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Saturday, February 1, 2020

Exploration Begins in 2023

The Sakakemang Block owned by Repsol, an oil and gas company from Spain, operates in Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, and is confirmed to be operating the fastest in 2023. 

Dodi Reza Alex

    Musi Banyuasin Regent Dodi Reza Alex said Repsol's plan to exploit gas reserves in the block was classified as fast. The reason is only 5 years after the discovery of gas sources in the District of Bayung Lencir in February 2019.

Saka Kemang Block

"The latest information that we have received has not changed. Repsol will begin exploration in 2023 or no later than 2024, "he said.


Dodi said that currently, Repsol is still conducting a number of explorations around the discovery of gas in the Kaliberau 2 Well to further ensure the amount of gas content in the region. The plan is that Repsol will utilize existing lines to make corridor blocks like the oil and gas drilling process.

 "The Regency Government is very supportive of the steps taken by Repsol, and sincerely hopes exploration will soon materialize," he said.

The discovery of new gas reserves in the Kaliberau 2 Well (KBD2X) Sakakemang Block is said to be the fourth largest discovery in the world in the period 2018-2019. The KBD2X well in the Sakakemang Block is estimated to have a potential of approximately 2 Tcf (trillion cubic feet), or to be the best finding in oil and gas exploration in Indonesia within 18 years.

This discovery was made thanks to Repsol's decision to drill the 2nd inside the Sakakemang Block on August 20, 2018, with the help of two other consortium members, namely Petronas and Mitsui Oil Exploration.

Repsol work in the Sakakemang working area can be carried out after the company succeeded in purchasing the previous operator, Talisman, in 2015. The Repsol second exploration well in the Sakakemang Block has located about 60 km from the Suban giant gas field, Musi Banyuasin. In early February 2019,
Repsol then discovered the potential for gas reserves at a depth of 2,430 MD.

"The success of KBD2X will open exploration from South Sumatra to Central Sumatra," said Dodi.

In the near future, Dodi said that the Regency Government will coordinate with SKK Migas to make a road map for developing energy potential in Musi Banyuasin. The Regional Government hopes that Repsol can immediately produce and empower local residents according to their fields and expertise.


Eksplorasi Mulai 2023

Blok Sakakemang milik Repsol perusahaan minyak dan gas yang berasal dari Spanyol beroperasi di Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin, Sumatra Selatan dipastikan beroperasi paling cepat pada 2023. Bupati Musi Banyuasin Dodi Reza Alex mengatakan rencana Repsol untuk mengeksploitasi cadangan gas di blok itu tergolong cepat. Pasalnya hanya 5 tahun setelah penemuan sumber gas di Kecamatan Bayung Lencir tersebut pada Februari 2019. 

“Informasi terbaru yang kami terima tidak ada perubahan. Repsol akan memulai eksplorasi pada 2023 atau paling lambat 2024,” katanya.

Dodi mengatakan saat ini Repsol masih masih melakukan sejumlah eksplorasi di sekitar penemuan gas di Sumur Kaliberau 2 untuk semakin menyakinkan jumlah kandungan gas di kawasan tersebut. Rencananya, Repsol akan memanfaatkan jalur yang sudah ada (eksisting] untuk membuat blok koridor seperti pada umumnya proses pengeboran migas.

 “Pemerintah Kabupaten sangat mendukung langkah-langkah yang ditempuh Repsol, dan sangat berharap eksplorasi segera terwujud," ujarnya.

Penemuan cadangan gas baru di Sumur Kaliberau 2 (KBD2X) Blok Sakakemang disebut-sebut sebagai penemuan terbesar ke empat di dunia pada periode 2018-2019. Sumur KBD2X di Blok Sakakemang itu diperkirakan memiliki potensi kurang lebih 2 Tcf (trillion cubic feet), atau menjadi temuan terbaik dalam eksplorasi minyak dan gas di Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 18 tahun. 

Penemuan ini berkat keputusan Repsol melakukan pengeboran ke-2 di dalam Blok Sakakemang pada 20 Agustus 2018 dengan dibantu dua anggota konsorsium lainnya, yakni Petronas dan Mitsui Oil Exploration.

Pengerjaan Repsol di wilayah kerja Sakakemang ini dapat dilakukan setelah perusahaan tersebut berhasil membeli operator sebelumnya, Talisman, pada 2015. Sumur eksplorasi kedua Repsol di Blok Sakakemang ini berlokasi sekitar 60 km dari lapangan gas raksasa Suban, Musi Banyuasin. Pada awal Februari 2019, Repsol kemudian menemukan potensi cadangan gas pada kedalaman sumur 2.430 MD.

“Keberhasilan surnur KBD2X akan membuka eksplorasi dari Sumatra Selatan hingga ke Sumatra bagian Tengah,” kata Dodi.

Dalam waktu dekat, Dodi mengatakan Pemerintah Kabupaten akan berkoordinasi dengan SKK Migas untuk membuat peta jalan pengembangan potensi energi di Musi Banyuasin. Pemerintah Daerah berharap Repsol dapat segera berproduksi dan memberdayakan warga sekitar sesuai bidang dan keahliannya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-12, Saturday, Feb 1, 2020

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