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Monday, January 27, 2020

Pertamina Continues to Work on Rokan

Oil production from the Rokan Block in Indonesia continues to decline by 20,000 barrels per day due to the absence of well drilling activities since 2018. To withstand the natural decline, PT Pertamina will drill 20 wells in the Rokan Block in 2020.

the Rokan Block

Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President Fajriyah Usman said the target for drilling 20 wells in the Rokan Block was an initial assumption set by the state-owned oil and gas company.

Fajriyah Usman

"As an initial assumption to withstand the rapid rate of natural decline (natural decline), said Fajriyah.

Fajriyah explained that, despite having an initial assumption of the number of drilling wells in the Rokan Block, the true number of development wells was still under technical study by Pertamina's management. 

    Previously, Pertamina targeted the development well drilling to be carried out at the end of 2020. Now, so that the target could be realized faster, Pertamina continued to make the transition process between Pertamina as the operator of the Rokan Block after the Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) contract which expires in 2021 could be immediately resolved.

Fajriyah explained, to date both Pertamina and Chevron continue to discuss finalization of the Rokan Block transition. According to him, there are still a number of important points that must be resolved as soon as possible by both parties. But Fajriyah was still not willing to explain in detail about these points.

"(In addition) we have also prepared investments," explained Fajriyah without being willing to disclose the value of the investment prepared.

Deputy of the Special Keqa Planning Unit Implementing the Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Jafee Suardin Arizon said the transition to the management of the Rokan Block depends on the results of talks between Pertamina and Chevron.

"We only help set up a joint program with Pertamina. Later we will see what business to business results will be like," he said

Jafee said, if the B to B discussions between the two parties were completed, Pertamina could immediately start the drilling and investment plan in the Rokan Block. The drilling of wells in this block is targeted to start in the third quarter of 2020 and will be carried out in stages. The transition process over the management of the Rokan Block has become one of the focuses of the government in 2020.

Arifin Tasrif

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif emphasized that the transition process from Chevron Pacific Indonesia to Pertamina could be completed in 2020. Arifin said he was pushing for accelerated implementation of the oil and gas drilling process in the block located in Riau Province. Of the 72 drilling well targets in the Rokan Block, at least Pertamina has been able to do 20 drilling this year. Thus, it is expected that the rate of decline will not deepen.


Pertamina Terus Upayakan Garap Rokan

Produksi minyak dari Blok Rokan di RIau terus merosot 20.000 barel per hari akibat tidak adanya kegiatan pemboran sumur sejak tahun 2018. Untuk menahan laju penurunan alamiah atau natural decline tersebut, PT Pertamina akan melakukan pemboran 20 sumur di Blok Rokan pada tahun 2020 ini. 

    Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman mengatakan, target pemboran 20 sumur di Blok Rokan merupakan asumsi awal yang dipasang oleh perusahaan migas milik negara ini. 

"Sebagai asumsi awal untuk menahan deras laju penurunan alamiah (natural decline), kata Fajriyah.

Fajriyah menjelaskan, meskipun telah memiliki asumsi awal jumlah pengeboran sumur di Blok Rokan, sejatinya jumlah sumur pengembangan masih dalam kajian teknis oleh manajemen Pertamina. Sebelumnya, Pertamina menargetkan pemboran sumur pengembangan dilakukan di akhir tahun 2020. 

    Nah, supaya target tersebut bisa Iebih cepat terealisasi, Pertamina terus mengupayakan agar proses transisi antara Pertamina sebagai operator Blok Rokan setelah kontrak Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) yang habis di tahun 2021 bisa segera diselesaikan. 

Fajriyah menjelaskan, hingga saat ini baik Pertamina dan Chevron masih terus melakukan diskusi finalisasi mengenai transisi Blok Rokan. Menurut dia, masih ada sejumlah poin penting yang harus diselesaikan sesegera mungkin oleh kedua pihak. Namun Fajriyah masih belum bersedia menjelaskan secara rinci seputar poin-poin tersebut. 

"(Selaln itu) investasi juga telah kami siapkan," terang Fajriyah tanpa bersedia membeberkan nilai investasi yang disiapkan.

Deputi Perencanaan Satuan Keqa Khusus Pelaksana kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Jafee Suardin Arizon mengatakan, transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan bergantung pada hasil pembicaraan antara Pertamina dan Chevron. 

"Kami hanya membantu menyiapkan program bersama dengan Pertamina. Nanti kami lihat hasil business to business seperti apa," ujar dia.

Jafee menuturkan, jika pembahasan B to B kedua belah pihak rampung, maka Pertamina dapat segera memulai rencana pengeboran dan investasi pada Blok Rokan. Adapun pengeboran sumur di blok ini ditargetkan mulai kuartal III-2020 dan dilakukan secara bertahap. Proses transisi alih kelola Blok Rokan menjadi salah satu fokus pemerintah tahun 2020 ini. 

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif menekankan, agar proses transisi dari Chevron Pacific Indonesia ke Pertamina bisa selesai tahun 2020. Arifin mengatakan, pihaknya mendorong percepatan pelaksanaan proses pemboran migas di blok yang terletak di Provinsi Riau itu. 

     Dari target pengeboran 72 sumur di Blok Rokan, paling tidak Pertamina sudah bisa melakukan 20 pengeboran pada tahun ini. Dengan demikian, diharapkan laju penurunan tidak semakin dalam.

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 13, 2020

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