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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Pertamina is looking for partners to develop the East Natuna Block

The government stated that PT Pertamina (Persero) is looking for partners to develop the East Natuna Block north of Natuna Island which is in dispute with China. The development of the gas block with reserves of 2 trillion cubic feet has not been developed since Pertamina was appointed to work on this block in 2008.

Arifin Tasrif

Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Minister Arifin Tasrif said that his party was still preparing the development of the East Natuna Block with Pertamina. One of them is related to partners that Pertamina will collaborate within working on this oil and gas block.

"That's the partner we're looking for," he said in Jakarta.

However, Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, added that the development of the East Natuna Block did not have to wait for Pertamina to complete the process of finding partners. According to him, this oil and gas block can be developed in stages because this block also has oil reserves, not only gas.

"It's only parallel [development and search for partners]. There is no obligation to carry out exploration, well this is from gas transferred to oil exploration. So this process, "he said.

Changes to this exploration obligation will be reported and asked for approval from his side to President Joko Widodo. Related to the method of development, it can be done in stages. 

    The East Natuna Block gas reserves, which have a carbon dioxide content of up to 70%, can be developed later, given the very difficult work. While this block's oil reserves in two fields can be done first.

"The gas is difficult because of high carbon dioxide, so oil [which was developed first]. If the oil is definitely sold, "he said.

Previously, Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H Samsu revealed, his party continued to coordinate with the government regarding the development of the East Natuna Block. One of them is including the most appropriate way to carry out oil and gas operations in the oil and gas block. 

    Moreover, the potential of the East Natuna Block oil and gas is very good. Given the large size of the oil and gas block, it needs partners in its development. In 2020, he has also planned to start looking for partners.

"What is clear, [2020] is to find partners if possible," he said.

the East Natuna Block

He explained, although the development of the East Natuna Block was carried out in stages, partnerships were still needed to make this block more manageable. He said he opened opportunities for national and multinational oil and gas companies to become state partners. What is clear, it requires potential partners seriously interested in working on the East Natuna Block with Pertamina.

"[Partners] who have the ability, in terms of technology and financial and human capital," explained Dharmawan.

the Natuna D Alpha

He added, there are already oil and gas companies that are interested in becoming partners. Unfortunately, he was reluctant to specify the name of this oil and gas company. The government for the first time officially appointed Pertamina to develop the Natuna D-Alpha Block in the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 3588/11 / MEM / 2008 dated June 2, 2008 concerning the Status of the Natuna D Alpha Gas (before changing to East Natuna).


Pertamina Cari Mitra Kembangkan Blok East Natuna

Pemerintah menyatakan PT Pertamina (Persero) sedang mencari mitra untuk mengembangkan Blok East Natuna di utara Kepulau Natuna yang menjadi sengketa dengan Tiongkok. Pengembangan blok gas dengan cadangan 2 triliun kaki kubik ini belum ada perkembangan sejak Pertamina ditunjuk untuk menggarap blok ini pada 2008 lalu. 

Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif mengatakan, pihaknya masih menyiapkan pengembangan Blok East Natuna bersama Pertamina. Salah satunya terkait mitra yang akan digandeng Pertamina dalam menggarap blok migas ini. 

“Itu mitra yang sedang kami cari,” kata dia di Jakarta.

Meski demikian, Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menambahkan, pengembangan Blok East Natuna tidak harus menunggu Pertamina merampungkan proses pencarian mitra. Menurutnya, blok migas ini bisa dikembangkan secara bertahap lantaran blok ini juga memiliki cadangan minyak, tidak hanya gas. 

“Paralel saja kan [pengembangan dan pencarian mitra]. Kan ada kewajiban untuk melakukan eksplorasi, nah ini yang dari gas dipindahkan ke eksplorasi minyak. Jadi proses ini,” tuturnya.

Perubahan kewajiban eksplorasi ini-lah yang akan dilaporkan dan dimintakan persetujuan pihaknya kepada Presiden Joko Widodo. Terkait metode pengembangannya, bisa dilakukan secara bertahap. 

    Cadangan gas Blok East Natuna yang memiliki kandungan karbondioksida hingga 70% bisa dikembangkan belakangan mengingat pengerjaannya sangat susah. Sementara cadangan minyak blok ini yang berada di dua lapangan bisa dilakukan terlebih dahulu.

“Gasnya susah karena karbondioksida tinggi, makanya minyak [yang dikembangkan dulu]. Kalau minyak pasti laku lah dijual,” ujar dia.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H Samsu mengungkapkan, pihaknya terus berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah terkait pengembangan Blok East Natuna. Salah satunya termasuk bagaimana cara paling tepat untuk melakukan kegiatan operasi migas di blok migas tersebut. 

     Apalagi, potensi migas Blok East Natuna sangat bagus. Mengingat besarnya ukuran blok migas tersebut, pihaknya membutuhkan mitra dalam pengembangannya. Pada 2020 ini, pihaknya juga telah berencana mulai mencari mitra. 

“Yang jelas, [tahun 2020 ini] mencari mitra kalau bisa,” kata dia. 

Dia menjelaskan, meski pengembangan Blok East Natuna dilakukan bertahap, kemitraan tetap dibutuhkan agar blok ini lebih mudah dikelola. Pihaknya membuka peluang bagi perusahaan migas nasional maupun multinasional untuk menjadi mitra persero. Yang jelas, pihaknya mensyaratkan calon mitra serius berminat menggarap Blok East Natuna bersama Pertamina.

“[Mitra] yang punya kemampuan, dari sisi teknologi maupun finansial dan human capital,” jelas Dharmawan. 

Ditambahkannya, sudah ada perusahaan migas yang berminat menjadi mitra. Sayangnya, dia enggan merinci nama perusahaan migas ini. Pemerintah pertama kalinya secara resmi menunjuk Pertamina untuk mengembangkan Blok Natuna D-Alpha dalam Surat Menteri ESDM Nomor 3588/11/MEM/2008 tertanggal 2 Juni 2008 tentang Status Gas Natuna D Alpha (sebelum berganti menjadi East Natuna).

Investor Daily, Page-9, Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020

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