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Monday, January 20, 2020

Pertamina EP Achieved a Profit of US $ 604 Million

Until November 2019, a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), PT Pertamina EP, posted revenues of US $ 2,714 million. Of the total income, PEP received a profit of US $ 604 Million.

"Financial performance is certainly influenced by several factors including oil prices and exchange rates," said Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf.

In the same period, total PEP oil production reached 82,396 BOPD. The realization is 101% of the 2019 Oil Production Target contained in the Work Plan and Corporate Budget (RKAP). While PEP gas production is at 957 MMSCFD or 99% of the Gas Production Target in 2019 RKAP.

"The achievement of oil and gas production targets is supported by a series of work program execution that is integrated and in accordance with the time frame," he said.

Up to November 2019 the number of drilling has reached 91 wells, of which 12 are still in the process of completion. While the number of workover wells completed as of November 2019 reached 184 wells. There are still 9 more wells that will be completed in the near future.

Nanang explained that well exploration also continues and has reached 10 wells, as many as three of them are in the process of completion until the end of December 2019. Not only that, mapping in the search for oil and gas technology with two dimensions (2D) and three dimensions (3D) is also carried out by PEP support exploration activities. Until November 2019, PEP has conducted a 2D seismic survey of 48 km and a 3D seismic survey of 469 km2.

This achievement certainly cannot be separated from the synergy and hard work of all PEP people. With a total working time of 91,487,347 working hours survived, PEP continues to uphold the HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental) aspects so as to successfully maintain zero fatality until November 2019. In addition to improving performance in terms of production, PEP also continues to strive to develop programs for community development.

Consistency and enthusiasm to grow and develop with the community continue to be proven by developing various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs intended for the community around the area of ​​work operations.

Commitment accompanied by hard work certainly produces results. Throughout 2019, PEP won various awards as a form of appreciation for the PEP CSR program. Some of them are the Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA), the Indonesia Green Awards (IGA), the Nusantara CSR Award, the Ministry of Health CSR Award, Local Hero & PROPER Hero Pertamina 2019.

"In accordance with the vision and mission of our CSR to grow and develop with the community, we will continue to synergize and support sustainable community development," he said.


Pertamina EP Meraih Laba Sebesar US$ 604 Juta

Hingga November 2019, anak perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), PT Pertamina EP, membukukan pendapatan sebesar US$ 2.714 juta. Dari jumlah pendapatan tersebut, PEP mendapatkan keuntungan sebesar US$ 604 Juta.

"Kinerja keuangan tentunya dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain harga minyak dan nilai kurs," kata Presiden Direktur Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf.

Pada periode yang sama, total produksi minyak PEP mencapai 82.396 BOPD. Realisasi tersebut merupakan 101% dari Target Produksi Minyak tahun 2019 yang ada dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP). Sementara produksi gas PEP berada di angka 957 MMSCFD atau 99% dari Target Produksi Gas dalam RKAP 2019.

"Pencapaian target produksi baik minyak maupun gas didukung oleh rangkaian eksekusi program kerja yang terintegrasi serta sesuai dengan tatanan waktu,” ujarnya.

Jumlah pengeboran hingga November 2019 mencapai 91 sumur di mana 12 sumur di antaranya masih dalam proses penyelesaian. Sementara jumlah sumur work over yang telah selesai per November 2019 mencapai 184 sumur. Masih ada 9 sumur lagi yang akan rampung dalam waktu dekat. 

Nanang menjelaskan bahwa eksplorasi sumur juga terus dilakukan dan telah mencapai 10 sumur, sebanyak tiga di antaranya dalam proses penyelesaian hingga akhir Desember 2019. Tidak hanya itu, pemetaan dalam pencarian migas berteknologi dua dimensi (2D) dan tiga dimensi (3D) juga dilakukan PEP untuk mendukung kegiatan eksplorasi. Hingga November 2019, PEP telah melakukan survei seismik 2D sebesar 48 km dan survei seismik 3D sebesar 469 km2.

Pencapaian ini tentu tidak terlepas dari sinergitas dan kerja keras seluruh insan PEP. Dengan total waktu kerja sebesar 91.487.347 jam kerja selamat, PEP senantiasa menjunjung tinggi aspek HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental) sehingga berhasil mempertahankan zero fatality hingga November 2019. Selain meningkatkan performa dari segi produksi, PEP juga terus berusaha mengembangkan program pemberdayaan masyarakat. 

Konsistensi dan semangat untuk tumbuh dan berkembang bersama masyarakat terus dibuktikan dengan mengembangkan berbagai program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat di sekitar wilayah operasi kerja. 

Komitmen yang diiringi dengan kerja keras tentu membuahkan hasil. Sepanjang tahun 2019, PEP meraih berbagai penghargaan sebagai bentuk apresiasi terhadap program CSR PEP. Beberapa di antaranya adalah Indonesian Sustainable Development Goals Award (ISDA), Indonesia Green Awards (IGA), Nusantara CSR Award, Kementerian Kesehatan CSR Award, Local Hero & PROPER Hero Pertamina 2019.

"Sesuai dengan visi misi CSR kami agar tumbuh dan berkembang bersama masyarakat, kami akan terus bersinergi dan mendukung pembangunan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan," katanya.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Dec 20, 2019

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