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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Exxon and Copi Expand Exploration

ExxonMobil don Conocohillips (Copi) plans to conduct exploration outside its operations area. This opens the contractor's opportunity to get additional new reserves.

Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said the two cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) from the United States had stated the plan. According to him, the KKKS choice to conduct exploration outside its working area has considered the potential for additional oil and gas reserves. This is considered positive.

Dwi Soetjipto

 "That means a lot of potential for the country, rather than drilling in existing areas where additional production and reserves are not too large," he said.

Dwi added that currently the funds collected from the defined work commitment (KKP) for exploration have reached US $ 2.5 billion. The funds are obtained from gross profit sharing contracts. One of the KKKS that have conducted exploration activities from the KKP fund is PT Penamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang (PHE Jambi Merang) in the form of a 2D seismic survey with a track length of 30,000 kilometers. Cumulatively, an additional investment of the Jambi Merang MPA is up to US $ 239.3 million for exploration and exploitation activities.

"What the Jambi Merang PHE has done with its KKP does not have a better meaning if it is [only] done in Jambi Merang. So [they] were given the opportunity to use the KKP in other areas, "he added.

SKK Migas also encouraged Pertamina and Medco as a local oil and gas company to boost exploration to keep up with Repsol's success in the Top 10 Discovery 2019. Pertamina and Medco have the largest areas number 1 and 3 in the same basin. To encourage investors to explore, SKK Migas claims to have conducted a roadshow to introduce oil and gas basins in the country.

The reason is the success ratio of exploration well discovery in Indonesia is higher and the global average. Referring to the SKK Migas data, until the third quarter of 2019 exploration success ratio was 45%, while in the world in the last 2 years it was 35%. From the latest exploration findings, there are at least an additional 880 million barrel oil equivalent (MMboe) and 230 MMbo from 13 work areas.

Azi N. Alam

Regarding exploration plans in open areas, ExxonMobil agrees to the possibility. Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N. Alam said that the company remained committed to Indonesia and continued to look for other opportunities.

the Cepu Block in East Java Indonesia

"Both in the Cepu Block and throughout Indonesia, as part of our long-term commitment in Indonesia," he said.

At present, ExxonMobil is the largest oil-producing KKKS in Indonesia, passing Chevron Pacific Indonesia. As of September 2019, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd recorded a production of ready to sell or lifting of 216,011 barrels per day (bpd) or exceeding the target set at 216,000 bpd. On the other hand, ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd also recorded a brilliant performance in terms of lifting. The Corridor Block operator successfully recorded 833 MMscfd of gas lifting as of September 2019 or 102.8% of the target set by the 2019 APBN.

Meanwhile, Vice President of Commercial and Business Development at ConocoPhillips Taufik Ahmad said that his party always evaluates open areas as a routine part of the search for potential new oil and gas reserves. Moreover, with the extension of the Corridor Block, the activity will continue, "he said.

Meanwhile, the government gave ConocoPhillips the management of Corridor Block 46% (operator), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 30%, and Talisman (Corridor) Ltd. 24%. The Corridor Block production sharing contract will be valid for 20 years, effective from December 20, 2023. The estimated investment value from the implementation of the first 5 year KKP is US $ 250 million and a signature bonus of US $ 250 million.

Participation rights owned by the contractor include a 10% participation right that will be offered to Regionally Owned Enterprises according to ESDM Regulation No. 37/2016. Existing work commitments are directed to work on six work packages that include Lower Palembang Paddles, Lower Palembang Suban, Telisa Well Suban Far East, and Suban Far East (continued prospects).

The Corridor Block is one of the oil and gas blocks of strategic value considering the amount of gas production around 1,100 MMscf or equivalent to 12% of the total national natural gas production at this time. In addition, oil and condensate production reached 6,600 bopd.


In other developments, Chevron Pacific Indonesia needs partners to share the risk of developing a deep sea project or Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) phase II. Acting Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Djoko Siswanto agrees that Chevron is looking for partners before submitting a revised phase II development plan (POD). They ask for time until 2020, "he said.

Previously, the approval of the development plan (POD) had the potential to be delayed due to the possibility of a change in the consortium of companies working on the IDD project. Deputy Head of SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman said that he did not yet know Chevron's future in developing the IDD Project. However, there will be a change in the consortium and waiting for the entry of new partners.

"Still waiting. I don't know whether Chevron is coming out or not, but the consortium has changed. He [Chevron] did not say to leave, but he was definitely looking for [partners] to develop. ”

In the IDD Project, Chevron is recorded as a project operator with 62% participating rights. Based on SKK Migas's explanation, the IDD Gendalo-Gehem Project is targeted to start production in the first quarter of 2024. The project is now in the stage of drafting detailed design auction documents (FEED), contract awarding, and submission of expenditure approvals (AFE) for surveys.

     With the potential change in the consortium, continued Fatar, the preparation and approval of the IDD Project POD was delayed again. SKK Migas is waiting for a new consortium report before discussing POD.

"Maybe if he deals in January, after he reports to us. Well, partner or what is the point, this is our final [POD material] proposal, "he said.

He added that there was no specific deadline for determining new partners in the development of the IDD project. Fatar claimed that he could not force the development of the project without looking at the economics of the project considered by KKKS.


Exxon dan Copi Perluas Eksplorasi

ExxonMobil don Conocohillips (Copi) berencana melakuakn eksplorasi di luar area operasinya. Hal tersebut membuka peluang kontraktor untuk mendapatkan tambahan cadangan baru.

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto mengatakan kedua kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) asal Amerika Serikat itu telah menyatakan rencananya tersebut. Menurutnya, pilihan KKKS untuk melakukan eksplorasi di luar wilayah kerjanya telah mempertimbangkan potensi tambahan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Hal tersebut dinilai positif.

 “Itu potensi berarti buat negara, daripada mereka ngebor di wilayah existing yang tambahan produksinya dan cadangannya gak terlalu besar," ujarnya.

Dwi menambahkan saat ini dana yang dihimpun dari komitmen kerja pasti (KKP) untuk eksplorasi sudah mencapai US$2,5 miliar. Dana tersebut didapatkan dari kontrak bagi hasil kotor atau gross split. Salah satu KKKS yang telah melakukan aktivitas eksplorasi dari dana KKP adalah PT Penamina Hulu Energi Jambi Merang (PHE Jambi Merang) berupa survei seismik 2D dengan panjang lintasan 30.000 kilometer. Secara kumulatif, tambahan investasi KKP Jambi Merang hingga 2024 senilai US$239,3 juta untuk kegiatan eksplorasi dan eksploitasi.

“Yang dilakukan PHE Jambi Merang dengan KKP-nya tidak memiliki arti yang lebih bagus kalau [hanya] dilakukan di Jambi Merang saja. Jadi [mereka] diberi kesempatan menggunakan KKP-nya di area lain,” tambahnya.

SKK Migas juga mendorong Pertamina dan Medco sebagai perusahaan migas lokal untuk menggenjot eksplorasi guna mengikuti kesuksesan Repsol yang masuk Top 10 Discovery 2019. Adapun Pertamina dan Medco memiliki area terluas nomor 1 dan 3 di cekungan yang sama. Untuk mendorong ketertarikan investor melakukan eksplorasi, SKK Migas mengklaim telah melakukan roadshow untuk memperkenalkan cekungan-cekungan migas yang ada di Tanah Air. 

Pasalnya, success ratio penemuan sumur eksplorasi di Indonesia lebih tinggi dan rata-rata global. Merujuk data SKK Migas, hingga kuartal III/2019 success ratio eksplorasi sebesar 45%, sementara di dunia dalam 2 tahun terakhir sebesar 35%. Dari sisi penemuan eksplorasi terkini, setidaknya sudah ada tambahan 880 million barrel oil equivalent (MMboe) dan 230 MMbo dari 13 area kerja.

Terkait rencana eksplorasi di area terbuka, ExxonMobil mengamini adanya kemungkinan tersebut. Vice President Public and Government Affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N. Alam mengatakan pihaknya tetap berkomitmen kepada Indonesia dan terus mencari peluang lain.

“Baik di Blok Cepu maupun di seluruh Indonesia, sebagai bagian dari komitmen jangka panjang kami di Indonesia,” katanya.

Saat ini, ExxonMobil merupakan KKKS penghasil minyak terbesar di Indonesia melewati Chevron Pacific Indonesia. Per September 2019, ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd mencatatkan produksi siap jual atau lifting sebanyak 216.011 barel per hari (bph) atau melebihi target yang ditetapkan sebanyak 216.000 bph. Di sisi lain, ConocoPhillips (Grissik) Ltd pun mencatatkan kinerja cemerlang dalam segi lifting. Operator Blok Corridor ini berhasil mencatatkan lifting gas sebanyak 833 MMscfd per September 2019 atau 102,8% dari target yang ditetapkan APBN 2019.

Sementara itu, Vice President Commercial and Business Development ConocoPhillips Taufik Ahmad mengatakan pihaknya selalu melakukan evaluasi atas area terbuka sebagai bagian rutin pencarian potensi cadangan migas baru. Apalagi, dengan adanya perpanjangan Blok Corridor, kegiatan tersebut akan diteruskan,” katanya.

Adapun, pemerintah memberikan kewenangan pengelolaan Blok Corridor kepada ConocoPhillips sebesar 46% (operator), PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Corridor 30%, dan Talisman (Corridor) Ltd. 24%. Kontrak bagi hasil Blok Coridor akan berlaku untuk 20 tahun, efektif sejak 20 Desember 2023. Perkiraan nilai investasi dari pelaksanaan KKP 5 tahun pertama senilai US$250 juta dan bonus tanda tangan US$ 250 juta. 

Hak partisipasi yang dimiliki oleh kontraktor tersebut termasuk hak partisipasi 10% yang akan ditawarkan kepada Badan Usaha Milik Daerah sesuai Permen ESDM No. 37/2016. Komitmen kerja pasti yang ada diarahkan untuk mengerjakan enam paket pekerjaan yang mencakup Dayung Lower Palembang, Suban Lower Palembang, Telisa Well Suban Far East, Serta Suban Far East (prospek lanjutan).

Adapun Blok Corridor merupakan salah satu blok migas yang bernilai strategis mengingat besarnya produksi gas sekitar 1.100 MMscf atau setara dengan 12% dari total produksi gas bumi nasional saat ini. Selain itu, produksi minyak dan kondensat mencapai 6.600 bopd.


Pada perkembangan lain, Chevron Pacific lndonesia membutuhkan mitra untuk berbagi risiko pengembangan proyek laut dalam atau Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) tahap II. Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengamini bahwa Chevron sedang mencari mitra sebelum mengajukan revisi rencana pengembangan (POD) IDD tahap II. Mereka minta waktu sampai 2020,” tuturnya.

Sebelummya, pengesahan rencana pengembangan (POD) berpotensi molor akibat kemungkinan perubahan konsorsium perusahaan yang menggarap proyek IDD muncul. Wakil Kepala SKK Migas Fatar Yani Abdurrahman mengatakan belum mengetahui masa depan Chevron dalam pengembangan Proyek IDD. Hanya saja, akan ada perubahan konsorsium dan menunggu masuknya mitra baru.

“Masih menunggu. Saya enggak tahu Chevron keluar atau tidak, tapi konsorsium berubah. Dia [Chevron] tidak bilang keluar, tapi yang jelas Iagi cari [mitra] agar bisa dikembangkan.”

Di Proyek IDD, Chevron tercatat sebagai operator proyek dengan hak partisipasi sebesar 62%. Berdasarkan paparan SKK Migas, Proyek IDD Gendalo-Gehem ditargetkan mulai produksi pada kuartal I/2024. Proyek ini kini masuk tahap penyusunan dokumen lelang desain rinci (FEED), contract awarding, dan pengajuan persetujuan pengeluaran (AFE) untuk survei. 

     Dengan adanya potensi perubahan konsorsium itu, lanjut Fatar, maka penyusunan dan persetujuan POD Proyek IDD kembali tertunda. SKK Migas menunggu laporan konsorsium baru terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukan pembahasan POD.

“Mungkin kalau dia deal pada Januari, setelah dia laporkan ke kami. Nah, mitra atau apa pokoknya ini proposal [bahan POD] terakhir kami,” tuturnya.

Dia menambahkan tidak ada tenggat waktu tertentu untuk menentukan mitra baru dalam pengembangan proyek IDD. Fatar mengaku tidak bisa memaksakan pengembangan proyek tanpa melihat keekonomian proyek yang dipertimbangkan KKKS. 

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Thursday, Nov 14, 2019

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