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Friday, January 31, 2020

ONWJ Block Investigation Has Not Ended

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ensures that the investigation process of gas leaks and oil spills in the YYA-1 Well owned by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) is still ongoing. 

Oil spills in the YYA-1 Well PHE-ONWJ

      Director of Engineering and Environment of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Adhi Wibowo said the investigation was ongoing after the cessation of gas bursts and well closures.

"This oil and gas investigation is still ongoing. "Yesterday the concentration was to help out how to keep the oil from coming out again," Adhi explained.

The investigation team consists of a combination of independent teams, academics, practitioners, and industry players. Just information. 

This incident occurred on July 12, 2019, at around 01.30 West Indonesia Time during a perforation or perforation of the well wall. Then a gas bubble emerged at the YYA Pavilion from the Ensco-67 rig located in the ONWJ offshore operational area.

the Ensco-67 Blow Out

Meanwhile, the YYA-1 Well is an ex YYA-4 exploration well that was drilled in 2011. This well is the leak. On July 17, 2019, oil spills began to appear around the bridge. The day after that the oil spill reached the coast to the west. The distance between the bridge and the Karawang coastline is about 2 kilometers (km). 

the oil spill PHE ONWJ

    Through intensive treatment on 21 September 2019, PHE ONWJ conducted an intercept process in which the Relief Well well was successfully connected to the YYA -1 Well. Relief Well is the process of shutting down the YYA-1 well by drilling from the side carried out from the Soehanah rig which is 1 km from the YYA-1 well.

The connection process between the wells was successfully carried out well and was faster than the estimated planned time schedule, which was the end of September 2019. Adhi explained, it was in December 2019 and ensured a premature explosion occurred at a depth of 6,600 feet. Nevertheless, Adhi could not confirm the cause of the explosion because it was still waiting for the results of the investigation to come out.

"The explosion may have been caused by a pressure that caused the drill pipe to be damaged and the platform to tilt," he said.


Investigasi Blok ONWJ Belum Selesai

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan proses investigasi kebocoran gas dan tumpahan minyak di Sumur YYA-1 milik PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North Westjava (ONWJ) masih terus berlangsung. 

     Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Direktorat Jenderal Migas Kementerian ESDM Adhi Wibowo mengatakan investigasi masih berlangsung pasca penghentian semburan gas dan penutupan sumur.

'Ini investigasi migas masih berlangsung. Kemarin-kemarin konsentrasinya untuk membantu bagaimana agar tidak keluar lagi minyaknya," jelas Adhi.

Adapun tim investigasi ini terdiri dari gabungan tim independen, akademisi, praktisi, dan pelaku industri. Sekedar informasi. peristiwa ini terjadi pada 12 Juli 2019 sekitar pukul 01.30 WIB saat melakukan perforasi atau proses pelubangan dinding sumur. Lalu muncul gelembung gas di Anjungan YYA dari rig Ensco-67 yang terletak di wilayah operasional offshore ONWJ.

Adapun, Sumur YYA-1 merupakan sumur eks eksplorasi YYA-4 yang dibor pada tahun 2011. Sumur inilah yang mengalami kebocoran. Pada 17 Juli 2019, tumpahan minyak mulai terlihat di sekitar anjungan. Sehari setelahnya tumpahan minyak mencapai pantai ke arah barat. Posisi jarak anjungan dengan garis pantai Karawang sekitar 2 kilometer (km). 

    Melalui penanganan intensif pada 21 September 2019, PHE ONWJ melakukan proses intercept yang mana sumur Relief Well berhasil terkoneksi dengan Sumur YYA -1. Relief Well adalah proses mematikan sumur YYA-1 dengan pengeboran dari samping yang dilakukan dari rig Soehanah yang berjarak 1 km dari sumur YYA-1.

Proses koneksi antar sumur ini berhasil dilakukan dengan baik dan lebih cepat dibandingkan estimasi jadwal waktu yang direncanakan, yaitu akhir September 2019. Adhi menjelaskan, pihaknya pada Desember 2019 lalu memastikan terjadi ledakan prematur di kedalaman 6.600 feet. Kendati demikian, Adhi belum bisa memastikan penyebab ledakan karena masih menanti hasil investigasi keluar.

"Ledakan mungkin terjadi akibat dipicu tekanan yang membuat pipa bor rusak dan platform menjadi miring,” ujarnya.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

1 comment:

  1. An unarmed security official carries out the role of location, perception, revealing and that's just the beginning.



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