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Friday, January 31, 2020

Mubadala Released 20% of Shares in Andaman

Mubadala Petroleum completed the participating interest / PI sale of 20% in the Andaman I Block and South Andaman to PremierOil on January 21, 2020. After releasing shares in the Andaman I and South Andaman Blocks, the oil and gas company originating from the United Arab Emirates holds each PI amounting to respectively 80% in Andaman I and South Andaman II, while PremierOil has 20% in each of the oil and gas blocks.
Mubadala Petroleum

Mubadala Petroleum has obtained the approval of the Government of Indonesia related to the sale of these shares. The Andaman I Block contract scheme uses Cost Recovery while the South Andaman Block uses a Gross Split Profit Sharing Scheme.

Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri

Director of Mubadala Petroleum Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri said the release of shares in the two oil and gas blocks was an important step for the company.

"The sale of these shares is an important step for the company and for the exploration of the Andaman Block off the coast of Aceh, and supports a growth strategy Mubadala in Indonesia, "he said in a statement posted on the official website of the Mubadala company.

the Andaman Block in Aceh

In addition to the two oil and gas blocks, Mubadala also holds a 30% PI in the Andaman II Block operated by Premier Oil. In this way, Mubadala holds ownership in three oil and gas blocks off the coast of Aceh and holds the largest oil and gas area in this region.

Meanwhile, Wisnu Prabawa Taher, Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, claimed that he could not comment much, ensuring the PI release process first. "I'll check first," he said.


Mubadala Lepas 20% Saham di Andaman

Mubadala Petroleum menyelesaikan penjualan participating interest/PI sebesar 20% di Blok Andaman I dau South Andaman ke PremierOil pada 21 Januari 2020. Setelah melepas saham di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman, perusahan migas yabg berasal Uni Emirat Arab ini memegang PI masing-masing sebesar 80% di Andaman I dan South Andaman II, sedangkan PremierOil memiliki 20% di masing-masing blok migas tersebut. 

Mubadala Petroleum telah memperoleh persetujuan Pemerintah Indonesia terkait penjualan saham ini. Skema kontrak Blok Andaman I menggunakan Cost Recovery sementara Blok South Andaman menggunakan Skema bagi hasil kotor atau Gross Split.

Direktur Utama Mubadala Petroleum Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri mengatakan pelepasan saham di kedua blok migas ini merupakan langkah penting bagi perusahaan.

“Penjualan saham ini adalah langkah penting bagi perusahaan dan untuk eksplorasi Blok Andaman di lepas pantai Aceh, dan mendukung strategi pertumbuhan Mubadala di Indonesia,” katanya dalam keterangan yang diunggah di situs resmi perusahaan Mubadala.

Selain di dua blok migas tersebut, Mubadala juga memegang PI 30% di Blok Andaman II yang dioperatori oleh Premier Oil. Dengan begitu, Mubadala memegang kepemilikan saham di tiga blok migas di lepas pantai Aceh dan menjadi pemegang area migas terluas di vvilayah ini. 

Sementara itu, Wisnu Prabawa Taher Kepala Divlsi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas mengaku belum bisa berkomentar banyak akan memastikan proses pelepasan PI itu terlebih dahulu. “Saya cek dulu,” katanya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

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