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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

PHE Continues to Ensure the Smooth Operation of Oil and Gas in NSB

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) through its subsidiary PT Pertamina Hulu Energi NSB (PHE NSB) ensures the smooth operation of Block B North Aceh during the contract extension period for one year.

Block B North Aceh

"In this period of extension, of course PHE NSB will continue to ensure smooth operations in Block" B ", while continuing to maintain production in accordance with the target in order to support the national oil and gas needs," said PHE Managing Director Meidawati in Jakarta.

Block B North Aceh

Previously, PHE obtained temporary management rights of Block "B" in North Aceh from the Government for one year from 18 November 2019. The decision on the extension referred to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Letter No. 512/13 / MEM.M / 2019 dated November 15, 2019 Regarding Regional Temporary Management Work "B" after 17 November 2019.

PHE President Director Meidawati explained that the "B" Block Contract had expired on October 3, 2018. Then there were two extensions with a period of 6 months and one extension with a period of 45 days until ending November 17, 2019. The Aceh Regional Government through the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) proposes the management of the "B" Block by using a Cost Recovery contract scheme in accordance with Government Regulation Number 23 of 2015 concerning Joint Management of Upstream Oil and Gas Aceh, while the Government is guided by Ministerial Regulation Number 8/2017 and Ministerial Regulation Number 52/2017 which states the scheme Gross Split contract.

"The Central Government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will certainly decide the best for the management of this" B "Block going forward, PHE is in a position to wait while carrying out the best operations possible," Meidawati said.

While the contract extension period of 1 year will be used as well as possible between the two parties to work together to wait for the next government decision regarding the management of Block B.


PHE Terus Pastikan Kelancaran Operasi Migas di NSB

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) melalui anak usahanya PT Pertamina Hulu Energi NSB (PHE NSB) memastikan kelancaran operasi di Blok B Aceh Utara dalam masa perpanjangan kontrak selama satu tahun. 

“Dalam masa perpajangan ini, tentu PHE NSB akan tetap memastikan kelancaran operasi di Blok “B”, juga tetap berupaya menjaga produksi sesuai dengan target dalam rangka menunjang kebutuhan migas nasional,” ujar Direktur Utama PHE Meidawati di Jakarta.

Sebelumnya, PHE mendapatkan hak pengelolaan sementara Blok “B” di Aceh Utara dari Pemerintah selama satu tahun terhitung 18 November 2019. Putusan perpanjangan tersebut mengacu pada surat kementrian ESDM Nomor 512/13/MEM.M/2019 tanggal 15 November 2019 Perihal Pengelolaan Sementara Wilayah Kerja “B” pasca 17 November 2019.

Direktur Utama PHE Meidawati menjelaskan Kontrak Blok “B” telah habis masa berlakunya pada 3 Oktober 2018. Lalu dilakukan dua kali perpanjangan dengan periode 6 bulan dan satu kali perpanjangan dengan periode 45 hari hingga berakhir 17 November 2019. Pemerintah Daerah Aceh melalui Badan Pengelola Migas Aceh (BPMA) mengusulkan pengelolaan Blok “B” dengan menggunakan skema kontrak Cost Recovery sesuai dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 23 tahun 2015 tentang Pengelolaan Bersama Hulu Migas Aceh, sementara Pemerintah berpedoman kepada Peraturan Menteri Nomor 8/2017 dan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 52/2017 yang menyatakan skema kontrak Gross Split.

“Pemerintah Pusat melalui kementerian ESDM tentu akan memutuskan yang terbaik untuk pengelolaan Blok “B” ini kedepan, PHE dalam posisi menunggu sambil menjalankan operasi sebaik mungkin,” kata Meidawati. 

Sambil berlangsung perpanjangan masa kontrak 1 tahun akan digunakan sebaik-baiknya antara kedua belah pihak untuk bersinergi sampai menunggu keputusan pemerintah selanjutnya mengenai pengelolaan Blok B.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Saturday, Nov 23, 2019

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