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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The Government Will Bid 12 Oil and Gas Blocks

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will auction 12 conventional and non-conventional oil and gas blocks this year. The ESDM Ministry is optimistic that there are still many investors interested in entering the national upstream oil and gas business. 

     Director of Upstream Business Development Directorate General of Oil and Gas at the ESDM Ministry Mustafid Gunawan said the 12 oil and gas blocks to be auctioned consisted of 10 conventional oil and gas blocks and two non-conventional oil and gas blocks.

Currently, his office is preparing a tender for 12 oil and gas blocks. However, he continued, not all oil and gas blocks will be auctioned together. In the initial stage, it will offer conventional oil and gas blocks first.

"Hoping this March or April conventional oil and gas blocks can be auctioned, 10 oil and gas blocks first," he said.

As for the auction of the two non-conventional oil and gas blocks, he said that they would do afterward. This is because it requires more time to prepare for conventional block auction, bearing in mind that the auction of conventional oil and gas blocks has been resumed after a long stop. Even last year, there was no auction for non-conventional oil and gas blocks.

"The [auction] non-conventional oil and gas block has long been [not done]. We are still looking for what [the strategy] is so that the non-conventional oil and gas block [auction] is even more active, ”explained Mustafid.

The preparation of the auction, which includes the cooperation contract / PSC scheme to be used, is the investment cost that can be returned (cost recovery) or gross profit sharing (gross split). It will see which scheme is more interesting from the technical side.

"What is clear, from the open leadership [whether using cost recovery or gross split, depending on technical results," he said.

Acting Director-General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, added that Indonesia is currently still using the two PSC schemes. Of the 254 existing PSCs, only around 45 PSCs use a gross split scheme and the remainder a cost recovery scheme.

However, to avoid polemics, he will offer the two PSC schemes in the oil and gas block auction this year. Therefore, preparation for the auction requires a longer time. This is because it must calculate the amount of profit-sharing (split) offered to the contractor for each scheme so that the economy is the same.

"In terms of cost recovery, surely the government split is greater because it also shares costs. If the gross split, the government is small because the contractor is responsible for the cost. We need time to compare this because the exploration block auctioned is difficult to calculate its economy, "Djoko explained.

Still Interesting

Outside the oil and gas block auction, Mustafid revealed, there were very many international oil and gas companies that were interested in conducting exploration in open areas of Indonesia. Two of these companies are Neptune Energy and BP.

"BP is discussing conducting a survey outside its working area, as a diversion of commitment. This is still being processed, the funds are very large, "he said.

Separately, Deputy Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Fatar Yani Abdurrahman explained, his party had brought in oil and gas investors from various countries last year. Some of these oil and gas companies claim that oil and gas investment in Indonesia is increasingly attractive.

So far, interested companies are Neptune Energy, Premier Oil, Petrochina and BP. In line with Mustafid, BP will issue several new investments reaching the US $ 4 billion in new fields.

"This Indonesian oil and gas investment is still very interesting. Moreover, there are many basins that have not yet been explored, "said Fatar.

Mustafid added, the government is ready to support investors to enter the national upstream oil and gas business. One of them is by ensuring that the implementation of oil and gas data disclosure can take place in the next six months.

"What really determines [investment] about data, so the data is opened, can be accessed and can even be processed," he said.

This data disclosure is called using a membership system. At present, he is still calculating the amount of membership fees to access this data. Later if an oil and gas company becomes a member, then the contractor can access all existing oil and gas block data. However, if not registered as a member, oil and gas companies can only access basic data.


Pemerintah Akan Lelang 12 Blok Migas

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) akan melelang 12 blok migas konvensional dan non-konvensional pada tahun ini. Kementerian ESDM optimistis masih banyak investor yang berminat masuk di bisnis hulu migas nasional. 

    Direktur Pembinaan Usaha Hulu Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Mustafid Gunawan mengatakan, 12 blok migas yang akan dilelang ini terdiri dari 10 blok migas konvensional dan dua blok migas nonkonvensional. 

Saat ini, pihaknya sedang menyiapkan dokumen lelang 12 blok migas ini. Namun, lanjutnya, tidak seluruh blok migas akan dilelang bersamaan. Di tahap awal, pihaknya akan menawarkan blok migas konvensional terlebih dahulu.

“Berharap Maret atau April ini yang blok migas konvensional bisa dilelang, 10 blok migas dulu,” kata dia.

Sedangkan untuk lelang dua blok migas nonkonvensional, disebutnya akan dilakukan setelahnya. Hal ini lantaran pihaknya membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk menyiapkan lelang blok konvensional, mengingat lelang blok migas konvensional ini kembali dilakukan setelah sekian lama berhenti. Pada tahun lalu pun, tidak ada lelang blok migas nonkon-vensional.

“Yang [lelang] blok migas non-konvensional sudah lama [tidak dilakukan]. Kami masih mencari seperti apa [strateginya] agar [lelang] blok migas nonkonvensional lebih giat lagi,” jelas Mustafid.

Persiapan lelang yang dilakukan yakni termasuk skema kontrak kerja sama/PSC yang akan digunakan, apakah biaya investasi yang dapat dikembalikan (cost recovery) atau bagi hasil kotor (gross split). Pihaknya akan melihat skema mana yang lebih menarik dari sisi teknis.

“Yang jelas, dari pimpinan terbuka [apakah memakai cost recovery atau gross split, tergantung hasil teknis,” tuturnya.

Pelaksana Tugas Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto menambahkan saat ini pun Indonesia masih menggunakan dua skema PSC tersebut. Dari 254 PSC yang ada saat ini, hanya sekitar 45 PSC yang memakai skema gross split dan sisanya skema cost recovery. 

Namun, untuk menghindari polemik pihaknya akan menawarkan kedua skema PSC tersebut dalam lelang blok migas tahun ini. Karenanya, persiapan lelang membutuhkan waktu lebih lama. Hal ini lantaran pihaknya harus menghitung besaran bagi hasil (split) yang ditawarkan ke kontraktor untuk masing-masing skema agar keekonomiannya sama.

“Kalau cost recovery, pasti split pemerintah lebih besar karena ikut tanggung cost. Kalau gross split, pemerintah kecil karena yang menanggung cost itu kontraktor. Kami perlu waktu untuk bandingkan ini, karena yang dilelang blok eksplorasi jadi sulit menghitung keekonomiannya,” jelas Djoko.

Masih Menarik

Di luar lelang blok migas, Mustafid mengungkapkan, sangat banyak perusahaan migas internasional yang berminat melakukan eksplorasi di wilayah terbuka Indonesia. Dua perusahaan diantaranya adalah Neptune Energy dan BP.

“BP sedang berdiskusi untuk lakukan survey di luar wilayah kerjanya, sebagai pengalihan komitmen. Ini masih diproses, dananya sangat besar sekali,” ujarnya.

Secara terpisah, Wakil Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Fatar Yani Abdurrahman menjelaskan, pihaknya telah mendatangkan investor migas dari berbagai negara pada tahun lalu. Beberapa perusahaan migas ini menyatakan bahwa investasi migas di Indonesia semakin menarik. 

Sejauh ini, perusahaan yang berminat adalah Neptune Energy, Premire Oil, Petrochina, dan BP. Senada dengan Mustafid, BP akan mengeluarkan beberapa investasi baru yang mencapai US$ 4 miliar di lapangan baru.

“Ini investasi migas Indonesia masih sangat menarik. Apalagi banyak basin-basin yang belum dieksplor,” tegas Fatar.

Mustafid menambahkan, pemerintah siap mendukung investor untuk masuk ke bisnis hulu migas nasional. Salah satunya yakni dengan memastikan implementasi keterbukaan data migas bisa berlangsung dalam enam bulan mendatang.

“Yang sangat menentukan [investasi] tentang data, jadi data dibuka, boleh di akses dan bahkan boleh diolah,” ungkapnya.

Keterbukaan data ini disebutnya menggunakan sistem keanggotaan. Saat ini, pihaknya masih menghitung berapa besaran iuran keanggotaan untuk mengakses data ini. Nantinya jika sebuah perusahaan migas menjadi anggota, maka kontraktor bisa mengakses seluruh data blok migas yang ada. Namun jika tidak terdaftar sebagai anggota, perusahaan migas hanya dapat mengakses data dasar.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Jan 16, 2020

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