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Monday, January 13, 2020

Pertamina Offers Alternative to Aramco

PT Pertamina (Persero) provides an alternative project for the development of a petrochemical refinery to Saudi Aramco if the oil and gas company originating from Saudi Arabia cannot accept the asset valuation of the Cilacap Refinery.

Pertamina Corporate Secretary Tajudin Noor said negotiations between Pertamina and Aramco were ongoing in Saudi Arabia. For this reason, his party is still waiting for the decision of the Saudi Arabian oil and gas BUMN on the alternative refinery projects offered by Pertamina.

"Yes, if they still cannot accept the valuation [Cilacap refinery], we offer another alternative for the development of the petrochemical refinery," he said.

Tajudin could not yet explain which project alternatives were intended. In the six Pertamina refinery development and development projects, the technical capabilities of production facilities are indeed adjusted for petrochemicals. ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif still hopes there will be a bright spot for cooperation between Pertamina and Aramco.

"Hopefully in the near future there will be an agreement. Just wait for some time to come, "he said.
Saudi Aramco

Meanwhile, Acting Director General of Oil and Gas Djoko Siswanto agreed there were several alternative refinery projects offered to Aramco.

"If it's a deal [asset valuation], then it starts [Cilacap Refinery]. If that is not a deal, there will be offers to be built in other regions, "he said.

Djoko confirmed that the alternative project was a new refinery construction project. It's just that, the main choice is still developing the Cilacap refinery together. As an alternative refinery project, the government will invite Aramco to choose to build an independent refinery or to cooperate with Pertamina.

"Yes, we offer Aramco elsewhere. It doesn't have to be in Cilacapp "he added.

Previously, Pertamina's Director of Processing and Petrochemical Megaproject Ignatius Tallulembang said that his party accelerated the progress of four refinery development projects (RDMP) and two new refinery developments (GRR). All Pertamina refineries can later produce petrochemicals and fuel products. 

     With four RDMP projects and two GRRs, Pertamina's refinery capacity will be 2 million barrels per day (bpd) in 2026 with an oil production volume of 200 million liters per day. In addition, the volume of petrochemical production will increase to 6,000 kilo tons per year from the current 600 kilo tons per year.


Pertamina Tawarkan Alternatif ke Aramco

PT Pertamina (Persero) memberikan proyek alternatif untuk pengembangan kilang petrokimia kepada Saudi Aramco apabila perusahaan migas berasal dari Arab Saudi tersebut tidak dapat menerima valuasi aset Kilang Cilacap. 

Sekretaris Perusahaan Pertamina Tajudin Noor mengatakan negosiasi antara Pertamina dan Aramco masih berlangsung di Arab Saudi. Untuk itu, pihaknya masih menunggu keputusan BUMN migas Arab Saudi tersebut atas alternatif proyek kilang yang ditawarkan Pertamina. 

“Ya jika mereka tetap tidak dapat menerima valuasinya [kilang Cilacap], kita tawarkan altematif lain untuk pengembangan kilang petrokimia,” katanya.

Tajudin belum dapat menjelaskan altematif proyek mana saja yang dimaksud. Dalam enam proyekpembangunan dan pengembangan kilang Pertamina, kemampuan teknis fasilitas produksi memang disesuaikan untuk petrokimia. Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif masih berharap ada titik cerah atas kerja sama antara Pertamina dan Aramco. 

“Mudah mudahan dalam waktu dekat sudah mulai ada kesepakatan. Tunggu saja beberapa waktu ke depan,” katanya. 

Sementara itu, Pelaksana Tugas Dirjen Migas Djoko Siswanto mengamini adanya beberapa alternatif proyek kilang yang ditawarkan kepada Aramco. 

“Kalau itu deal [valuasi aset] ya dimulai [Kilang Cilacap]. Kalau itu tidak deal, ada penawaran dibangun di wilayah lain,” ujarnya.

Djoko membenarkan bahwa alternatif proyek adalah proyek pembangunan kilang baru. Hanya saja, pilihan utama masih mengembangkan kilang Cilacap bersama. Untuk alternatif proyek kilang, pemerintah akan mempersilahkan Aramco memilih membangun kilang mandiri atau bekerja sama dengan Pertamina. 

“Ya Aramco kita tawarin di tempat lain. Tidak harus di Cilacapp"  tambahnya. 

Sebelumnya, Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Ignatius Tallulembang mengatakan pihaknya mengakselerasi progres empat Proyek Pengembangan kilang (RDMP) dan dua pembangunan baru kilang (GRR). Semua kilang Pertamina nantinya dapat memproduksi petrokimia dan produk bahan bakar minyak. 

     Dengan adanya empat proyek RDMP dan dua GRR, kapasitas kilang Pertamina menjadi 2 juta barel per hari (bph) pada 2026 dengan volume produksi minyak sebesar 200 juta liter per hari. Selain itu, volume produksi petrokimia akan menigkat menjadi 6.000 kilo ton per tahun dari yang saat ini 600 kilo ton per tahun.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-24, Wednesday, Nov 20, 2019

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