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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Pertamina Prepares 23 Drilling

PT Pertamina (Persero) is planning exploration drilling. as many as 23 wells in all working areas including those outside the country at 2020 to increase oil and gas reserves. 

Fajriyah Usman

    Pertamina Corporate Communication Vice President Fajriyah Usman said exploration drilling was also carried out by PT Pertamina International EP (PIEP) in one well. On the other hand, Fajriyah explained that development drilling is planned for 388 wells.

"We plan to explore 23 drilling wells, including one overseas well. The total development wells are 388 wells, including 54 overseas wells, "he said.

In addition, 2D seismic activity is planned along 1,559 kilometers and the 3D seismic area is 1,020 km2. According to him, 2020 upstream oil and gas activities are carried out in order to support the oil and gas production target of 923,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) or increase 1,000 boepd compared to this year's target.

"To work again [work-over] 823 wells, 716 in the country, and 107 wells abroad," he added.

Previously, Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan H. Samsu said the 2020 oil and gas production target was so challenging. According to him, technical issues related to rig procurement and logistics are expected not to become obstacles to future production.

the Sanga-Sanga Block

"2020 is hard because we have to make sure drilling is not allowed to be late. In 2019 yesterday we were late because there were no rigs, especially the offshore rig [PHE], and the land rig was late in the Sanga-Sanga Block because of mobility, "he said.

As an evaluation material for the 2020 production target, Dharmawan also explained the production constraints this year. In addition to the Rig issue, Pertamina 2019 oil and gas production constraints also come from Pertamina International EP. Dharmawan explained that in one of the PIEP assets in Algeria there were compressor constraints that caused disrupted production.

"It's just that friends have developed a redundant system so that in the future can anticipate if such problems occur again," he added.

the MLN Field oil and gas block in Algeria

Specifically for asset development in Algeria, Pertamina is working to complete the development of the MLN Field oil and gas block in Algeria in an effort to increase oil production from abroad.


Pertamina Siapkan 23 Pengeboran

PT Pertamina (Persero) merencanakan pengeboran eksplorasi. sebanyak 23 sumur di seluruh wilayah kerjanya termasuk yang berada di luar negeri pada
2020 untuk meningkatkan cadangan minyak dan gas bumi. 

     Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Fajriyah Usman mengatakan pengeboran eksplorasi juga dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina Internasional EP (PIEP) sebanyak satu sumur. Di sisi lain, Fajriyah menjelaskan pengeboran pengembangan direncanakan sebanyak 388 sumur.

“Kami rencanakan pengeboran eksplorasi sebanyak 23 sumur, termasuk satu sumur yang di luar negeri. Untuk sumur pengembangan totalnya 388 sumur, termasuk 54 sumur di luar negeri,” katanya.

Selain itu, untuk aktivitas seismik 2D direncakanan sepanjang 1.559 kilometer dan seismik 3D seluas 1.020 km2. Menurutnya, aktivitas hulu migas 2020 dilakukan agar dapat mendukung target produksi minyak dan gas bumi sebesar 923.000 barrel oil equivalen per day (boepd) atau meningkat 1.000 boepd dibandingkan dengan target tahun ini.

“Untuk kerja ulang [work-over] 823 sumur, 716 di dalam negeri, dan 107 sumur di luar negeri,” tambahnya.

Sebelumnya, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan H. Samsu mengatakan target produksi migas 2020 begitu menantang. Menurutnya, persoalan teknis terkait pengadaan rig dan logistik diharapkan tidak menjadi isu penghambat produksi mendatang.

“Tahun 2020 terasa berat, karena kami harus pastikan drilling tidak boleh telat. Tahun 2019 kemarin kami telat karena rig tidak ada, terutama rig offshore [PHE], terus rig land sempat telat di Blok Sanga-Sanga itu karena mobilitas,” katanya.

Sebagai bahan evaluasi target produksi 2020, Dharmawan pun menjelaskan kendala produksi tahun ini. Selain persoalan rig, kendala produksi migas Pertamina 2019 juga datang dari Pertamina Internasional EP. Dharmawan menjelaskan di salah satu aset PIEP di Aljazair ada kendala kompresor yang mengakibatkan produksi terganggu. 

“Hanya saja teman-teman telah menyusun redundant system agar ke depan dapat mengantisipasi bila terjadi permasalahan seperti itu lagi,” tambahnya.

Khusus pengembangan aset di Aljazair, Pertamina sedang berupaya menyelesaikan pengembangan blok migas Lapangan MLN di Aljazair sebagai upaya untuk memperbesar produksi minyak dari luar negeri.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-19, Friday, Dec 27, 2019

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