendaftarkan diri sebagai anggota dan membayar iuran.

“Sedang ditetapkan biaya iurannya. Sepanjang menjadi anggota, mendapat data. Kalau tidak, hanya mendapat data dasar. Banyak investor yang berharap data,” ucapnya.

Pada 2020, Mustafid mengatakan, pihaknya bakal melelang 12 wilayah kerja (WK) atau blok migas.

“2020, lelang WK kita siapkan skema dari sisi teknis, apakah cost recovery atau gross split, diterapkan terbuka tergatung evaluasi,” ujarnya.

Ia mengemukakan wilayah kerja yang akan dilelang itu terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional, dan sisanya non konvensional. Sebelumnya, Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Agung Pribadi mengatakan Pemerintah optimistis dengan Peraturan Menteri itu dapat mengundang sebesar-besarnya investasi di hulu migas. 

Pemerintah memberikan akses data kepada semua pihak yang membutuhkannya dengan akses yang sebesar-besarnya bagi pihak yang terdaftar menjadi anggota. Dia mengatakan menjadi anggota berhak mendapatkan akses paket data pada penawaran Wilayah Kerja secara gratis serta mendapatkan paket data  gratis untuk pemenang lelang.

“Sedangkan bagi bukan anggota, akses data diberikan terbatas hanya untuk data umum, data dasar, data olahan dan data interpretasi yang telah melewati masa kerahasiaan.

Kemarin saat aplikasi ini dipresentasikan kepada kontraktor migas, mereka mengakui bahwa aplikasi data migas ini sangat membantu dalam melakukan pengelolaan data migas,” ujar Agung.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan 15, 2020


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