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Friday, January 31, 2020

This Week, Kepodang Gas's fate is discussed

The plan to halt the gas distribution of Kepodang Field since September 23, 2019, will be determined this week. Deputy Operations of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno said that he and Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd and Saka Energi will hold a meeting to finalize the fate of the field in the Muriah Block.

"(Talks) business to business is still not finished, the deadline on Friday [1/24] finalized. Hopefully, it will flow quickly and add productively, he said.

Julius explained that the discussion between the two parties was still constrained regarding obligations after the operation. In addition, the remaining reserve potential is estimated to be small. 

    Even though the amount is not detailed, SKK Migas said that the potential is still possible for exploration. SKK Migas also expects Saka Energi's commitment to developing Kepodang Field in the future, "he said.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), the parent company of Saka Energi in the agenda of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS), had stated that in December last year there was an agreement with SKK Migas to continue the gas distribution from Kepodang Field. 

Kepodang Field Petronas

    PGAS Commercial Director Dilo Seno Widagdo said, his party indeed hoped it could still continue the gas distribution. "Saka Energi hopes that it can continue distribution while Petronas does not. We expect distribution in January or next month [February]," he said.

Efforts to resume gas distribution in the Muriah WK are in line with the planned improvement of the Saka Energi portfolio through the development of exploration and exploration around the Muriah Block. "If it can be opened again it could be more because the pressure has risen so that it can be more than 26 mmscfd," Dilo said.

PGAS Managing Director Gigih Prakoso said efforts to improve the Saka portfolio were the main programs this year.

"Some portfolios are not productive so that they can have a negative impact on Saka's overall performance," he said.


Pekan ini, Nasib Gas Kepodang Dibahas 

Rencana penyaluran kembali gas Lapangan Kepodang yang terhenti sejak sejak 23 September 2019 akan ditentukan pekan ini. 

    Deputi Operasi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Julius Wiratno mengatakan, pihaknya bersama Petronas Carigali Muriah Ltd dan Saka Energi akan menggelar pertemuan umuk Finalisasi nasib lapangan di Blok Muriah ini.

“(Pembicaraan) business to business masih belum selesai, tenggat waktu Jumat [24/1] difinalisasi. Semoga segera cepat mengalir dan menambah produlsif kata dia.

Julius menjelaskan, diskusi kedua pihak masih terkendala perihal kewajiban setelah operasional. Selain itu potensi cadangan tersisa diperkirakan hanya sedikit. Meski tidak memerinci jumlahnya, SKK Migas menyebutkan potensi yang ada masih mungkin untuk eksplorasi. SKK Migas juga mengharapkan komitmen Saka Energi untuk pengembangan Lapangan Kepodang ke depannya,” Kata dia.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGAS), induk usaha Saka Energi dalam agenda Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB), sempat menyatakan jika Desember tahun lalu telah ada kesepakatan dengan SKK Migas umnuk meneruskan penyaluran gas dari Lapangan Kepodang.

   Direktur Komersial PGAS Dilo Seno Widagdo menuturkan, pihaknya memang berharap masih dapat melanjutkan penyaluran gas. Saka Energi berharap masih bisa melanjutkan penyaluran sementara Petronas tidak Kami memperkirakan penyaluran pada Januari atau bulan depan [Februari],” katanya.

Upaya meneruskan kembali penyaluran gas di WK Muriah selaras dengan rencana perbaikan portofolio Saka Energi melalui pengembangan elsplorasi dan eksplokasi di sekitar Blok Muriah “Pada waktu ditutup [penghentian penyaluran] volume akhir 26 mmscfd. Jika dbuka lagi bisa lebih, karena tekanan sudah naik sehingga bisa lebih dari 26 mmscfd," ujar Dilo.

Direktur Utama PGAS Gigih Prakoso bilang upaya memperbaiki portofolio Saka adalah program utama di tahun ini. 

”Beberapa portofolio tidak produktif sehingga bisa memberikan dampak negatif terhadap kinerja Saka secara keseluruhan,” sebut dia.

Kontan, Page-14, Friday, Jan 24, 2020

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