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Friday, January 17, 2020

Oil and Gas Production at Kedung Keris Field is 5,000 Barrels

The Kedung Keris Block in Cepu Block operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd continues to produce. At present, the total production reaches 5,000 barrels per day (BPH).

The Kedung Keris Block in Cepu Block

"Kedung Keris Field production achievements continue to increase. Previously the production point was 3,800 BPH, now it has risen to 5,000 BPH, "said Dwi Soetjipto, Head of the Special Work Unit (SKK) for Oil and Gas, in remarks at the inaugural oil production at the Kedung Keris Field, in the hall of the Banyu Urip Field Sport Hall, Gayam District, Tuban.

Dwi said the Kedung Keris Field production figures were not stagnant, but would continue to be boosted until the oil produced continued to increase.

"The production target is expected to reach 10,000 BPH," Dwi said.

He explained, the source of oil was in the villages of Leran and Sukoharjo. Kalitidu Sub-district is expected to increase domestic production. So that it can reduce imports in the coming year. 

      Related to the overall Cepu Block production, Dwi hopes to produce 230 thousand BPH, with details of the Banyu Urip Field 220 thousand BPH and the Kedung Keris Field 10 thousand BPH.

"Although the Kedung Keris field has been able to produce, we have not been able to produce 230 thousand BPH, because the Environmental Impact Analysis permit (EIA/AMDAL) is still 220 thousand BPH. The solution will be taken care of." Dwi's promise

Important Role

Louise McKenzie

Meanwhile. ExxonMobil President Louise McKenzie expressed pride in the oil products in the Cepu block. Because, and 25 percent of the national oil demand comes from the Banyu Urip field and later it can be more if added to the Kedung Keris field.

the Banyu Urip field

"I am proud that the Cepu block can help domestic oil needs, as much as 25 percent," he said.

At present, the amount of domestic fuel oil needs is 1.5 million BPH. 60 percent of the needs can be fulfilled domestically, while the rest is obtained from imports.


Produksi Minyak dan Gas Lapangan Kedung Keris 5.000 Barel

Lapangan Kedung Keris Blok Cepu yang dioperatori ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd terus melakukan produksi. Saat ini total produksinya mencapai 5.000 barel per hari (BPH). 

“Capaian produksi Lapangan Kedung Keris terus meningkat. Sebelumnya titik produksi 3.800 BPH, kini sudah naik menjadi 5.000 BPH," kata Dwi Soetjipto, Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus (SKK) Migas, dalam sambutan produksi minyak perdana Lapangan Kedung Keris, di aula Sport Hall Lapangan Banyu Urip, Kecamatan Gayam, Tuban.

Dikatakan Dwi angka produksi Lapangan Kedung Keris tidak stagnan, melainkan akan terus digenjot hingga minyak yang dihasilkan terus meningkat. 

"Target produksinya diharapkan bisa mencapai 10 ribu BPH," ujar Dwi.

Dia menjelaskan, sumber minyak yang berada di Desa Leran dan Sukoharjo. Kecamatan Kalitidu ini diharapkan bisa menambah produksi dalam negeri. Sehingga mampu mengurangi impor di tahun mendatang. 

     Terkait produksi Blok Cepu secara keseluruhan, Dwi berharap bisa memproduksi 230 ribu BPH, dengan rincian Lapangan Banyu Urip 220 ribu BPH dan Lapangan Kedung Keris 10 ribu BPH.

"Meski lapangan Kedung Keris sudah bisa produksi, namun kita belum bisa memproduksi 230 ribu BPH, karena izin analisis dampak lingkungan (AMDAL) masih 220 ribu BPH. Solusinya akan diurus izinnya." janji Dwi 

Peran Penting

Sementara itu. Presiden ExxonMobil, Louise McKenzie menyatakan bangga dengan produk minyak di blok Cepu. Sebab, dan kebutuhan minyak nasional 25 persennya berasal dan lapangan Banyu Urip dan nanti bisa lebih jika ditambah dengan lapangan Kedung Keris.

"Saya bangga blok Cepu bisa membantu kebutuhan minyak dalam negeri, sebanyak 25 persen” ungkapnya.

Saat ini jumlah kebutuhan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) dalam negeri 1,5 juta BPH. 60 persen kebutuhan mampu dicukupi dalam negeri, sedangkan sisanya diperoleh dari impor.

Surya, Page- 3, Wednesday, Dec 18, 2019

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