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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Pertamina seeks UAE oil and gas company block

PT Pertamina (Persero) will explore the acquisition of oil and gas blocks owned by oil and gas companies from the United Arab Emirates, namely Abu Dhabi National Company (ADNOC) and Mubadala Petroleum. This corporate action is part of the plan of cooperation with the UAE which will be signed in the near future.

Nicke Widyawati

Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati said the acquisition of oil and gas blocks abroad is one of the company's strategies to boost oil and gas production. The oil and gas block targeted by the company is the oil and gas block that has produced oil and gas. This is to reduce the risk that must be borne by this state-owned oil and gas company.

"To reduce risk, we focus on acquisitions in oil and gas blocks that are already produced abroad, which we are exploring with Abu Dhabi (UAE). So that it will increase Pertamina's upstream oil and gas portfolio, "said Nicke Widyawati.


According to Nicke Widyawati, cooperation with UAE oil and gas companies covers the upstream and downstream oil and gas sectors. In the downstream sector, the company will work with oil and gas companies from the UAE, including Abu Dhabi National Company (ADNOC) and Mubadala Petroleum, to work on upgrading and upgrading projects for Balikpapan and Dumai refineries.

Mubadala Petroleum

"We are exploring [the acquisition of oil and gas blocks]. So with Abu Dhabi, we are working on the side of the refinery, and there is this partnership [upstream oil and gas], "Nicke explained.

This means that the oil and gas blocks that the company will acquire are owned by ADNOC or Mubadala. The official website of Mubadala Petroleum states that it has a number of major projects. 

     Some of them include the Dolphin Gas Project in the Middle East which is an energy source for Abu Dhabi, an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project in Oman, the Zohr Raksana Gas Project in Egypt, and the GazpromneftVostok management cooperation for several oil and gas blocks in Russia .

While ADNOC, according to its official website, produces oil of 3 million barrels per day (BPD) of gas 9.8 billion cubic feet per day. ADNOC manages 11 oil and gas fields on land, including Bab, Asab, BU Hasa, and Al Dabbiya Fields. ADNOC is collecting appraisal well data from three undeveloped oil and gas blocks and reservoirs, to assess commercial values ​​and identify locations that are good to work on.

For offshore oil and gas blocks, ADNOC manages a number of assets, namely Umm Shaif Field, Lower Zakum, Upper Zakum, Satah, and Umm Al Dalkh. ADNOC is now focusing on developing the SARB, Nasr, Umm Lulu Fields and completing the UZ-750 island project in Upper Zakum. Other projects are optimization in Umm Shaif, Lower Zakum, Satah, and Umm Al Dalkh Fields.

In addition to the acquisition, Nicke continued, the increase in the company's oil and gas production was also carried out by increasing the performance of the oil and gas blocks that had been owned. 

     One of them is by carrying out EOR activities. Then, another way is to hold seismic activities to explore the potential of oil and gas in new areas. The obligation of exploration has been applied by the government since two years ago through the Definite Work Commitment (KKP).


Pertamina Incar Blok Migas Perusahaan UEA

PT Pertamina (Persero) akan menjajaki akuisisi blok migas milik perusahaan migas asal Uni Emirat Arab, yakni Abu Dhabi National Company (ADNOC) dan Mubadala Petroleum. Aksi korporasi ini merupakan bagian dari rencana kerja sama dengan UEA yang akan ditandatangani dalam waktu dekat ini. 

Direktur Utama Pertamina Nicke Widyawati mengatakan, akuisisi blok migas di luar negeri merupakan salah satu strategi perseroan untuk mendongkrak produksi migasnya. Blok migas yang diincar oleh perseroan yakni blok migas yang telah menghasilkan migas. Hal ini guna mengurangi risiko yang harus ditanggung perusahaan minyak dan gas milik pemerintah ini.

“Untuk mengurangi risiko, kami fokus akuisisi di blok migas yang sudah produksi di luar negeri, yang kami jajaki dengan Abu Dhabi (UEA). Sehingga itu akan menambah potfolio hulu migas Pertamina,” kata Nicke Widyawati.

Menurut Nicke Widyawati, kerja sama dengan perusahaan migas UEA meliputi sektor hulu dan hilir minyak dan gas. Di sektor hilir, perseroan akan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan migas asal UEA, diantaranya Abu Dhabi National Company (ADNOC) dan Mubadala Petroleum, untuk mengerjakan proyek perbaikan dan peningkatan kapasitas (upgrading) Kilang Balikpapan dan Dumai.

“Kami jajaki [akuisisi blok migas]. Jadi dengan Abu Dhabi, bekerja sama di sisi kilang, dan ada kerja sama ini [hulu migas],” jelas Nicke. 

Artinya, blok minyak dan gas yang akan diakuisisi perseroan yakni milik ADNOC atau Mubadala.

Dalam laman resmi Mubadala Petroleum menyatakan memiliki sejumlah proyek utama. Beberapa diantaranya seperti Proyek Gas Dolphin di Timur Tengah yang merupakan sumber energi bagi Abu Dhabi, proyek pengurasan minyak tahap lanjut (enhanced oil recovery/EOR) di Oman, Proyek Gas Raksana Zohr di Mesir, dan kerja sama pengelolaan GazpromneftVostok untuk beberapa blok migas di Rusia. 

Sementara ADNOC, sesuai laman resminya, memproduksi minyak sebesar 3 juta barel per hari (bph) gas 9,8 miliar kaki kubik per hari. ADNOC mengelola 11 lapangan migas di darat, diantaranya Lapangan Bab, Asab, BU Hasa, dan Al Dabb’iya. ADNOC sedang  mengumpulkan data sumur appraisal dari tiga blok migas dan reservoir yang belum dikembangkan, untuk mengkaji nilai komersil dan mengidentifikasi lokasi yang
bagus untuk digarap. 

Untuk blok migas lepas pantai, ADNOC mengelola sejumlah aset, yaitu Lapangan Umm Shaif, Lower Zakum, Upper Zakum, Satah, dan Umm Al Dalkh. ADNOC kini sedang fokus mengembangkan Lapangan SARB, Nasr, Umm Lulu dan melakukan completion proyek pulau buatan UZ-750 di Upper Zakum. Proyek lainnya adalah optimasi di Lapangan Umm Shaif, Lower Zakum, Satah, dan Umm Al Dalkh.

Selain akuisisi, Nicke melanjutkan, peningkatan produksi migas perusahaan juga dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kinerja dari blok migas yang telah dimiliki. Salah satunya yakni dengan melaksanakan kegiatan EOR. Kemudian, cara lainnya yakni dengan menggelar kegiatan seismik guna megeksplorasi potensi migas di wilayah baru. Kewajiban eksplorasi telah diterapkan pemerintah sejak dua tahun lalu melalui Komitmen Kerja Pasti (KKP).

Investor Daily , Page-9, Monday, Dec 16, 2019

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