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Friday, January 24, 2020

POD Sakakemang Completed in the First Quarter

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) is targeting the Sakakemang Block Plan of Development / POD to be completed in the first quarter of 2020.

the Sakakemang Block

SKK Migas Planning Deputy Jafee Suadin said that his office was speeding up the completion of the Sakakemang Block POD. For this reason, his party will meet with Repsol to discuss the POD preparation.


"But I have to meet with Repsol," he said at the ESDM Ministry Office.

In his presentation on the 2019 SKK Migas Performance and 2020 Plan, Jafee mentioned the Sakakemang Block POD completion target in the quarter I / 2020.

"The Sakakemang Block was announced in January 2019, when seen on average from discovery to POD to full stream it can be 10-15 years. Our target for the first quarter of 2020 can be POD in Sakakemang, "he said.


However, Repsol is still waiting for the issuance of 1 TCF proven reserve certification from the Center for Research and Development of Oil and Gas Technology (Lemigas) before discussing the development plan.

Previously, Repsol as a new operator in the Sakakemang Block submitted a proven reserve certification of 1 TCF from the potential proven reserves of 2 TCF. Previously, SKK Migas Head Dwi Sutjipto said the number of delineation wells in the field development in Sakakemang Block was not too much. 

    For information, delineation wells are wells drilled with the aim of setting oil and gas reservoir limits and well productivity. If according to plan, the field will start producing (on-stream) in 2021.


POD Sakakemang Rampung Kuartal I

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) menargetkan rencana Plan Of Development/POD Blok Sakakemang dapat rampung pada kuartal I/2020. 

Deputi Perencanaan SKK Migas Jafee Suadin mengatakan pihaknya sedang mempercepat penyelesaian POD Blok Sakakemang. Untuk itu, pihaknya akan bertemu dengan Repsol untuk membahas penyusunan POD.

“Tapi saya harus ketemu dengan Repsol,” katanya di Kantor Kementerian ESDM.

Dalam paparan Kinerja SKK Migas 2019 dan Rencana 2020, Jafee menyebut target penyelesaian POD Blok Sakakemang pada kuartlal I/2020.

“Blok Sakakemang diumumkan discovery Januari 2019, kalau dilihat rata-rata dari discovery sampai POD ke full stream bisa 10-15 thn. Target kami kuartal I/2020 ini bisa ada POD di Sakakemang,” katanya.

Namun Repsol masih menunggu penerbitan sertifikasi cadangan terbukti 1 TCF dari Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Lemigas) sebelum membahas nencana pengembangan. 

Sebelumnya, Repsol sebagai operator baru di Blok Sakakemang mengajukan sertiflkasi cadangan terbukti sebesar 1 TCF dari potensi cadangan terbukti 2 TCF.  Sebelumnya, Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Sutjipto mengatakan jumlah sumur delineasi dalam pengembangan lapangan di Blok Sakakemang belum terlalu banyak. 

    Sebagai informasi, sumur delineasi adalah sumur yang dibor dengan tujuan menetapkan batas reservoir minyak dan gas bumi dan produktivitas sumur. Apabila sesuai rencana, lapangan tersebut sudah mulai berproduksi (on-stream) pada 2021.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-20, Monday, Jan 13, 2020

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