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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Muriah Block Negotiations Still Difficult

Negotiations between Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) and Saka Energi continue to be difficult after the cessation of production and distribution of gas from the Kepodang Field, Muriah Block, on September 23, 2019.

Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML)

Managing Director of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), Gigih Prakoso, said Saka Energi as a subsidiary of PGAS intends to continue the process of gas distribution from the field. Because Muriah gas can still be produced and distributed for industrial gas needs, "he said.

Gigih revealed, the discussion process is still ongoing between the two parties. In negotiations, matters discussed include the release of operatorship and participating interest (PI). For information, WK Muriah is managed by PCML with participation rights (Pl) of 80% and Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML), a subsidiary of PT Saka Energi Indonesia, which narrows 20% PI.

Gigih said that his office projects that there are still gas reserves that can be produced at 25 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd). But he was still reluctant to reveal about the negotiation process. SKK Migas Deputy of Operations, Julius Wiratno, revealed that the negotiations between Saka Energi and Petronas Carigali took place on a business-to-business basis (b to b).

"The discussion is difficult, gas has not flowed to buyers so far," he said.

BPH Migas

Julius said SKK Migas could not intervene during the ongoing negotiation process. Previously, BPH Migas highlighted the cessation of gas distribution from Kepodang Field, which was considered damaging to the investment climate. The Head of BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa said that the Kalimantan Java I pipeline managed by PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas must be utilized.

"It must be prioritized to continue to be used, otherwise this will damage the investment climate. The problem of gas supply, please go to SKK Migas or Petronas, why the gas can run out," he explained.


Negosiasi Blok Muriah Masih Sulit

Negosiasi antara Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd (PCML) dan Saka Energi masih berlangsung sulit pasca penghentian produksi dan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang, Blok Muriah, pada 23 September 2019. 

Direktur Utama PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), Gigih Prakoso, mengatakan Saka Energi sebagai anak usaha PGAS berniat melanjutkan proses penyaluran gas dari lapangan tersebut. Karena gas Muriah masih bisa diproduksikan dan disalurkan untuk kebutuhan gas industri," Katanya.

Gigih mengungkapkan, proses diskusi hingga kini masih berlangsung antara kedua pihak. Dalam negosiasi, hal yang dibahas antara lain seputar pelepasan operatorship  dan hak partisipasi atau participating interest (PI). Sebagai Informasi, WK Muriah dikelola oleh PCML dengan hak partisipasi (Pl) sebesar 80% dan Saka Energi Muriah Ltd (SEML), anak perusahaan PT Saka Energi Indonesia, yang mengempit 20% PI.

Gigih mengemukakan, pihaknya memproyeksikan masih terdapat cadangan gas yang bisa diproduksi sebesar 25 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd). Namun dia masih enggan mengungkapkan soal proses negosiasi tersebut. Deputi Operasi SKK Migas, Julius Wiratno, mengungkapkan negosiasi antara Saka Energi dan Petronas Carigali berlangsung secara business to business (b to b). 

"Diskusinya sulit, gas belum mengalir ke pembeli sejauh ini," ujarnya. 

Julius bilang SKK Migas tidak bisa melakukan intervensi selama proses negosiasi yang sedang berlangsung. Sebelumnya, BPH Migas menyoroti penghentian penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang yang dinilai merusak iklim investasi. Kepala BPH Migas Fanshurullah Asa menyebutkan pipa Kalimantan Jawa I yang dikelola PT Kalimantan Jawa Gas harus tetap dimanfaatkan.

"Mesti diprioritaskan untuk tetap digunakan, kalau tidak ini merusak iklim investasi. Masalah pasokan gas silahkan ke SKK Migas atau Petronas kenapa gas bisa habis," jelasnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Saturday, Dec 14, 2019

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