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Monday, January 13, 2020

Pertamina EP Geochemical Survey in Matindok Block

The Center for Marine Geology Research and Development (P3GL) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources along with PT Pertamina EP conducted a Microseapage Geochemical Survey Offshore in the Matindok Block, Central Sulawesi, which began mid-October. This activity will last for three months starting from the preparation of the geophysical acquisition and sampling of the geochemical analysis until the end of December 2019.

the Matindok Block

The Head of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Communication and Public Information (KLIK) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Agung Pribadi, said that the survey was motivated by Pertamina EP's efforts to increase international reserves to ensure the sustainability of the upstream oil and gas industry.

"One of the great potentials is the potential of oil and gas resources in the Matindok offshore area, which includes the prospect area of ​​Bubalus, Kudu-kudu and Kepe-kepa," he said.

The survey activity is to anticipate the high risk of drilling and high costs, related to the alleged existence of potential hydrocarbons in the Matindok Beach area, especially source rock in the offshore area. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Pertamina EP conducted this survey to prove the existence of alternative source rock in addition to the Batui Trust Kitchen, and reduce the risk of deep sea drilling operations. The Donggi-Matindok Oil and Gas Field has an important role in supporting the production of Indonesia's liquefied natural gas (LNG).


Pertamina EP Survei Geokimia di Blok Matindok

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan (P3GL) Kementerian ESDM bersama PT Pertamina EP melaksanakan Survei Geokimia Microseapage
Offshore di Blok Matindok, Sulawesi Tengah, yang bermulai pertengahan Oktober lalu. Kegiatan ini akan berlangsung selama tiga bulan mulai dari persiapan akuisisi geofisika dan pengainbilan sampel untuk analisis geokimia hingga akhir Desember 2019. 

Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Layanan Informasi Publik dan, Kerja Sama (KLIK) Kementerian ESDM, Agung Pribadi, mengatakan Survei ini dilatarbelakangi upaya Pertamina EP meningkatkan cadangan derni menjamin keberIangsungan industri hulu migas. 

"Salah satu potensi yang besar adalah potensi sumber daya migas di area lepas pantai Matindok, yang meliputi area prospek Bubalus, Kudukudu dan Kepekepa," kata dia.

Adapun kegiatan survei ini untuk mengantisipasi tingginya risiko pengeboran dan biaya tinggi, terkait dugaan keberadaan potensi hidrokarbon di area Pantai Matindok, khususnya source rock di area lepas pantai tersebut. Kementerian ESDM dan Pertamina EP melakukan Survei ini dilakukan untuk membuktikan adanya source rock alternatif selain di Batui Trust Kitchen, serta mengurangi risiko operasional pengeboran di laut dalam. Adapun Lapangan Migas Donggi-Matindok memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung produksi gas alam cair atau liquefied natural gas (LNG) Indonesia. 

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019

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