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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Pertamina EP Relies on the EOR Method

PT Pertamina EP (PEP) claims to successfully exceed the 2019 oil and gas lifting target. This subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) promises oil and gas production in 2020 will be even greater with the support of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods and reactivation of old wells.

PEP recorded the realization of lifting oil in 2019 and amounted to 82,213 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the target of 82,190 bopd. While the gas production is 959 mmscfd from the 749 mmscfd targets.

Nanang Abdul Manaf

From the financial side, PEP's net profit reached the US $ 634 million with EBITDA of US $ 1,821 million. PT Pertamina EP President Director Nanang Abdul Manaf explained that his party would spur oil and gas production in 2020 to pursue a bigger target. The target is to lift 85,000 bopd of oil and gas by 932 mmscfd. One of PEP's strategies to spur production is to continue implementing EOR technology in several oil and gas fields.

"In Tanjung Field (South Kalimantan), the chemical EOR polymer has been implemented. In Rantau (Aceh), the implementation of polymer also started this year," he said.

The implementation of EOR in Tanjung Field is expected to be completed this year. In addition, the field trials at the Jirak, Ramba, and Belimbing fields will be completed in 2021. PEP is also preparing waterflood applications in three other fields namely Jirak, Ramba, and Belimbing.

"Studies are still being carried out on dozens of other fields," said Nanang.

Implementation of the waterflood and EOR patterns will optimize oil production and increase reserves. The application of EOR is expected to be able to increase production by 5% to 10%.

"Additional production (confirmed) after the full-scale stage is complete," explained Nanang.

PEP is targeting to drill 108 development wells this year. PEP will also reactivate old wells.

"We have tried, but for Pertamina EP it is not economical," Nanang said.

PEP will collaborate with regionally owned enterprises (BUMD) as has been done in Cepu, Blora, Sekayu, and Pali. Reactivation efforts include 200 wells with an average potential of 10 bopd per well.

"The wells are long-abandoned ones. It is estimated that investment per well starts from the US $ 100,000 to the US $ 1 million or the US $ 2 million," Nanang said. For reactivation of old wells. The PEP must partner with Regional Government Enterprises (BUMD).


Pertamina EP Mengandalkan Metode EOR

PT Pertamina EP (PEP) mengklaim berhasil melampaui target lifting minyak dan gas tahun 2019. Anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero) ini menjanjikan produksi minyak dan gas tahun 2020 akan Iebih besar lagi dengan dukungan metode enchanced oil recovery (EOR) dan reaktivasi sumur tua.

PEP mencatatkan realisasi lifting minyak tahun 2019 lalu sebesar 82.213 barrel oil per day (bopd) dari target 82.190 bopd. Sedangkan produlsi gas sebesar 959 mmscfd dari target 749 mmscfd. 

Dari sisi keuangan, laba bersih PEP mencapai US$ 634juta dengan EBITDA sebesar US$ 1.821 juta. Presiden Direktur PT Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf menjelaskan pihaknya akan memacu produlsi minyak dan gas tahun 2020 ini untuk mengejar target yang Iebih besar. Target lifting minyak 85.000 bopd dan gas sebesar 932 mmscfd. Salah satu strategi PEP untuk memacu produksi adalah tetap menerapkan teknologi EOR di beberapa lapangan minyak dan gas.

"Di Lapangan Tanjung (Kalimantan Selatan) sudah mengimplementasikan chemical EOR polymer. Di Rantau (Aceh) mulai implementasi polymer juga tahun ini,"katanya. 

Penerapan EOR pada Lapangan Tanjung diharapkan rampung pada tahun ini. Selain itu, field trial pada Lapangan Jirak, Ramba dan Belimbing akan rampung pada tahun 2021 mendatang. PEP juga sedang menyiapkan penerapan waterflood pada tiga lapangan lain yakni Jirak, Ramba dan Belimbing.

"Studi masih dilakukan pada puluhan Iapangan Iainnya,” ujar Nanang.

lmplementasi pattern waterflood dan EOR akan mengoptimalkan produksi minyak dan penambahan cadangan. Penerapan EOR diharapkan mampu memberikan peningkatan produksi sebesar 5% hingga 10%. 

"Tambahan produksi (dipastikan) setelah tahapan full scale selesai," terang Nanang.

PEP menargetkan pengeboran 108 sumur pengembangan pada tahun ini. PEPjuga akan reaktivasi sumur tua. 

“Sudah kami upayakan, tapi untuk Pertamina EP tidak ekonomis,” kata Nanang.

PEP akan menjalin kerjasama dengan badan usaha milik daerah (BUMD) seperti yang telah dilakukan di Cepu, Blora, Sekayu dan Pali. Upaya reaktivasi antara lain terhadap 200-an sumur dengan potensi rata-rata 10 bopd per sumur. 

"Sumur-sumur itu adalah yang sudah lama ditinggalkan. Diperkirakan, investasi per sumur mulai dari US$ 100.000 hingga US$ 1 juta atau US$ 2 juta," ujar Nanang. Untuk reaktivasi sumur tua. PEP harus menggandeng Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD).

Kontan, Page-14, Monday, Jan 20, 2020

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