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Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Government Guarantees Fertilizer and Petrochemical Industrial Gas Supply

The government is committed to meeting gas needs for the fertilizer and petrochemical industry, in accordance with the applicable regulations and production sharing contracts (PSCs). In fact, seven large gas projects operating in the next few years have the potential to be a source of gas for the industry.

Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto said that in the Oil and Gas Law, the government has prioritized gas supply for the country, particularly the fertilizer and petrochemical industries. In fact, in some PSCs with oil and gas companies, there is an obligation to set aside a portion of their gas production for the domestic market (DMO).

"This DMO problem is only a matter of price. There are DMOs whose prices are set, there are market prices. Then, the DMO contract is five years old, [there is] the same as the contract. It depends on the economy when preparing the POD (the plan of development), "he said after a meeting with the House of Representatives Commission VII.


He admitted some fertilizer factories are still difficult to get gas, one of them is PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM). The reason is that the gas sources in this region are starting to run out. In return, the government covered the gas needs of this fertilizer plant using liquefied natural gas / LNG with the risk of very high gas prices.

Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT)

However, fertilizer factories in some regions can obtain gas at competitive prices such as PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri), and PT Petrokimia Gresik. In fact, the CCP can obtain gas at prices below the US $ 5 per million British thermal units (MMBTU). Going forward, the fertilizer plant can get gas from supplies currently exported through pipes to Singapore and Malaysia.

"In 2022, fertilizer factories are needed, while the export of gas through pipes from the working area in Natuna and Grissik Field will be completed. So, Kujang and Sriwidjaja Fertilizers can use this, "said Djoko.

The Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto added that the gas supply for PIM had to wait for the development of several oil and gas blocks in the region. The supply of gas directly from the pipeline is expected to cut gas prices to PIM.

"In the future, we will discuss so that the price can be reduced by using other sources. Potential is in the Andaman Blocks I, II, and III. From the available data, the potential is good, "he said.

PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)

The Managing Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Aas Asikin Idat revealed that his gas supply shortage problem had already been faced. In addition, some gas supply contracts owned by fertilizer companies are short-term for around 2-3 years. He hopes to be able to obtain long-term supply certainty.

"Moreover, the majority of gas contracts expire in 2021-2022 and many have no certainty about the gas, including the allocation we have not received," he explained.
The absence of long-term supply, he claimed, would have an impact on the continued operation of the plant. Aas gave an example, the PIM-owned factory would stop operating altogether if there was no certainty of gas in 2020. Then, some of the Pupuk Kujang and Pusri factories would also immediately stop operating in 2023 and 2024 respectively due to supply shortages.


While the urea Petrochemical Gresik plant has the potential to operate in 2021. But he admitted, the absence of long-term gas supply is related to gas prices. At present, the gas price paid by his party exceeds the factory economy, which is an average of US $ 5.8 per MMBtu. 

    This figure is even higher than the price of gas for fertilizer plants in several other countries, where an average of US $ 3.95 per MMBtu. On the other hand, the price of this gas reaches 70% of the total production cost.

"Iskandar Muda has a contract, but this is not yet effective because the price is set at the US $ 7.8 per MMBtu. Some Sriwidjaja ended in 2023-2027 at a price of US $ 5.2-6 plus a toll fee. The Kujang Fertilizer Factory ends in 2022 at a price of US $ 5.73-6 per MMBtu. Petrokimia Gresik has a relatively large price of around US $ 6.36-7.85 per MMBtu, "said Aas.

Seven Projects

Meanwhile, Djoko continued there have been a number of gas projects that could secure gas supplies for fertilizer and petrochemical plants in the future. He hoped that a fertilizer and petrochemical plant would be built near this gas project.

"For example, building [a factory] in Bintuni, or [near] Sakakemang," he said.

Dwi added, there were seven gas projects that could be a source of gas for the fertilizer and petrochemical industries. The total potential supply of this gas reaches 1,167 million cubic feet per day / MMSCFD. The seven gas projects will start producing gas in the period 2023-2027.

"In South Sumatra there is a Sakakemang Project by Repsol SA starting production in 2021 of 300 mmscfd, this can be accelerated in part," he said.

The buyer of this gas is Pupuk Indonesia. Furthermore, the Nunukan PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Project 90 mmscfd began in 2024 with the buyer of PT Karya Mineral Jaya. Gas projects in the Bontang Area and Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) 100 MMSCFD starting in 2023 with buyers of PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (KMI) and Kaltim Pharma Industri (KPI). 

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC)

     The Sandalwood and Alas Tua Project by PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 150 mmscfd starting in 2023. Then, the Tangguh Train III Refinery Project for the petrochemical industry each amounted to 90 mmscfd for phase I in 2022 and phase II in 2026.

Genting Oil

The Kasuri Project by Genting Oil with petrochemical industry buyers amounted to 197 mmscfd starting in 2023. Finally, the Abadi LNG Project amounted to 150 mmscfd in 2027 and will be accelerated.

Dwi admitted it is not impossible that all national gas production is used domestically. However, this depends on the readiness and ability of the domestic industry to buy the gas supply. Not only that, but the readiness of the gas distribution infrastructure is also important. 

     Referring to SKK Migas data, the distribution of gas into the country until last September was recorded at 4,013.67 mmscfd from the total lifting gas of 6,103.26 mmscfd. While the total gas supply for the fertilizer industry is 749.44 mmscfd.


Pemerintah Jamin Pasokan Gas Industri Pupuk dan Petrokimia

Pemerintah berkomitmen memenuhi kebutuhan gas untuk industri pupuk dan petrokimia, sesuai dalam regulasi dan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/PSC) yang berlaku. Bahkan, tujuh proyek gas besar yang beroperasi dalam beberapa tahun ke depan berpotensi menjadi sumber gas bagi industri tersebut. 

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Djoko Siswanto mengatakan, dalam Undang-Undang Migas, pemerintah telah memprioritaskan pasokan gas untuk dalam negeri, khususnya industri pupuk dan petrokimia. Bahkan di beberapa PSC dengan perusahaan migas, terdapat kewajiban menyisihkan sebagian produksi gasnya untuk pasar domestik (domestic market obligation/DMO).

“Soal DMO ini kan soal harga saja. Ada DMO yang hargasnya ditentukan, ada yang harga pasar. Kemudian, kontrak DMO ini ada yang lima tahun, [ada yang] sama dengan kontraknya. Itu tergantung keekonomian saat menyusun POD (plan of development),” kata dia usai rapat dengan Komisi VII DPR.

Diakuinya, beberapa pabrik pupuk memang masih sulit mendapatkan gas, salah satunya PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM). Pasalnya, sumber gas yang ada di wilayah ini memang mulai habis. Sebagai gantinya, pemerintah menutup kebutuhan gas pabrik pupuk ini menggunakan gas alam cair/LNG dengan risiko harga gas yang sangat tinggi. 

Namun pabrik pupuk di beberapa wilayah bisa memperoleh gas dengan harga kompetitif seperti PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek (PKC), PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Pusri), dan PT Petrokimia Gresik. Bahkan, PKT bisa memperoleh gas dengan harga di bawah US$ 5 per juta british thermal unit (mmbtu). Ke depannya, pabrik pupuk bisa memperoleh gas dari pasokan yang saat ini diekspor melalui pipa ke Singapura dan Malaysia. 

“Di 2022, pabrik pupuk sudah butuh, sementara ekspor gas melalui pipa dari wilayah kerja di Natuna dan Lapangan Grissik akan selesai. Jadi, Pupuk Kujang dan Sriwidjaja bisa pakai ini,” tutur Djoko. 

Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto menambahkan, pasokan gas untuk PIM memang harus menunggu pengembangan beberapa blok migas di wilayah tersebut. Adanya pasokan gas langsung dari pipa diharapkan bisa memangkas harga gas ke PIM.

“Ke depan, kami diskusi agar harganya bisa ditekan dengan memanfaatkan sumber lain. Potensi ada di Blok Andaman I, II, dan III. Dari data yang ada, potensinya bagus,” ujarnya.

Direktur Utama PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Aas Asikin Idat mengungkapkan, masalah kekurangan pasokan gas sudah dihadapi pihaknya. Ditambah lagi, sebagian kontrak pasokan gas yang dimiliki perusahaan pupuk bersifat jangka pendek sekitar 2-3 tahun saja. Pihaknya berharap bisa memperoleh kepastian pasokan untuk jangka panjang.

“Apalagi, mayoritas kontrak gas berakhir di 2021-2022 dan banyak yang belum ada kepastian gasnya, termasuk alokasinya belum kami terima,” jelasnya.

Tidak adanya pasokan jangka panjang, diklaimnya akan berdampak pada kelanjutan operasi pabrik. Aas mencontohkan, pabrik milik PIM akan berhenti operasi seluruhnya jika tidak ada kepastian gas di 2020. Kemudian, sebagian pabrik Pupuk Kujang dan Pusri juga akan menyusul berhenti beroperasi masing-masing di 2023 dan 2024 karena ada kekurangan pasokan. 

Sementara pabrik urea Petrokimia Gresik berpotensi beroperasi pada 2021. Namun diakuinya, tidak adanya pasokan gas jangka panjang ini berkaitan dengan harga gas. Saat ini, harga gas yang dibayarkan pihaknya melebihi keekonomian pabrik, yakni rata-rata US$ 5,8 per mmbtu. 

     Angka ini bahkan lebih tinggi dari harga gas bagi pabrik pupuk di beberapa negara lain, di mana rata-rata US$ 3,95 per mmbtu. Di sisi lain, harga gas ini mencapai 70% dari total biaya produksi.

“Iskandar Muda ada kontrak, tetapi ini belum juga efektif karena harga yang ditetapkan US$ 7,8 per mmbtu. Sriwidjaja ada yang berakhir di 2023-2027 dengan harga US$ 5,2-6 ditambah toll fee. Pabrik Pupuk Kujang berakhir di 2022 dengan harga US$ 5,73-6 per mmbtu. Petrokimia Gresik harga relative besar sekitar US$ 6,36-7,85 per mmbtu,” kata Aas.

Tujuh Proyek

Sementara itu, Djoko melanjutkan telah ada sejumlah proyek gas yang bisa mengamankan pasokan gas untuk pabrik pupuk dan petrokimia di masa mendatang. Dia berharap, pabrik pupuk dan petrokimia dibangun di dekat proyek gas ini. 

“Misalnya bangun [pabrik] di Bintuni, atau [dekat] Sakakemang,” ujarnya.

Dwi menambahkan, terdapat tujuh proyek gas yang bisa menjadi sumber gas bagi industri pupuk dan petrokimia. Total potensi pasokan gas ini mencapai 1.167 juta kaki kubik per hari/MMSCFD. Ketujuh proyek gas ini akan mulai memproduksi gas pada periode 2023-2027.

“Di Sumatera Selatan ada Proyek Sakakemang oleh Repsol SA mulai berproduksi di 2021 sebesar 300 mmscfd, ini bisa dipercepat sebagian,” ujarnya. 

Pembeli gas ini adalah Pupuk Indonesia. Selanjutnya, Proyek PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Nunukan 90 mmscfd mulai 2024 dengan pembeli PT Karya Mineral Jaya. Proyek gas di Area Bontang dan Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) 100 mmscfd mulai 2023 dengan pembeli PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (KMI) dan Kaltim Pharma Industri (KPI). 

     Proyek Cendana dan Alas Tua oleh PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 150 mmscfd mulai 2023. Kemudian, Proyek Kilang Tangguh Train III untuk industri petrokimia masing-masing sebesar 90 mmscfd untuk tahap I di 2022 dan tahap II di 2026. 

Proyek Kasuri oleh Genting Oil dengan pembeli industri petrokimia sebesar 197 mmscfd mulai 2023. Terakhir, Proyek LNG Abadi sebesar 150 mmscfd di 2027 dan akan dipercepat. 

Dwi mengakui, bukan tidak mungkin seluruh produksi gas nasional digunakan di dalam negeri. Namun, hal ini tergantung kesiapan dan kemampuan industri domestik membeli pasokan gas tersebut. Tidak hanya itu, kesiapan infrastruktur distribusi gas juga penting. 

      Mengacu data SKK Migas, penyaluran gas ke dalam negeri hingga September lalu tercatat mencapai 4.013,67 mmscfd dari total lifting gas 6.103,26 mmscfd. Sementara total pasokan gas untuk industri pupuk yakni sebesar 749,44 mmscfd.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Friday, 6 Dec 2019

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