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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Oil and Gas Project Permit Can Be Completed in Three Days

SKK Migas launched the One Door Service Policy (ODSP) program for various licenses.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKKK Migas) released the One Door Service Policy (ODSP) program to simplify the various licensing processes in the upstream oil and gas sector.

SKK Migas hopes that this system can accelerate the implementation of oil and gas projects in Indonesia. Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said ODSP was one of the implementations of the SKK Migas strategy in resolving licensing constraints related to oil and gas projects.

"With the ODSP, both SKK Migas and the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) will become a team. Both of them coordinate with each other while proactively supervising various permits," he said.

Now, oil and gas contractors do not need to walk independently in managing permits related to oil and gas projects. Before there was an ODSP, sometimes KKKS took care of direct permits to several related agencies, but there were also those who passed SKK Migas first, Dwi said.

Inevitably, due to the seemingly complicated and separate licensing process, it took about 14 days for the contractor to obtain a permit. With the ODSP, the licensing process only takes three days, "Dwi claimed.

The problem is that oil and gas entrepreneurs have long complained about the licensing process. As a result, oil and gas investment in the country continues to decline, in addition to the impact of global economic conditions that are not attractive.

Referring to the SKK Migas data, the realization of investment in upstream oil and gas still misses the target in 2019, investment in upstream oil and gas is recorded at the US $ 11.49 billion, or only equal to 78.16% of the 2019 target of US $ 14.7 billion. The realization came from exploration investments of US $ 0.62 billion, development of US $ 1.59 billion, production of US $ 8.37 billion and administration of US $ 0.91 billion.

Dwi hopes the presence of ODSP can realize Indonesia's ideals in 2030, which is capable of producing 1 million Barrels of Oil Per Day (BOPD). The ODSP program includes three services, namely licensing consultations, preparation, and equipment of licensing requirements, as well as escorting or advocating for licensing constraints.

Inpex Corporation

Inpex Masela Ltd Corporate Service Vice President Nico Muhyiddin rate, licensing is one of the main obstacles that can slow down oil and gas projects. Through ODSP, SKK Migas and contractors can collaborate so that licensing issues can be seen precisely. We hope that issues related to project permits can be handled more quickly, he said.

the Masela Block

At present, Inpex Masela Ltd is still in charge of environmental impact analysis (EIA) of the Masela Block Abadi Gas Field project. Previously, they had also continued to coordinate with SKK Migas in managing the permit.

Azi N Alam

Once ODSP is implemented, the EIA permit process for Inpex Masela Ltd can be faster. Vice President of Public and Government Affairs of ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N Alam said ODSP had the right initiative from SKK Migas in facilitating the bureaucracy in licensing oil and gas projects in the country. We appreciate this program especially since the final goal is to improve the production capability of the KKKS, he said.

With ODSP, contractors and SKK Migas can improve communication and coordination in obtaining permits to relevant agencies, the Ministry of Agriculture and Spatial Planning and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.


Izin Proyek Migas Bisa Selesai dalam Tiga Hari 

     SKK Migas meluncurkan program One Door Service Policy (ODSP) untuk berbagai perizinan.

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKKK Migas) merilis program One Door Service Policy (ODSP) untuk mempermudah proses berbagai perizinan di sektor hulu migas. 

SKK Migas mengharapkan sistem tersehut bisa mempercepat pelaksanaan proyek-proyek migas di Indonesia. Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menyampaikan, ODSP mempakan salah satu implementasi strategi SKK Migas dalam menyelesaikan hambatan perizinan yang berkaitan dengan proyek migas.

"Dengan adanya ODSP, baik SKK Migas dan Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKKS) akan menjadi satu tim. Keduanya saling berkoordinasi sekaligus mengawasi secara proaktif dalam mengurus berbagai perizinan,” kata dia.

Kini, kontraktor migas tidak perlu berjalan sendiri-sendiri Iagi dalam mengurus perizinan terkait proyek migas. Sebelum ada ODSP, kadang KKKS mengurus izin Iangsung ke beberapa instansi terkait, tapi ada juga yang Iewat SKK Migas dulu, ujar Dwi. 

Tidak pelak, akibat proses perizinan yang terkesan berbelit-belit dan terpisah, maka membutuhkan waktu sekitar 14 hari bagi kontraktor untuk mendapatkan izin. Dengan adanya ODSP, proses perizinan hanya memakan waktu tiga hari," klaim Dwi.

Soalnya, para pengusaha migas sudah lama mengeluhkan proses perizinan. Alhasil, investasi migas di tanah air terus menurun, selain imbas kondisi ekonomi global yang sedang tidak menarik. 

Mengacu data SKK Migas, realisasi investasi di hulu migas masih meleset dari target sepanjang2019, investasi di hulu migas tercatat US$ 11,49 miliar atau hanya setara 78.16% dari target 2019 yang senilai US$ 14,7 miliar. Realisasi tersebut berasal dari investasi eksplorasi US$ 0,62 miliar, pengembangan US$ 1,59 miliar, produksi US$ 8,37 miliar dan administrasi senilai US$ 0,91 miliar.

Dwi berharap kehadiran ODSP dapat mewujudkan cita-cita Indonesia di tahun 2030 nanti, yakni mampu memproduksi minyak sebanyak 1 juta barrel oil per day(bopd). Program ODSP meliputi tiga Iayanan yakni konsultasi perizinan, penyiapan dan perlengkapan syarat perizinan, serta pengawalan atau advokasi terhadap kendala perijnan.

Vice President Corporate Service Inpex Masela Ltd Nico Muhyiddin menilai, perizinan menjadi salah satu kendala utama yang bisa memperlambat proyek migas. Melalui ODSP, SKK Migas dan kontraktor bisa berkolaborasi sehingga masalah perizinan bisa dilihat secara tepat. Harapan kami masalah terkait izin proyek bisa ditangani lebih cepat, kata dia.

Saat ini, Inpex Masela Ltd masih mengurus analisis dampak Iingkungan (amdal) proyek Lapangan Gas Abadi Blok Masela. Sebelumnya, mereka juga sudah terus berkoordinasi dengan SKK Migas dalam mengurus izin tersebut. 

Begitu ODSP diterapkan, proses izin amdal bagi Inpex Masela Ltd bisa lebih cepat. Vice President Public and Government affairs ExxonMobil Indonesia Azi N Alam menyebut, ODSP mempakan inisiatif yang tepat dari SKK Migas dalam mempermudah birokrasi perizinan proyek migas di tanah air. Kami apresiasi program ini apalagi tujuan akhirnya adalah meningkankan kemampuan produksi dari KKKS, sebut dia.

Dengan ODSP, kontraktor dan SKK Migas dapat meningkatkan komunikasi dan koordinasi dalam mengurus izin ke instansi terkait, Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang serta Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan.

Kontan, Page-14, Thursday, Jan 16, 2020

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