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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

SKK Migas Accelerates Approval of Oil and Gas Block Development Plan

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) will accelerate the approval of the plan to develop several oil and gas blocks to achieve the oil production target of 1 million barrels per day (BPH). 

    The reason is, until the end of 2019, national oil lifting was recorded at only 735,219 bpd. Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said, his party had begun the process of accelerating the plan of development / PoD for oil and gas blocks, both for production and exploration blocks.

Dwi Soetjipto

Some of the targeted fields have been approved by the PoD, namely Sanga-Sanga, Sakakemang, and Merakes. According to him, the operator of the Sanga-Sanga Block, PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga, has submitted a proposal for its development plan which includes drilling 755 wells. However, because the operator requested incentives from the government, the PoD agreement awaited a decision regarding the incentives.

the Sakakemang Block

"Really, it has great potential, of course, we need to calculate the economy. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif has provided support that we will be more flexible in seeing the level of economics, meaning that interactive changes will be possible, "explained Dwi

the Sanga-Sanga Block

At present, he still sees what incentives must be given so that the continued development of the Sanga-Sanga Block is very economical. Furthermore, he will submit the proposed incentive to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. Drilling wells in the Sanga-Sanga Block are needed to boost the block's oil and gas production.


The 755 wells have a gas potential of 1.2 trillion cubic feet and oil of 84.3 million barrels. Regarding Sakakemang Block, Dwi said, Repsol SA as the contractor's cooperation contract (KKKS) had completed the delineation process of oil and gas reserves. 

    However, the contractor is still waiting for reserve certification from the government-owned research and development agency ESDM (Energy Mineral Resources) which operates in the upstream oil and gas sector (Lemigas).

"If you have received certification, then POD can be expected to be included in this first quarter and hopefully by the end of 2021 it can be on stream," he said.

Dwi explained that the potential for Sakakemang Block gas reserves reaches 2 trillion cubic feet. However, to accelerate development, reserve certification is only carried out for a portion of the existing potential, namely 1 trillion cubic feet. For certification, all potentials still need additional drilling.

In addition to the three oil and gas blocks, SKK Migas has approved further development plans for the Mahakam Block. Earlier in its official statement, SKK Migas announced that PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam would drill 257 wells in five fields in the Mahakam Block during the 2020-2022 period. The investment cost is the US $ 1.5 billion. 


    SKK Migas will also ensure that the approved POD goes according to plan. Regarding the Merakes Block, PoD was approved in 2018. In the PoD, ENI plans to drill six underwater wells and build an underwater pipeline system that will be connected to the floating production facility / FPU Jangkrik in the Muara Bakau Block. 

 The Merakes Field

    The Merakes Field is targeted to start operating in 2021 with a production peak estimated to reach 60,305 barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd.

Target Lifting

To pursue the oil production target of 1 million BPD, SKK Migas also recently inaugurated the Integrated Operation Center (IOC). According to Dwi, with this system, his party can oversee the operational activities of all KKKS in Indonesia every day online. In addition, his party can provide input to KKKS before events occur that hamper oil and gas production targets. Although, not all KKKS data are integrated with this system.

"In 2020, hopefully, it can be integrated with exploitation blocks of at least 90%," he said.

In the first phase, the development of IOC has resulted in integration and supervision online and in real-time. For the next development phase, the IOC will be equipped with data management and analysis. With IOC, SKK Migas hopes that the implementation of oil and gas operations in 2020 can be even better.

"At this time the IOC has also been able to monitor the implementation of drilling work so that it will be easier to conduct supervision. So that precautions can be taken if there is potential for delays in drilling work, "Dwi said.

As is known, in 2019 oil and gas lifting in 2020 is targeted at 755 thousand BPD for oil and 1.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day for gas. Meanwhile, referring to SKK Migas data, the realization of lifting up to 31 December 2019 was recorded at only 735,219 BPD or 94.8% of the targeted 775 thousand BPD APBN and gas at only 5,934 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) or 84.7% of the target of 7,000 mmscfd .

   Although, in terms of the activities carried out, the realization in 2019 is better than 2018. For details, the realization of well work was recorded at 821 or rose 30%, well drilling reached 320 wells or rose 5%, and 3D seismic activity jumped 475% to 6,837 square kilometers.

Dwi explained, there are several SKK Migas strategies in increasing national oil and gas production. It will maintain existing production levels to remain high, convert resources that have been found into proven reserves that can be produced, accelerate chemical injection through advanced drainage activities (EOR), as well as exploration for major discoveries.

National oil lifting, referring to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, had reached 861 thousand BPD in 2012. However, the realization of oil lifting continued to fall to 779 thousand BPD in 2015. Lifting oil again rose slightly in 2016 to 829 thousand BPD.

After that, the realization of oil lifting continues to fall to 804 thousand BPD in 2017 and 778 thousand BPD in 2018. While national gas lifting has continued since 2012, which once reached 1.2 million barrels of oil equivalent per day / boepd. Even in the last four years, national gas lifting has been below 1.2 million bopeds. In particular, gas lifting continues to fall to 1.19 million boepd in 2015, 1.18 million boepd in 2016, 1.14 million boepd in 2017, and 1.13 million boepd in 2019.


SKK Migas Percepat Persetujuan Rencana Pengembangan Blok Migas

Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) akan mempercepat persetujuan persetujuan rencana pengembangan beberapa blok migas untuk mencapai target produksi minyak 1 juta barel per hari (BPH). 

     Pasalnya, hingga akhir tahun 2019 lalu, lifting minyak nasional tercatat hanya sebesar 735.219 bph. Kepala SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto menuturkan, pihaknya telah memulai proses percepatan plan of development/PoD blok migas, baik untuk blok produksi maupun eksplorasi. 

Beberapa lapangan yang ditargetkannya sudah mendapat persetujuan PoD ini yakni Sanga-Sanga, Sakakemang, dan Merakes. Menurut dia, operator Blok Sanga-Sanga yakni PT Pertamina Hulu Sanga-Sanga, telah mengajukan proposal rencana pengembangannya yang meliputi pengeboran 755 sumur. Namun, lantaran operator meminta insentif dari pemerintah, maka persetujuan PoD menunggu keputusan terkait insentif tersebut.

“Sanga-sanga punya potensi besar, tentu saja perlu kalkulasi mengenai keekonomian itu. Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arifin Tasrif sudah memberikan support bahwa kami akan lebih fleksibel di dalam melihat tingkat keekonomian, artinya perubahan insnetif akan dimungkinkan,” jelas Dwi

Saat ini, pihaknya masih melihat insentif apa yang harus diberikan agar pengembangan lanjutan Blok Sanga-Sanga ini sangat ekonomis. Selanjutnya, pihaknya akan mengajukan usulan insentif ini kepada Menteri ESDM. Pengeboran sumur di Blok Sanga-Sanga dibutuhkan untuk menggenjot produksi migas blok tersebut. 

Ke-755 sumur ini memiliki potensi gas 1,2 triliun kaki kubik dan minyak 84,3 juta barel. Terkait Blok Sakakemang, Dwi menyebutkan, Repsol SA selaku kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) blok tersebut telah merampungkan proses deliniasi cadangan migas. Namun, kontraktor masih menunggu sertifikasi cadangan dari lembaga penelitian dan pengembangan ESDM (Energi Sumber Daya Mineral) milik pemerintah yang beroperasi dalam bidang hulu Migas (Lemigas). 

“Kalau sudah mendapat sertifikasi, maka POD bisa diharapkan bisa dimasukkan di triwulan pertama ini dan diharapkan akhir 2021 bisa on stream,” tutur dia. 

Dwi sempat menjelaskan, potensi cadangan gas Blok Sakakemang mencapai 2 triliun kaki kubik. Namun, untuk mempercepat pengembangan, sertifikasi cadangan hanya dilakukan untuk sebagian potensi yang ada, yakni 1 triliun kaki kubik. Untuk sertifikasi seluruh potensi yang ada masih membutuhkan tambahan pengeboran. 

Selain ketiga blok migas tersebut, SKK Migas telah menyetujui rencana pengembangan lanjutan untuk Blok Mahakam. Sebelumnya dalam keterangan resminya, SKK Migas mengumumkan bahwa PT Pertamina Hulu Mahakam akan mengebor 257 sumur di lima lapangan di Blok Mahakam selama periode 2020-2022. 
Biaya investasi yang dikucurkan yakni sebesar US$ 1,5 miliar. SKK Migas juga akan memastikan POD yang telah disetujui berjalan sesuai rencana. Terkait Blok Merakes, PoD telah disetujui pada 2018 lalu. 

     Dalam PoD tersebut, ENI rencananya akan mengebor enam sumur bawah laut serta membangun sistem pipa bawah laut yang akan terhubung dengan fasilitas produksi terapung/FPU Jangkrik di Blok Muara Bakau. Lapangan Merakes ditargetkan mulai beroperasi pada 2021 dengan puncak produksi yang diperkirakan bisa mencapai 60.305 barel setara minyak per hari/boepd.

Target Lifting

Untuk mengejar target produksi minyak 1 juta bph, SKK Migas juga baru saja meresmikan Integrated Operation Center (IOC). Menurut Dwi, dengan sistem ini, pihaknya bisa mengawasi kegiatan operasi seluruh KKKS di Indonesia setiap hari secara online. Selain itu, pihaknya dapat memberikan masukan kepada KKKS sebelum terjadi kejadian yang menghambat target produksi migas. Walaupun, belum seluruh data KKKS terintegrasi dengan sistem ini. 

“Pada 2020 ini, mudah-mudahan bisa untuk integrasi dengan blok eksploitasi paling tidak 90%,” ujarnya. 

Pada fase pertama, pengembangan IOC telah dihasilkan integrasi dan pengawasan secara online dan real time. Untuk fase pengembangan tahap berikutnya, IOC akan dilengkapi dengan manajemen dan analisis data. Dengan IOC, SKK Migas berharap pelaksanaan kegiatan operasi migas di 2020 dapat lebih bagus lagi.

“Saat ini di IOC juga telah mampu memonitor pelaksanaan pekerjaan drilling, sehingga akan semakin memudahkan dalam melakukan pengawasan. Sehingga dapat dilakukan tindakan pencegahan jika ada potensi keterlambatan pekerjaan drilling,” ujar Dwi. 

Seperti diketahui, pada tahun 2019 lifting migas tahun 2020 ditargetkan sebesar 755 ribu bph untuk minyak dan 1,19 juta barel setara minyak per hari untuk gas. Sementara itu, mengacu data SKK Migas, realisasi lifting hingga 31 Desember 2019 tercatat hanya 735.219 bph atau 94,8% dari target APBN 775 ribu bph dan gas hanya 5.934 juta kaki kubik per hari (mmscfd) atau 84,7% dari target 7.000 mmscfd. 

Walaupun, dari sisi kegiatan yang dilakukan, realisasi di 2019 lebih baik dari 2018. Rincinya, realisasi pekerjaan kerja ulang sumur tercatat sebanyak 821 atau naik 30%, pengeboran sumur mencapai 320 sumur atau naik 5%, dan kegiatan seismik 3D melonjak 475% menjadi 6.837 kilometer persegi.

Dwi menjelaskan, ada beberapa strategi SKK Migas dalam meningkatkan produksi migas nasional. Pihaknya akan mempertahankan tingkat produksi eksisting agar tetap tinggi, mengubah sumber daya yang telah ditemukan menjadi cadangan terbukti agar bisa diproduksi, mempercepat injeksi kimia melalui kegiatan pengurasan tahap lanjut (Enhance Oil Recovery/EOR), serta eksplorasi untuk penemuan besar. 

Lifting minyak nasional, mengacu data Kementerian ESDM, sempat mencapai 861 ribu bph pada 2012. Namun, realisasi lifting minyak ini terus turun menjadi 779 ribu bph pada 2015. Lifting minyak kembali naik sedikit pada 2016 menjadi 829 ribu bph. 

Setelah itu, realisasi lifting minyak terus turun menjadi 804 ribu bph pada 2017 dan 778 ribu bph pada 2018. Sementara lifting gas nasional terus sejak 2012 yang pernah mencapai 1,2 juta barel setara minyak per hari/boepd. Bahkan dalam empat tahun terakhir, lifting gas nasional sudah di bawah 1,2 juta boped. Rincinya, lifting gas terus turun menjadi 1,19 juta boepd pada 2015, 1,18 juta boepd pada 2016, 1,14 juta boepd pada 2017, dan 1,13 juta boepd pada tahun 2019 lalu.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 3, 2020

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