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Thursday, January 16, 2020

PHE Targets Increasing Oil and Gas Lifting

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), targets production-ready to sell or lift oil and gas 2020 by 181,510 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) or up 3.32% compared to the target in the Work Plan and Corporate Budget (RKAP) 2019 of 175,674 boepd.

Meanwhile, PHE 2020 oil and gas lifting targets include oil lifting of 83,100 barrels of oil per day (bopd) and gas sales of 570.11 million cubic feet per day (MMscfd). Meanwhile, in the 2019 RKAP, 76,971 bopd of oil lifting and 572 MMscfd of gas. Until the end of October 2019, PHE recorded 178,208 boepd of oil and gas lifting. Oil and gas lifting consists of lifting oil 77,179 bopd and gas sales of 585 MMscfd.

"Projections until the end of the year, oil and gas lifting reaches 178,052 boepd or 101% of the target in the 2019 RKAP. Lifting oil is 100% of the target and gas is 102% of the target," said PHE Managing Director Meidawati.

In the 2020 oil and gas lifting target, Meidawati said it still relies on the Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) PHE as the largest contributor to the lifting of oil PHE, which until October 2019 was recorded at 25,788 boepd. Besides ONWJ, there is also PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) which also contributed greatly to reach 25,331 bopd.

The ready-to-sell production from ONWJ and OSES is part of the PHE which has a 90% participation or participating interest (PI). He added, other contributors came from PHE CPP (BOB) 4,763 bopd, Sulawesi PHE Tomori of 3,729 bopd, PHE Jambi Merang of 3,599 bopd, and PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) with the acquisition of 3,116 bopd.

Blogger Agus Purnomo in PT. PHE West Madura Offshore (WMO)

In addition, the largest contributor to natural gas lifting was PHE Tomori Sulawesi, amounting to 146.8 MMscfd. Regarding the PI scale, PHE is recorded to control 50% of PHE in the Tomori Block. In addition to the Sulawesi Tomori PHE, WMO PHE recorded 94.5 MMscfd of gas lifting, PHE ONWJ 73 MMscfd, and Jambi Merang PHE 68.3 MMscfd. To succeed in the performance of 2019, PHE has also drilled two exploration wells, 35 development wells, and 39 workover wells per October. For 2D seismic, it reaches 4,291 km, and 3D seismic reaches 95 km2.

The total investment cost that has been spent reaches the US $ 216 million until October 2019. Until the end of 2019, the investment costs used are estimated at US $ 328 million.

"Until the end of 2019, we will try to do total drilling. 5 exploration wells and 43 development wells ", he added.

Although oil and gas lifting is estimated to be higher than the target, net profit is projected to decline. In the 2019 RKAP, PHE's net profit is targeted to reach the US $ 592 million. However, the prognosis until the end of the year is the only US $ 421 million with the realization up to October worth the US $ 370 million. Meidawati explained, oil prices were the main factor in not achieving the net profit target this year. According to him, the target is based on oil price assumptions in the range of US $ 70 per barrel. However, the average oil price this year is in the range of US $ 63 per barrel.

"The target might be achieved if suddenly the oil price becomes the US $ 100 per barrel until the end of the year. When viewed from the maximum production, but this price is indeed very influential and something we cannot control, "he said.

Meanwhile, for next year it targets a net profit of US $ 487.03 million.


Meanwhile, Pertamina Upstream Director Dharmawan Samsu said that next year's production target was very heavy and challenging. This year, technical obstacles haunt the achievement of Pertamina's oil and gas production.

"We have to make sure the drilling is no longer late because yesterday we were late for the procurement of offshore rigs," he said.

Dharmawan explained the 2020 oil and gas production target of 923,000 boepd, would be obtained from the contribution of oil and gas production from Pertamina's upstream operations in the country of 765,000 boepd. Oil production is estimated to reach 323,000 BPD of oil production and 2,559 MMscfd of gas production. Meanwhile, contributions from Pertamina's upstream operations abroad (PIEP) of oil and gas production amounted to 158 Mboepd, consisting of oil production of 107 Mbopd and gas 298 MMscfd.

"The overall prognosis of Pertamina's oil and gas production in 2019 reaches 906,000 boepd consisting of 414,000 bopd of oil production and 2,850 MMscfd of gas," he added.


PHE Menargetkan Kenaikan Lifting Migas

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE), anak usaha PT Pertamina (Persero), menargetkan produksi siap jual atau lifting minyak dan gas bumi 2020 sebanyak 181.510 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd) atau naik 3,32% dibandingkan dengan target dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) 2019 sebanyak 175.674 boepd.

Adapun, target lifting migas PHE 2020 meliputi lifting minyak sebanyak 83.100 barel minyak per hari (bopd) dan penjualan gas sebanyak 570,11 juta kaki kubik per hari (MMscfd). Sementara itu, pada RKAP 2019, lifting minyak sebanyak 76.971 bopd dan gas 572 MMscfd. Hingga akhir Oktober 2019, PHE mencatat lifting migas sebanyak 178.208 boepd. Lifting migas terdiri atas lifting minyak 77.179 bopd dan penjualan gas sebanyak 585 MMscfd. 

“Proyeksi hingga akhir tahun, lifting migas mencapai 178.052 boepd atau 101% dari target pada RKAP 2019. Lifting minyak 100% dari target dan gas 102% dari target,” ujar Direktur Utama PHE Meidawati.

Pada target lifting migas tahun 2020, Meidawati menyatakan pihaknya masih mengandalkan PHE Offshore North West Java (ONWJ) sebagai kontributor terbesar lifting minyak PHE, yang hingga Oktober 2019 tercatat sebanyak 25.788 boepd. Selain ONWJ, ada pula PHE Offshore Southeast Sumatra (OSES) yang juga berkontribusi besar yakni mencapai 25.331 bopd.

Produksi siap jual dari ONWJ dan OSES tersebut merupakan bagian PHE yang memiliki hak partisipasi atau particpating interest (PI) sebesar 90%. Dia menambahkan, kontributor lainnya datang dari PHE CPP (BOB) 4.763 bopd, PHE Tomoli Sulawesi sebesar 3 .729 bopd, PHE Jambi Merang sebesar 3.599 bopd, dan PHE West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) dengan perolehan lifting 3.116 bopd.

Selain itu, lifting gas bumi kontributor terbesar adalah PHE Tomori Sulawesi sebanyak 146,8 MMscfd. Terkait dengan besaran PI, PHE tercatat menguasai 50% PHE di Blok Tomori. Selain PHE Tomori Sulawesi, PHE WMO mencatat lifting gas sebesar 94,5 MMscfd, PHE ONWJ 73 MMscfd, dan PHE Jambi Merang 68,3 MMscfd. 

    Untuk menyukseskan kinerja 2019, PHE juga telah melakukan pengeboran dua sumur eksplorasi, 35 sumur pengembangan, dan 39 sumur work over per Oktober. Untuk seismik 2D mencapai 4.291 km dan seismik 3D mencapai 95 km2.

Total biaya investasi yang telah dikeluarkan mencapai US$216 juta hingga Oktober 2019. Hingga akhir 2019, biaya investasi yang digunakan diestimasi mencapai US$328 juta.

“Hingga akhir tahun 2019, kami berupaya melakukan pengeboran total. 5 sumur eksplorasi dan 43 sumur pengembangan”, tambahnya. 

Kendati lifting migas diperkirakan lebih tinggi dari target, laba bersih justru diproyeksi mengalami penurunan. Dalam RKAP 2019, laba bersih PHE ditargetkan mencapai US$ 592 juta. Namun, prognosis hingga akhir tahun hanya senilai US$421 juta dengan realisasi hingga Oktober senilai US$ 370 juta. 

     Meidawati menjelaskan, harga minyak menjadi faktor utama tidak tercapainya target laba bersih pada tahun ini. Menurutnya, target tersebut berdasarkan asumsi harga minyak pada kisaran US$70 per barel. Namun, rata-rata harga minyak sepanjang tahun ini berada pada kisaran US$ 63 per barel.

“Target mungkin tercapai kalau tiba-tiba harga minyak jadi US$100 per barel sampai akhir tahun. Kalau dilihatkan dari produksi sudah maksimal, tapi harga ini memang sangat berpengaruh dan sesuatu yang tidak bisa kami kendalikan,” tuturnya.

Adapun, untuk tahun depan pihaknya menargetkan laba bersih senilai US$487,03 juta.


Sementara itu, Direktur Hulu Pertamina Dharmawan Samsu mengatakan bahwa target produksi tahun depan sangat berat dan menantang. Tahun ini, kendala teknis menghantui pencapaian produksi migas Pertamina.

“Kami harus pastikan pengeboran tidak telat lagi, karena kemarin kami telat untuk pengadaan rig offshore,” katanya.

Dharmawan menjelaskan target produksi migas 2020 sebanyak 923.000 boepd, akan didapatkan dari kontribusi produksi migas dari operasi hulu Pertamina di dalam negeri sebanyak 765.000 boepd. Untuk produksi minyak diperkirakan mencapai 323.000 bph produksi minyak dan produksi gas 2.559 MMscfd.

      Sementara itu, kontribusi dari operasi hulu Pertamina di luar negeri (PIEP) produksi migas sebesar 158 Mboepd, terdiri atas produksi minyak sebesar 107 Mbopd dan gas 298 MMscfd.

“Prognosis produksi migas Pertamina 2019 secara keseluruhan mencapai 906.000 boepd terdiri dari produksi Minyak 414.000 bopd dan gas 2.850 MMscfd,” tambahnya.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-9, Saturday, Dec 14, 2019

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