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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Government Extends Management of NSB Block

The government has extended the management of the North Sumatra B (NSB) Block starting Monday 18 November 2019. The oil and gas (oil and gas) block is a joint project between PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) and Aceh's regionally owned business entity (BUMD). Provision of provisional management extension is aimed at providing investment certainty.

"Want to invest, the cooperation must be clear first because if it is not clear how to invest," explained Djoko Siswanto, Acting Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

For information, previously the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has provided a temporary extension option for 45 days starting October 3, 20 19. But the government then assesses that the 45 day period is too fast. 

    Furthermore, the government hopes that Pertamina Hulu Energi and BUMD can further discuss plans to manage the block in business to business (B2B) and immediately make a decision. The profit sharing scheme for the block is cost recovery. Meidawati, Director of PHE confirmed the news of the NSB Block management extension.

"That's right, a temporary extension for one year," said Meidawati.


Previously, PHE management offered two calculations namely gross split and cost recovery. At that time they did not clearly state the scheme chosen while the Aceh Government consistently requested the use of a cost recovery scheme. Just so you know, the NSB Block was originally under the auspices of ExxonMobil and has been in production since 1977. Negotiations between the central government, regional governments and PHE are indeed very difficult.


Pemerintah Memperpanjang Pengelolaan Blok NSB

Pemerintah memberikan perpanjangan untuk pengelolaan Blok North Sumatra B (NSB) mulai Senin 18 Novenber 2019. Blok minyak dan gas (migas) tersebut  adalah proyek kerjasama antara PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) dengan badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) Aceh. Pemberian perpanjangan pengelolaan  sementara itu bertujuan untuk memberikan kepastian investasi. 

"Mau investasi kan, kerjasamanya harus jelas dulu karena kalau belum jelas bagaimana mau  investasi," terang Djoko Siswanto, Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM).

Sebagai informasi, sebelumnya Kementerian ESDM telah memberikan opsi perpanjangan sementara selama 45 hari mulai 3 Oktober 20 19. Namun pemerintah kemudian menilai jika waktu 45 hari tersebut terlalu cepat. Selanjtnya pemerintah berharap, Pertamina Hulu Energi dan BUMD dapat membahas lebih lanjut  rencana pengelolaan blok secara business to business (B2B) dan segera mengambil keputusan. Adapun skema bagi hasil untuk blok itu yakni cost recovery. Meidawati, Direktur PHE membenarkan kabar perpanjangan pengelolaan Blok NSB. 

"Benar, perpanjangan sementara selama satu tahun," tutur Meidawati

Sebelumnya, mananajemen PHE menyodorkan dua penghitungan yakni gross split maupun cost recovery. Saat itu mereka belum secara jelas menyebutkan skema yang dipilih sementara Pemerintah Aceh konsisten tetap meminta penggunaan skema cost recovery. Asal tahu, semula Blok Blok NSB berada di bawah naungan ExxonMobil dan berproduksi sejak 1977. Negosiasi antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan PHE  memang sangat sulit.

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Nov 19, 2019

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