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Friday, January 31, 2020

Fluctuating Tough Refinery Production

BP Berau Ltd. faced with technical obstacles in the form of comprehensive maintenance activities (turn around) so that gas production in the Tangguh refinery is fluctuating. 

     BP Indonesia Head of Country Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo admitted the field of operations was still relatively young so reservoir work was still considered good. It's just that in the field technical problems often occur so that BP routinely makes a turnaround.

Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo

He added, on average, nine treatments were carried out annually. Especially this year, the number could be 10 times. This condition causes production to fluctuate because when the turn around is carried out, one train will stop temporarily and only one will operate.

It is important to know, the Tangguh Refinery has begun producing since 2009 through the Tangguh Train Train-1 and Train-2 Train with a total capacity of 7.6 million metric tons per year (mtpa) or 1.4 Bcf of gas. Until early January 2019, cumulative production has reached 1,000 cargoes. In 2019, Tangguh Refinery LNG production has reached 100% of the target work program and budget (WP&B), which is 118 cargoes.

"The highest production in 2018 is 122 cargoes. Incidentally, 2018 was not turned around at all, "he said.

In 2021, the Tangguh refinery is targeted to be able to produce 121 cargoes. Since 2013, BP has supplied domestic gas needs. According to him, the domestic gas supply continues to increase. He is optimistic that the Tangguh Train-3 Refinery project will be operational in August 2021 so that it will increase BP's production by 3.8 million mtpa. This means that with three train units operating in 2021 BP's gas production could reach 11.4 million mtpa.

BP has contracted with the State Electricity Company (PLN) to supply 75% of gas production from the Train-3 Tangguh refinery, while the rest will be exported. PLN will receive 688 cargoes from the Tangguh LNG Plant from 2016 to 2033.


Produksi Kilang Tangguh Fluktuatif

BP Berau Ltd. dihadapkan pada kendala teknis berupa kegiatan perawatan menyeluruh (turn around) sehingga produksi gas di Kilang Tangguh fluktuatif. Head of Country BP Indonesia Moektianto Soeryo Wibowo mengakui lapangan operasi memang masih relatif muda sehingga kerja reservoir masih terhitung bagus. Hanya saja di lapangan sering terjadi kendala teknis sehingga BP rutin melakukan turn around.

Dia menambahkan, rata-rata setiap tahun dilakukan sembilan kali perawatan. Khusus tahun ini, jumlahnya bisa menjadi 10 kali. Kondisi tersebut mengakibatkan produksi akan naik turun karena ketika kegiatan turn around dilakukan, salah satu train akan berhenti sementara dan hanya satu yang beroperasi. 

Perlu diketahui, Kilang Tangguh mulai berproduksi sejak 2009 lewat Kilang Tangguh Train-1 dan Kilang tangguh Train-2 dengan kapasitas total 7,6 juta metrik ton per tahun (mtpa) atau 1,4 Bcf gas. Hingga awal Januari 2019, produksi kumulatif telah mencapai 1.000 kargo. Pada 2019, produksi LNG Kilang Tangguh telah mencapai 100% dari target work program and budget (WP&B), yakni sebanyak 118 kargo.

“Produksi tertinggi 2018, yakni 122 kargo. Kebetulan 2018 tidak di-turn round sama sekali,” katanya.

Pada 2021, Kilang Tangguh ditargetkan mampu memproduksi sebanyak 121 kargo. Adapun sejak 2013, BP sudah memasok keperluan gas domestik. Menurutnya, pasokan gas domestik terus mengalami peningkatan. Dia optimistis proyek Kilang Tangguh Train-3 dapat beroperasi pada Agustus 2021 sehingga akan menambah produksi BP sebanyak 3,8 juta mtpa. Artinya, dengan tiga unit train beroperasi pada 2021 produksi gas BP dapat mencapai 11,4 juta mtpa.

BP telah berkontrak dengan Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) untuk memasok 75% produksi gas dari Kilang Tangguh Train-3, sedangkan sisanya akan diekspor. PLN nantinya akan menerima 688 kargo dari Kilang LNG Tangguh selama 2016 sampai 2033.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

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