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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Tanjung Enim Block Development Plan Approved Soon

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will approve the development plan / PoD Tanjung Enim coal methane gas block / CBM in January 2020. If realized, this CBM block will be the first to reach the POD stage in Indonesia. 

    Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that the completion of the Tanjung Enim Block POD had been hampered by economic problems in the project and gas prices. However, these two problems are expected to be completed soon. Thus, the Tanjung Enim Block POD can be immediately approved.

"So it is the first CBM block in Indonesia that can be signed by its first POD. Hopefully in 2020 [POD is approved] in January, "he said.

He explained, Tanjung Enim CBM Block was managed by an oil and gas company from Australia Nu Energy Gas Limited through its affiliate, Dart Energy (Tanjung Enim) Pte Ltd. Gas from the unconventional oil and gas block will later be taken by PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) to be distributed to end consumers. In the initial stage, gas block production is around 25 million cubic feet per day / mmscfd.

"The first is in Indonesia, the first production of 25 mmscfd. If this is successful, it can be expanded to hundreds of MMSCFD, "said Djoko.

Even though it is an unconventional oil and gas block, Djoko said that the price of gas from the Tanjung Enim Block is actually below the average price of gas in the national upstream, which is around the US $ 5 per million British thermal unit / mmbtu. 

    Because, in the process of preparing PoD, his party encourages contractors to carry out efficiency by using technology. PoD to be approved includes a number of activities that will be carried out by the contractor in developing the Tanjung Enim Block. One of them is drilling production wells.

"There are 209 wells in the PoD," added Djoko.

In its official website, Nu Energy states that the Tanjung Enim Block has a strategic location. The reason is, this block is located in two cities whose economy and industry are growing, namely Prabumulih and Palembang. In addition, this block is close to infrastructure owned by PT Bukit Asam Tbk and PT Pertamina (Persero), as well as from gas pipelines to Java and Singapore. The unconventional oil and gas block 1C reserves of 75 billion cubic feet.

At present, Nu Energy is running a five-point pilot production test. Nu Energy has also obtained approval from the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) to prepare the POD area north of the Tanjung Enim Block. From exploration activities, Nu Energy has obtained data from the drilling of 13 CBM wells, 27 coal mining wells, five conventional oil and gas wells, and 55 seismic lines.


Rencana Pengembangan Blok Tanjung Enim Segera Disetujui

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan memberikan persetujuan rencana pengembangan/PoD blok gas metana batubara/CBM Tanjung Enim pada Januari 2020. Jika terealisasi, blok CBM ini akan jadi yang pertama kali mencapai tahap POD di Indonesia. 

     Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, penyelesaian POD Blok Tanjung Enim ini sempat terkendala masalah keekonomian proyek dan harga gas. Namun, kedua masalah ini diharapkan bisa segera rampung. Dengan demikian, POD Blok Tanjung Enim ini bisa segera disetujui. 

“Jadi Blok CBM pertama di Indonesia yang dapat ditandatangani POD pertamanya. Mudah-mudahan tahun 2020 [POD disetujui] di bulan Januari,” kata dia.

Dia menjelaskan, Blok CBM Tanjung Enim dikelola oleh perusahaan migas dari Australia Nu Energy Gas Limited melalui afiliasinya, Dart Energy (Tanjung Enim) Pte Ltd. Gas dari blok migas non-konvensional ini nantinya bakal diambil oleh PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) untuk didistribusikan ke konsumen akhir. Pada tahap awal, produksi gas blok ini sekitar 25 juta kaki kubik per hari/mmscfd. 

“Pertama ini di Indonesia, produksi 25 mmscfd dulu. Kalau ini berhasil, bisa dikembangkan lagi hingga ratusan mmscfd,” ujar Djoko.

Meski merupakan blok migas non-konvensional, Djoko menyebutkan bahwa harga gas dari Blok Tanjung Enim justru di bawah rata-rata harga gas di hulu nasional, yakni sekitar US$ 5 per juta british thermal unit/ mmbtu. 

     Pasalnya, dalam proses penyusunan PoD, pihaknya mendorong kontraktor untuk melakukan efisiensi dengan menggunakan teknologi. PoD yang akan disetujui meliputi sejumlah kegiatan yang akan dilakukan kontraktor dalam mengembangkan Blok Tanjung Enim. Salah satunya yakni pengeboran sumur produksi. 

“Ada 209 sumur di PoD-nya,” tambah Djoko.

Dalam laman resminya, Nu Energy menyatakan bahwa Blok Tanjung Enim memiliki lokasi strategis. Pasalnya, blok ini terletak dari dua kota yang perekonomian dan industrinya sedang tumbuh, yakni Prabumulih dan Palembang. 

    Selain itu, blok ini dekat dengan infrastruktur milik PT Bukit Asam Tbk dan PT Pertamina (Persero), sekaligus dari pipa gas ke Jawa dan Singapura. Cadangan 1C blok migas non-konvensional ini sebesar 75 miliar kaki kubik. 

Saat ini, Nu Energy sedang menjalankan lima titik tes pilot produksi. Nu Energy juga telah memperoleh persetujuan Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) untuk menyusun POD area utara dari Blok Tanjung Enim. 

    Dari kegiatan eksplorasi, Nu Energy telah memperoleh data dari pengeboran 13 sumur CBM, 27 sumur tambang batu bara, dan lima sumur migas konvensional, serta 55 jalur seismik.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, Jan 3, 2020

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,
    Regarding this article, it is more than a year. Do you know why POD approvals take so long. I've been trying to figure out why Indonesia is not monetising this huge resource.



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