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Friday, January 31, 2020

Mubadala Released 20% Participation Rights in 2 Oil and Gas Blocks

Mubadala Petroleum officially relinquished the participation rights or participating interest (PI) of 20% in Andaman I and South Andaman II block to Premiere Oil. Mubadala announced on Tuesday (01/21/2020) that the process of relinquishing the participation rights of the two blocks using the gross split production sharing contract had been approved by the Indonesian government.

Mubadala Petroleum

After the sale of Pl, Mubadala Petroleum holds 80% participating shares in Andaman I and South Andaman II, respectively. While Premiere Oil owns 20% in each of the oil and gas blocks.

Dr. Bakheet Al Katheeri

Director of Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri said the release of participation rights in the two oil and gas blocks was an important step for them. The completion of the sale of shares was an important step for the company and for the exploration of the Andaman Block off the coast of Aceh and supported Mubadala Petroleum's growth strategy in Indonesia, said Katheeri in his official statement on Thursday (1/23/2020).

the Andaman Block Aceh

In addition to the two blocks, Mubadala has a 30% PI in the Andaman II Block managed by Premiere Oil. Thus, Mubadala holds ownership in three oil and gas blocks off the coast of Aceh.

This makes Mubadala the largest holder of oil and gas in the region. Mubadala holds an area that has not yet been explored, but has proven reserves in the North Sumatra basin for future exploration growth, Katheeri said.

The Andaman I Block cooperation contract was signed in April 2018. The investment commitment for this block is the US $ 2.1 million to carry out G & G activities and the acquisition of 3D seismic data of 500 square kilometers (km) and a signature bonus of US $ 750,000.


Mubadala Lepas 20% Hak Partisipasi di 2 Blok Migas 

Mubadala Petroleum resmi melepas hak partisipasi atawa participating interest (PI) masing-masing sebesar 20% di Blok Andaman I dan South Andaman II kepada Premiere Oil. Mubadala mengumumkan pada Selasa (21/1/2020) lalu, proses pelepasan hak partisipasi dua blok yang menggunakan kontrak bagi hasil gross split ini telah mendapatkan persetujuan pemerintah Indonesia.

Setelah penjualan Pl, Mubadala Petroleum memegang saham partisipasi masing- masing sebesar 80% di Andaman I dan South Andaman II. Sementara Premiere Oil memiliki 20% di masing-masing blok migas tersebut. 

Direktur Utama Mubadala Petroleum Bakheet Al Katheeri mengatakan, pelepasan hak partisipasi di kedua blok migas merupakan langkah penting bagi mereka.Penyelesaian penjualan saham ini adalah langkah penting bagi perusahaan dan untuk eksplorasi Blok Andaman di lepas pantai Aceh dan mendukung strategi pertumbuhan Mubadala Petroleum di Indonesia, ujar Katheeri dalam keterangan resminya, Kamis (23/1/2020).

Selain kedua blok itu, Mubadala memiliki 30% PI di Blok Andaman II yang dikelola Premiere Oil. Sehingga, Mubadala memegang kepemilikan saham di tiga blok migas di lepas pantai Aceh. 

Hal ini menjadikan Mubadala sebagai pemegang area terluas migas di wilayah tersebut. Mubadala memegang wilayah yang masih belum dieksplorasi, tetapi memiliki cadangan terbukti di basin Sumatra Utara untuk pertumbuhan eksplorasi di masa depan, terang Katheeri. 

Kontrak kerja sama Blok Andaman I ditandatangani pada April 2018. Adapun komitmen investasi pada blok ini sebesar US$ 2,1 juta untuk melaksanakan kegiatan G & G dan akuisisi data seismik 3D 500 kilometer persegi (km) dan bonus tanda tangan sebesar US$ 750.000.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

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